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Call for participation! Site-related Art: Artistic project in Lesvos, Summer 2023

The Faculty of Fine Arts offers an opportunity to explore site-related art at a specific site on the Greek island of Lesvos, Summer 2023

Illustration: Art students at Lesvos, Greece

The Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Agder offers an opportunity to explore site-related art at a specific site – Lesvos Island – as a part of a summer course this year. 

The partaking students will be able to undergo a thorough and intensive investigation of art around physical sites by enrolling in a 15-credit module, Site-related Art - Lesvos (KH-141-1). A central part of this module is participating in the workshop led by the coordinator, Assoc. Professor Elmedin Žunić and Advisor Adrian Førde Andersson.

Site-related Art - Lesvos (KH-141-1) is a module at UiA's Faculty of Fine Arts undergraduate level. However, the module is open to anyone interested in art around site-specificities. We look for motivated applicants who can work independently and in groups. The idea is to bring together participants who have an intensity in what they do and a particular interest in what is happening worldwide. A successful project depends on good communication with supervisors and partners. Once admitted to the module, we expect you to commit to start developing your project quickly.

The workshop will be held in Lesvos, Greece, from August 06 to August 11, 2023. 

The application deadline is on May 19, at 13:00. 

Admission requirements:

  • Transcripts: minimum 60 ECTS of creative studies.
  • Motivation letter: Upon applying for the module, we ask you to attach a letter of motivation in which you say something about yourself: i. e. your ambitions in enrolling in this course. Share your thoughts related to Lesvos that you find intriguing. (approx. 1000 words)

 Please also include a motivation letter in the form. The application is now closed.


Travelling and costs:

UiA will cover costs for accommodation and dietary in Lesvos. As there is a limited number of places, we will ask our participants to pay a deposit in advance, equivalent to the accommodation costs of NOK 4235. This amount will be fully refunded after your stay in Lesvos. In case of no show, a deposit percentage will be kept.

All participants must cover their travel costs, individual transport on Lesvos, and a semester fee of NOK 750, - which is mandatory for all UiA students.

For participants from Norway, we recommend travelling with Apollo from Oslo Gardermoen on August 6 at 06:00 directly to Mitilini. The return is estimated on August 11, with departure from Mitilini at 11.35 and arrival at Gardermoen at 14:15. The plane ticket amounts to NOK 4582. 

Kick off:

Prior to launching the module, there will be a kick-off on June 2 for this eventful, intellectual endeavour. Educators who have been working in Lesvos in different capacities will share their experiences from the field. This happening is a formidable occasion for getting to know each other, having conversations, or simply expressing your curiosities about the module.

Hybrid mode

The Kick-off will be hybrid, considering that some participants may be unable to attend the event in person.

The module is divided into three parts, with each one of these being essential for completing the module:

Part 1 - Preliminary work:

As a part of the preliminary work, you must introduce a project that takes Lesvos as a point of departure: We ask you to send a written proposal for an art project in which you conceptualise Lesvos. Lesvos is a place loaded with many connotations – both modern and antique. We want to see how you imagine it in terms of its history and its contemporaneity. More importantly, how does your project fit into a self-selected framework? It will be up to each one of you to articulate how.

Part 2 - Workshop on Lesvos:

The workshop is a one-week intensive work on Lesvos with independent site-related artistic practice, possibly in groups. Daily supervision meetings and reflections are vital.

Note! The temperature in Lesvos can reach up to 40 degrees Celsius. Therefore, we advise precaution as the experiences can be unpleasant if unprepared.

Part 3 - Follow-up work and examination: 

After the workshop, the focus will be on the project's further development. As in the previous stages, dialogue with the supervisor will be crucial. The students will present both examination and showing of the project outcome digitally. This screening and a reflection note constitute the module exam at the end of September 2023.

For questions regarding admission, travel info etc., please contact:


For questions regarding the content and other questions about the module, please contact:

Elmedin Zunic at elmedin.zunic@uia.no or Adrian Førde Andersson at adrian.f.andersson@uia.no