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Monica Torstveit, Professor at the Faculty of Health and Sports Science, Norway

The vision of UiA about co-creation of knowledge, the short way to leadership, the feeling of being heard and recognized are such great advantages for employees.

Monica Torstveit


I am currently an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Health and Sport Science, Department of Public Health, Sport and Nutrition.

In addition to my work, I also serve as a consultant for the regional centre of the Norwegian Olympic and Paralympic Committee (Region South) where my job is to help the centre to apply science in the education of their staff and members and to provide coaching and training support for the top level athletes and coaches in our region.

I am affiliated to the department of Public Health, Sport and Nutrition and I am proudly celebrating this year my 10th work anniversary at UiA.

My current research interests include the physical conditions and lifestyles of different sociodemographic groups, high performance culture, eating disorders among female and male athletes and the limits of human performance. In my current role, I try to highlight the importance of exercise among the large population as we try to encourage exercise and healthy lifestyle choices.

Also, in my institute we attempt to ask the right questions that will allow us to uncover the winning combination of factors that reduce health risk and encourage a sustainable healthy lifestyle in both active and inactive individuals. I especially have the passion of applying science to the everyday athlete.

Cross-disciplinary approach to education and research

What I appreciate most in UiA is the possibility to collaborate across disciplines and faculties. I am currently involved in a project about Artificial Intelligence and find this particularly motivating.

I am responsible for different courses at different levels with subjects related to physical activity, training and sport nutrition.

Excellent working atmosphere

I truly enjoy coming to work where we have such a friendly atmosphere. The good culture at UiA is reinforced from the top down and starts with the leadership; a group of people who are refreshingly down to earth, approachable and caring. It is inspiring to work for a university which does its utmost for its employees and students.

Strong focus on research and international collaboration

In my faculty, we are organized in four different research groups and it is working very well. In our research group PASTA, both Master and PhD students take part in the research efforts and the discussions among students and professors lead to very positive results.

As an academic at UiA, I get the opportunity to attend international conferences. I've already visited nice places in Turkey, England, Iceland and the United States. It's a real thrill to present my own research on such occasions, talk with others from my discipline and hear about new ideas. The amount of freedom is one of the great things about being an employee at UiA, but it's also one of the most challenging as it is not easy always to strike the right balance between work and family life.

UiA provides great settings to succeed as a researcher and academic. The vision of UiA about co-creation of knowledge, the short way to leadership, the feeling of being heard and recognized are such great advantages for employees.

An idyllic environment

UiA is based within an idyllic natural environment where there are many possibilities to be physically active: It is close to the city centre but still only 5 minutes from the Jegersberg area located right next to campus. Marked tracks and swimming spots are just a stone’s throw from the study halls.

The surroundings in Kristiansand are fantastic! When you work at UiA, there is a short way to the sea and you are close to many beautiful forests and mountains. I can go hiking almost every day. I like particularly to plan jogging meetings with some colleagues right outside the office-  it is a great opportunity to combine physical training with discussions related to professional projects.

In the winter, I love cross-country skiing in Setesdal valley and taking part in other exciting winter activities.