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Workshopping a new tool for volunteer managers

The UiA-led Interreg project In For Care organised a workshop with end-users of the volunteer manage system called Frida on Tuesday 4th September.

This article is more than two years old, and may contain outdated information.

The participants worked as volunteer centre employees responsible for managing and connecting volunteers with people in need in their municipality. The Frida system is developed by the Norwegian company EVRY.

In the workshop, the participants shared their first impressions of Frida after a few months trialling the system. They set up a wishlist of features and potential improvements related to their daily work.

"They were generally satisfied, although they need more time to get used to the system. It takes time to explore the new functionalities that EVRY will implement based on their needs", says associate professor at the University of Agder, Santiago Martinez.

The testing of Frida is part of the Interreg project In For Care, aiming to develop innovation in service delivery by optimizing informal and formal networks related to informal care and voluntary assistance.

The workshop was held at the University of Agder's Campus Grimstad. 16 participants from the municipalities of Grimstad, Vennesla and Songdalen participated.