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Voluntary exchange in Norway

35 organizations and over 100 people participated in an event focused on networking, fellowship and cooperation.

This article is more than two years old, and may contain outdated information.

The volunteer center in the municipality of Grimstad arranged a voluntary exchange on 11 October 2018. 35 organizations participated, representing voluntary organizations, public and private companies and individuals. There were over 100 persons present at the exchange.

The Interreg In For Care project, led by the University of Agder, and focusing on innovation in volunteering and informal care, was also present.

The exchange was opened by Kjetil Glimsdal, mayor of Grimstad, and Kristin Sigmond, manager of the volunteer center. Every organization brought their own poster with information on the efforts they needed, and what they could offer in exchange. There were seven stands with different themes such as practical hands, wise heads, warm hearts.

Each stand had a broker negotiated between the parties and the agreements were done in writing. The next step was to give the agreements to the notaries that collected them and made them visible to the fair trade on a screen. In total 95 agreements of voluntary tasks were exchanged. The participants were smiling, energized and satisfied with their exchanges.