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19. Dec 2023
kl 10:15 - 23:00

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Disputation: Mugula Chris Safari: Intellectual disability and participation in digital technology design activities: A catalyst for social inclusion

You may follow the disputation at campus or online. Link for registration as an online spectator at the bottom of this page.

Mugula Chris Safari will be holding his disputation at 19 December 10:15 at Campus Grimstad C2 040


19 Dec
kl 10:15 - 23:00

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Mugula Chris Safari will defend the thesis "Intellectual disability and participation in digital technology design activities: A catalyst for social inclusion". 

Safari has followed the Ph.D. programme at The Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences.

Trial lecture starts at 10:15.  

Public defence starts at 12:30.  

Title of trial lecture:  "Navigating the challenges and practicality of developing inclusive solutions: universal design versus design for particular user groups" 

See a summary of the thesis.

Disputation chair: Professor Anders Johan Wickstrøm Andersen, dean at Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences, UiA 

Assessment committee: 

  • First opponent: Professor Marilyn Lennon, Computer and Information Sciences, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK 
  • Second opponent: Chief Research Scientist Kristin Skeide Fuglerud, Norwegian Computing Centre and Associate professor II, Department of Health and Social Sciences, University of South-Eastern Norway.   
  • Chair of assessment committee: Associate Professor Bård Erlend Solstad, Department of Sport Science and Physical Education, University of Ager 

Supervisors in the doctoral work: 

  • Main supervisor: Professor Elin Thygesen, Department of Health and Nursing Science, University of Agder 
  • Co-supervisor: Associate Professor Sofie Wass, Department of Information Systems, University of Agder  

What to do as an online audience member: 

The disputation is open to the public. To follow the trial lecture and the public defence online, register on Zoom.

We ask online audience members to join no earlier than 10 minutes in advance. After these times, you can leave and rejoin the meeting at any time.  

Opponent ex auditorio

Deadline for the public to pose questions is during the break between the two opponents. Questions ex auditorio can be submitted to:  

Disputation chair: Professor Anders Johan Wickstrøm Andersen 

PhD-adm: Eli Andås