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Iris Nguyen Duy, Associate Professor at the School of Business and Law, France

What I appreciate in Norway is the egalitarian, “flat”, social structure, also in the working environment. I like particularly the Norwegian motto “With freedom comes responsibility” (“Frihet under ansvar”).

Iris Nguyen Duy

Associate Professor

I started as an Associate Professor at the University of Agder in August 2017 at the department of Law, School of Business and Law, specializing primarily in Norwegian and comparative constitutional law, local government issues, administrative law and human rights.

Prior to joining UiA, I worked as a high executive officer at UNE (The Norwegian Immigration appeal board) where I had the responsibility for several appeal cases against the Directorate of Immigration (UDI)’s decisions in asylum and immigration cases. Thereafter, I held a position as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Oslo where my main subject study was the ‘Storting’, the Norwegian parliament.

I attended the University Pantheon-Assas (Paris II) in France and I completed my PhD degree at the University Pantheon-Sorbonne (Paris I) on the sovereignty of the British parliament. My research focuses mainly on legal challenges related to parliamentary sovereignty and to strong parliaments. My current research projects investigate legal solutions to digital disinformation (“fake news”), as well as the compensation of political work in Norway, at both national and local levels.

The University of Agder is a modern and dynamic university with high ambitions; it embraces change, new ideas and diversity. I would definitely recommend UiA to both Norwegian and international colleagues. I am currently in a very cooperative environment with many stimulating colleagues and students.

Exceptional learning environment

The School of Business and Law has international staff from all corners of the world and we work in both English and Norwegian languages.

The learning environment at the University of Agder is exceptional because the academic staff are aware of, and truly make efforts to appeal to, the broad and unique set of learning preferences that each of our students possess. Doing so ensures and optimizes learning at all levels in the classroom and elsewhere. I am honored to be a member of a faculty that so deeply and genuinely cares about the success of their students.

Research-intensive University

The School of Business and Law is filled with excellent scholars who also value work-life balance.  My university has good resources for teaching improvement and research growth and our faculty supports staff to travel on conferences and seminars in order to extend international networks, present research papers and strengthen global cooperation.

Last year, I taught Business law at the bachelor level for students taking their degree in translation and intercultural communication. I will begin teaching a course in human rights for bachelor students in law in the fall.

My department is expanding, and we have newly created a research group in comparative law. It covers a wide specter of disciplines, with an emphasis on comparative legal methods, cultures and comparative public law issues.

What I appreciate in Norway is the egalitarian, “flat”, social structure, also in the working environment. I like particularly the Norwegian motto “With freedom comes responsibility” (“Frihet under ansvar”). The work pressure comes more from ourselves than from the bosses. Academic work is of course demanding, and we try to achieve excellency; nevertheless, I still think that we are given a certain freedom and independence that stimulate creativity and critical thinking.

Gender Equality and the Norwegian welfare system

Norway has an outstanding gender equality policy and I am myself part of the “Equality project” with several other female associate professors at the university. Through this program, we get particular guidance and coaching from mentors to increase our chances to reach professorship.

As a parent, I highly appreciate the Norwegian welfare system. The facilities for employees and students are excellent, such as the Hokus Pokus kindergarten. The staff is helpful and supportive and as an example: when students are in the exam period, the kindergarten extend opening hours (it opens on Saturday), so the parents have enough time to focus on their reading.

Kristiansand City: a gem in the South of Norway

My first impression of Kristiansand has been very positive: it is a gem on the sea side in the beautiful Sørlandet region! Kristiansand is a charming small city with narrow cobblestone streets, magnificent white wooden houses and a vibrant community of students. I am currently living in an apartment right in the heart of Lund neighborhood, and I really enjoy walking to the University every morning.