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29. Aug 2023
kl 10:15 - 23:00

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Campus Kristiansand - Kunnskapsparken (bygg 19), Sørlandet auditorium

Registration deadline

No deadline specified

Disputation: Mahsa Samsami: The entrepreneurial tradition: Institutionalized in a Culture and in a Family. Navigation from Gold to Green

You may follow the disputation online. Link for registration as an online spectator at the bottom of this page.


29 Aug
kl 10:15 - 23:00

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Campus Kristiansand - Kunnskapsparken (bygg 19), Sørlandet auditorium

Registration deadline

No deadline specified

Mahsa Samsami will defend the thesis “The entrepreneurial tradition: Institutionalized in a Culture and in a Family. Navigation from Gold to Green»  for the PhD degree.

Samsami has followed the Ph.D. programme at the School of Business and Law.

Trial lecture starts at 10.15

Public defence starts at 12.00

Title of trial lecture: “Succession Planning in Family Businesses: Challenges and Solutions”. 

Read the thesis in AURA.

Disputation chair: Dean, Roger Henning Normann

Assessment committee:

  • First opponent: Associate Professor Mette Søgaard Nielsen, Syddanske Universitet
  • Second opponent: Professor Kim Klyver, Syddanske Universitet
  • Chair of assessment committee: Professor Andreas Wald, UiA

Supervisors in the doctoral work:

  • Main supervisor: Professor Thomas Schött, UiA

What to do as an online audience member:

The disputation is open to the public. To follow the trial lecture and the public defense online, register on Zoom.

We ask online audience members to join no earlier than 10 minutes in advance. After these times, you can leave and rejoin the meeting at any time.

Opponent ex auditorio:

Deadline for the public to pose questions is during the break between the two opponents. Questions ex auditorio can be submitted to Gunvor Guttormsen.