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HSE Exercise 2018

Over 700 new bachelor and master students participated in the first compulsory HSE exercise in Grimstad on the 3. and 4. of September.

This article is more than two years old, and may contain outdated information.

Studentene deltar på brannøvelse. Foto: Anette Hauso
Studentene deltar på brannøvelse. Foto: Anette Hauso

UiA is the first university in Norway to arrange an HSE exercise of this size and provides the foundation for further focus on open laboratories for engineering students. The exercise was conducted with great success.

HMS Innovation

The exercise consisted of lectures in laboratory behavior, protective equipment, machinery, chemicals and data security. The students were given guided tours in the laboratories.

The students were followed to stations where they conducted fire training, general first aid and use of cardiac arrest machine. There were also lectures with the thematic of bullying, harassment and data security.

From Idea to Action

Initiator and chief engineer Rita Sølvi Ditlefsen praise the students. She believes that this is good for the psychosocial working environment.

“By offering a good exercise in HSE we get enthusiastic students. UiA wishes to start a kind of tradition, and be a good role model for other institutions”, says Ditlefsen.

Overingeniør Rita Sølvi Ditlefsen

Senior engineer Rita Sølvi Ditlefsen. Photo: Anette Hauso

HSE Advisor Helge Wehus has organized the exercise in collaboration with the management at the Faculty of Technology and Science. He is very pleased with the efforts of all who have contributed.

"The organization of the exercise shows the employee's commitment to safety and creates an early relationship between management and students," says Wehus.

HMS rådgiver Helge Wehus

To the right: HSE Advisor Helge Wehus. Photo: Anette Hauso

Information Security

The theme of data security involved many people with the introduction "No one's hacking me".

Awareness about data security is more important than ever. The students got an introduction to what is expected. Apparently harmless information such as images provides information about personal relationships that may be used for dangerous purposes.

The CEO of DIGFO Geir Andre Strømsvold did a lecture in computer security.

“This is exciting, smart and very fun. It is important to make the students aware of how things are done in the digital world. We can call this "HSE online" and provide a good basis for good attitudes towards data security, "says Strømsvold.

Geir Andre Strømsvold

The CEO of DIGFO Geir Andre Strømsvold did a lecture in computer security. Photo: Anette Hauso

Engaged Students

The HSE exercise is conducted to offer open labs without compromising on student’s safety.  This increases the freedom to work on projects outside ordinary opening hours, which is welcomed by the students.

“Why have we not had this opportunity before?” HSE exercise has been useful and, not least, engaging and creates increased security about own abilities and independent work in the laboratories, says master’s student in Mechatronics Sondre Johnsen.

Student Sondre Johnsen

Master’s student in Mechatronics Sondre Johnsen.