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Strategic Framework for School of Business and Law 2021–2024

Who we are

  • We are a university-based and forward leaning business school offering business programs at all levels, as well as offering a robust bachelor program in law.
  • We offer distinct international and practiceoriented experiences to our students.
  • We are regionally connected and globally engaged.
  • We are closely connected to our regional partners – offering a major opportunity to co-create knowledge and secure relevance in all our activities.
  • We seek to move even closer to our partners through joint research, tighter interaction in the delivery of education programs and ambitious co-creation of executive education.
  • Closeness and proximity are key words along several dimensions at the school.

What we do

We fulfill the three main parts of the “social mission” being: 

  • Teaching
  • Research
  • Outreach

We offer an effective, well-organized, and inclusive internal organization 

We base our activities on the following three pillars:

  • International
  • Innovative
  • Responsible

Interdisciplinary priority areas at the university level

With some examples of where the School of Business and Law can contribute

Technology in a changing society

  • Circular economy, regulatory framework, EUs Green Deal etc.
  • ESG-reporting & responsible investments, LCAs
  • Public procurement
  • Regional innovation systems

Demokrati og medborgerskap

  • Governance
  • Emerging markets
  • Sustainable capitalism
  • Public Law

The Green Transition

  • Circular economy, regulatory framework, EUs Green Deal etc.
  • ESG-reporting & responsible investments, LCAs
  • Public procurement
  • Regional innovation systems

Health and living conditions

  • Health Economics
  • Health Law
  • Micro Finance
  • Social innovation to improve living conditions

Learning and personal growth

  • Behavioural Economics
  • Crowdfunding
  • Ethics
  • Financial literacy

Art and society

  • Cultural Economics
  • Project Management
  • Service Innovation
  • Legal issues

Strategic Framework for School of Business and Law 2021–2024