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Nabami Armande Mahabi

PhD Candidate

17109 ( Universitetsveien 17, Kristiansand )

Armande Mahabi Nabami is a doctoral student in International Business at the School of Business & Law (University of Agder). Her research focuses on the analysis of savings groups in developing countries, a topic she has been researching on since her Masters, looking at issues related to gender, financial inclusion and group performance.

She holds a specialized master's degree in Microfinance from the Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management (SBS-EM) and a master's degree in financial management from the Catholic University of Bukavu (Democratic Republic of Congo).

After obtaining her degree in financial management in 2017, she worked in Bukavu (South Kivu) with organisations aiming at improving women's socio-economic conditions. These include the Panzi Foundation (founded by the Nobel prize winner 2018 Dr. Denis Mukwege), the NGO Beatil/Alt and SEMA (the Global Network of Victims and Survivors of Wartime Sexual Violence). She has since developed a passion for issues relating to the economic and social empowerment of vulnerable women, who are often grouped together in community self-help groups (savings groups, self-help groups). She believes in the power of collective agency as a mechanism for tackling the challenges faced by marginalised populations, particularly women.

Scientific publications

Last changed: 9.06.2023 20:06