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New learning centre for students and staff

Do you need guidance on writing, help with maths, a room for a workshop, or test a technical issue? The new learning centre in the library on Campus Kristiansand is set to open soon.

This article is more than two years old, and may contain outdated information.

Teaching assistants at MatRIC Drop-in are looking forward to starting their service in the new learning centre.
Teaching assistants at MatRIC Drop-in are looking forward to starting their service in the new learning centre.

“This is going to be great. We will now be located more centrally on campus, and it will be easier for everyone to find us”, say teacher students Martin Nordskog and Hallvard Arntzen Foss, who are both teaching assistants at MatRIC Drop-in.

From Friday 8 April, you will find them at the new learning centre on the ground floor of the library on Campus Kristiansand. UiA’s resources and services for students and staff will now be located in one place.

MatRIC Drop-in, which is UiA’s drop-in service offering mathematics support, will be staffed from 10:00 to 14:00 every weekday. They will also use the new training rooms at the learning centre for workshops.

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A proper ‘stue’ or living room

Johanna Marcussen, who is studying a master’s degree in coastal ecology and is a writing mentor at Skrivestua, is also looking forward to using the new facilities.

“The location is more central, there is more space, and we also have the opportunity to sit in more shielded spaces when required”, Marcussen says.

Skrivestua is UiA’s drop-in offer for students and staff who write academic texts. Up until now, the service has occupied a small corner on the second floor of the library. With the new premises, Skrivestua can be furnished like a pleasant living room, as the Norwegian name implies.

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An arena for co-creation

The new learning centre will be used for workshops, courses and lectures. There is also room for individual and group study spaces for students.

“We want to provide a space for students and staff to share experiences and knowledge with each other, and take advantage of the synergy that can arise when creating a shared physical and virtual learning space”, says John Olav Glastad Bjørnestad, director at UiA PULS - Centre for Teaching and Learning.

The learning centre will therefore not be a quiet area, although consideration for others is encouraged.

This is what you will find at the learning centre:

The various courses UiA PULS offers will take place in the training rooms. In addition there is a separate technical room for students and teachers for podcasts and videos and to try the technical and digital options that are available in auditoriums and classrooms at the university.

When the rooms are not being used for training, teaching or course activities, they are available to everyone.

“We hope the learning centre will contribute to increased learning outcomes, provide conditions for a good psychosocial learning environment - and be an important step towards finding good solutions for the teaching facilities of the future”, says Bjørnestad.

The learning centre will be officially opened at 12:00 on 7 April. From 13:00-15:00 there will be guided tours, competitions and mini-courses in study skills, referencing and academic language. Open to everyone.