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Adopted by the UiA University Board 16 June 2020

Strategy 2021 ⟶ 2024

Vision: Co-creation of tomorrow’s knowledge

Values: Openness. Trust. Academic quality. Respect.

Our academic culture

Academic freedom. We have a culture of academic quality, creativity, boldness, critical thinking and ethical reflection. We stand up for the independence of universities and academics.

Sustainability. We contribute to the achievement of the UN’s sustainability goals through relevant, interdisciplinary and inclusive research, education and innovation. We are open to the world and show solidarity. 

Diversity. Our knowledge community is characterised by equality and inclusion.

Our mission

We co-create and disseminate knowledge in close collaboration with regional, national and international partners. Through critical reflection, we contribute to innovation that has positive impact on society. 

Interdisciplinary priority areas

Societal challenges cross borders, and a changing world demands innovation. UiA is committed to interdisciplinary efforts to find sustainable solutions.

Technology in a changing society

The green transition

Democracy and active citizenship

Health and living conditions

Learning and personal growth

Art in society


Main objective: Our students are active participants in the knowledge community, together with researchers, members of the larger community and the professional sphere.

UiA educates and shapes candidates who are well prepared for the future society and working life. Our candidates shall be able to acquire and apply new knowledge in new ways throughout their lives. All students at UiA shall receive input enabling them to become committed global citizens. They have skills in critical thinking, analytical and ethical reflection skills.

UiA’s strategic priorities for education: 

  • Emphasise sustainability expertise, generic skills, interdisciplinarity and global challenges in our degree programmes. 
  • Ensure that our study programmes have a high degree of varied student participative and practice-oriented learning.
  • Develop innovative teaching and assessments methods that contribute to good learning. 
  • Increase internationalisation at home and abroad.
  • Develop relevant study offers for lifelong learning.


Research and artistic development work

Main objective: Our research and our artistic development work is outstanding, critical, innovative and relevant to society. 

UiA conducts research and artistic development work at a high international level. UiA develops new knowledge, challenges established knowledge and contributes solutions to interdisciplinary societal challenges. UiA disseminates knowledge from its academic activities, both through teaching and through contributing to the public debate, with research-based knowledge and artistic forms of expression. 

UiA’s strategic priorities for research and artistic development work: 

  • Create space for research and artistic development work and strengthen a culture of quality. 
  • Increase participation in renowned national and international research arenas through active research dissemination and presence in the academic debate. 
  • Build a knowledge base for sustainable social development and value creation, in collaboration with regional, national and international partners. 
  • Establish more research and development projects in active co-creation with business and industry, the public sector and civil society. 
  • Increase student participation in research and artistic development work.
  • Increased dissemination and sharing of research-based knowledge as participants and premise providers in public debate regionally, nationally and internationally. 
  • Strengthen PhD programmes.

External relations and innovation

Main objective: We are a recognised partner with visibility and relevance regionally, nationally and internationally. 

UiA challenges and cooperates closely with society, business and industry to contribute to knowledge development, sustainable value creation and societal change. UiA has a clear role as a facilitator and contributor to  increased entrepreneurship and innovation. UiA is an active partner working with business and industry to ensure that our students are in demand and equipped for future employment. 

UiA’s strategic priorities for external relations and innovation: 

  • Develop and participate in strategic arenas for co-creation. 
  • Establish and strengthen strategic partnerships in common focus areas. 
  • Strengthen continuing education and training programmes in dialogue with society, business and industry. 
  • Improve culture, skills and areas for innovation, entrepreneurship and commercialisation of research and artistic development work among students, staff and external partners.
  • Strengthen the university’s alumni activities. 
  • Contribute actively to evidence-based public debate.

Work and learning environment

Main objective: Our work and learning environment is attractive, inclusive and dynamic.

UiA is a growing and developing future-oriented university. We are able to adapt to new framework conditions, disruptive societal events, new technologies and a rapidly changing labour market. Our work and learning environment is attractive. We attract good students and recruit and retain talented employees.

UiA’s strategic priorities for institutional sustainability:

  • Ensure good framework conditions for learning, research and artistic development work, and innovation. 
  • Ensure a good and sustainable resource management that allows for renewal and enables strategic initiatives.
  • Have an ambitious recruitment policy for students, faculty and staff.
  • Ensure good inclusion of international faculty, staff and students. 
  • Develop future-oriented campuses. 
  • Further develop Kristiansand and Grimstad as university towns, in collaboration with the host municipalities and the region.
  • Continue the good partnership with student and union representatives.
  • Adjust our activities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve the environmental footprint. 
  • Continued commitment to high quality work throughout our organisation.