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Anne Marit Føreland

Associate Professor

I2059 ( Universitetsveien 25, Kristiansand )

30 years of nursing experience mainly from Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

Specialist in Clinical Nursing (Norwegian Nursing Association 2009)

Pediatric nurse (UiA 2002-2003) 

Counseling (pedagogy) (UiA 2005/06)

Master`s degree (UiA 2012-2014)

Associate Professor(April 2021) Department of Health and Nursing Sciences,Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences,University of Agder)

Fasilitator-/Train-the-trainer course in medical simulation (UiA 2023)

Research interests

 See also Scientific publications and Selected publications

2017-01 - present Project: "A non-separation approach for very preterm infants in the delivery room: Does it matter for child outcomes and maternal mental health?" Ongoing study coordinated/led by Laila Kristoffersen NTNU/St. Olavs Hospital, in collaboration with Drammen Hospital and Sørlandet Hospital SSHF. SSHF joined from January 2017. Data collection was completed in October 2020. Description of the study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5153813/ My role: Project team member/local project leader until August 2020. I am the primary author of a scientific article from a qualitative study that complements the quantitative articles in the main study.

2019-11 - 2020-05 Project: Effects of nutrition therapy on growth, inflammation, and metabolism in premature infants; a double-blind, randomized, controlled trial. My role: Responsible for the practical organization of SSHF's follow-up part of this  Ullevål-study (data collection). https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s12887-020-02425-x


Courses and teaching

Bachelor of Nursing

Master's program in pediatric nursing

Work experience

Mainly as a nurse/pediatric nurse at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Hospital of Southern Norway (from 1987)


Home district nursing Kr.sand (1986/87)

The Pediatric Ward, Hospital of Southern Norway (1987-90 og 2001)

Neonatal Intensiv Care Unit, Oslo University Hospital (2009/10)

University of Agder, Department of Health and Nursing Sciences (2004/05; 2011; 2020-t.d.)

Academic interests

Pediatrics and Neonatal Nursing, specializing in the following areas:

-Pain management in premature/newborn infants 

-Acute neonatal situations, quality work

-Neonatal phototherapy 

-Kangaroo care/early skin-to-skin contact

-Neonatal end-of-life care

-Establishment and Operation of Human Milk Bank 

-Transport of high risk neonates

-Supervision of students 


Different clinical quality and research projects related to neonatal nursing: pain, resuscitation/ acute situations, end of life care, human milk bank, NIDCAP, Family Centered Care, immediate Kangaroo Mother Care.   

Selected publications

Føreland, A.M., Engesland,H., Kristoffersen, L, & Fegran; L. (2023). Tidlig hudkontakt er viktig også ved svært premature fødsler. Tidsskriftet Sykepleien.
cademic article. DOI 10.4220/Sykepleiens.2023.91977

Føreland, A. M. (2009). Øvelse gir mestring. Sykepleien forskning (Oslo)(5), 54-58.
Academic article. https://doi.org/10.4220/sykepleiens.2009.0041

Føreland, A. M., Handeland, S., & Johnsen, R. T. (1999a). Påvirker sukkervann blodsukkerverdien hos nyfødte?
Tidsskriftet Sykepleien, 19/1999.

Føreland, A. M., Handeland, S., & Johnsen, R. T. (1999b). Smerter hos nyfødte kan lindres. Academic article. Tidsskriftet Sykepleien, 19/1999.

Føreland, A. M., Handeland, S., Johnsen, R. T., Danielsen, K., & Trydal, T. (2002). The influence of oral sucrose for procedural pain of the blood glucose value in neonates. The Journal of Maternal-fetal & neonatal medicine, Volume 11 Supplement 1: Book of abstracts from XVIII European Congress Of Perinatal Medicine.


Scientific publications

  • Føreland, Anne Marit; Engesland, Helene; Kristoffersen, Laila; Fegran, Liv (2022). Postpartum Experiences of Early Skin-to-Skin Contact and the Traditional Separation Approach After a Very Preterm Birth: A Qualitative Study Among Mothers. Global Qualitative Nursing Research. ISSN: 2333-3936. 9doi:10.1177/23333936221097116.
  • Føreland, Anne Marit; Rosenberg, Lene; Johannessen, Berit (2016). Nurses' experiences using conventional overhead phototherapy versus fibreoptic blankets for the treatment of neonatal hyperbilirubinemia. Journal of Neonatal Nursing. ISSN: 1355-1841. 22 (3). s 108 - 114. doi:10.1016/j.jnn.2016.01.001.
  • Føreland, Anne Marit (2024). Skin-to-skin contact immediately after very preterm birth.
  • Skogedal, Magnus; Føreland, Anne Marit (2023). UiA- og UiO-studenter simulerer sammen.
  • Føreland, Anne Marit (2023). Mødres opplevelser fra de første timer etter svært prematur fødsel der mor og barn får tidlig hudkontakt eller atskilles..
  • Klausen, A. B., Karen; Føreland, Anne Marit (2023). Promoteringvideo for masterstudiet i Barnesykepleie. Ble produsert etter foresepørsel fra Barnesykepleieforbundet (BSF). Til bruk for BSF, evt også ved UiA..
  • Føreland, Anne Marit (2022). A qualitative study on phototherapy: Nurses` experiences using conventional overhead phototherapy versus fiberoptic blankets..
  • Føreland, Anne Marit (2022). What is the mother s experience? A study of incubator or skin-to-skin contact immediately after a very preterm birth..
  • Føreland, Anne Marit; skogedal, magnus nødland (2022). "Study highlights the importance of earlier contact between mothers and premature babies". Intervju som er oversatt fra Forskning.no og ble publisert ved flere intenasjonale nettsteder..
  • Føreland, Anne Marit; skogedal, magnus nødland (2022). "Tidlig hudkontakt – også for premature barn." https://www.instagram.com/bua_sorlandetsykehus/.
  • Føreland, Anne Marit; Bjøranger, Ada (2022). Programpost på Sørlandssendinga:«Vil ha tidlig hud mot hud»..

Last changed: 22.12.2023 11:12