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Barbro Grevholm

Professor Emerita

Professor emerita in Mathematics Education

#Research interests: #Teacher education #Developmentat Research #Mathematical Problemsolving #Concept development in mathematics #Mathematics textbooks #Gender and mathematics


Ongoing projects #Teaching Better Mathematics #Textbooks in mathematics #Mathematics teacher education #The EU-project M3EaL

Scientific publications

  • Grevholm, Barbro (2021). Recent Nordic research in mathematics education illustrated by examples from NORMA17. Mathematics. ISSN: 2227-7390. 9 (8). doi:10.3390/math9080803.
  • Portankova-Koivisto, Päivi; Grevholm, Barbro (2019). Prospective mathematics teachers? self-referential metaphors as indicators of the emerging professional identity. LUMAT: International Journal on Math, Science and Technology Education. ISSN: 2323-7104. 7 (2). s 97 - 109. doi:10.31129/LUMAT.7.2.343.
  • Strässer, Rudolf; Grevholm, Barbro (2019). The German Speaking Didactic Tradition. European Traditions in Didactics of Mathematics. ISBN: 978-3-030-05514-1. Springer Nature. Chapter 6. s 123 - 151.
  • Rensaa, Ragnhild Johanne; Grevholm, Barbro (2017). A textbook in linear algebra - the use and views of engineering students. Mathematics textbooks, their content, use and influences. Research in Nordic and Baltic countries. ISBN: 9788202566296. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. 20. s 447 - 470.
  • Atweh, Bill; Rossi Becker, Joanne; Grevholm, Barbro; Knijnik, Gelsa; Martignon, Laura; Subramanian, Jayasree (2017). Equity in Mathematics Education (Including Gender). Proceedings of the 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education ICME-13. ISBN: 978-3-319-62596-6. Springer. chapter. s 531 - 536.
  • Randahl, Mira; Grevholm, Barbro (2017). Learning opportunities offered by a classical calculus textbook. Mathematics textbooks, their content, use and influences. Research in Nordic and Baltic countries. ISBN: 9788202566296. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. 19. s 423 - 446.
  • Grevholm, Barbro (2017). The network for research on mathematics textbooks, its birth, life and results. Mathematics textbooks, their content, use and influences. Research in Nordic and Baltic countries. ISBN: 9788202566296. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. 2. s 21 - 38.
  • Rensaa, Ragnhild Johanne; Grevholm, Barbro (2017). To kvinnenettverk som forsvant. Tangenten - Tidsskrift for matematikkundervisning. ISSN: 0802-8192. (4). s 17 - 23.
  • Lepik, Madis; Grevholm, Barbro; Viholainen, Antti (2017). Using textbooks in the mathematics classroom - the teachers' view. Mathematics textbooks, their content, use and influences. Research in Nordic and Baltic countries. ISBN: 9788202566296. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. 13. s 287 - 314.
  • Grevholm, Barbro (2017). What is in this book? An introduction. Mathematics textbooks, their content, use and influences. Research in Nordic and Baltic countries. ISBN: 9788202566296. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. 1. s 9 - 20.
  • Rensaa, Ragnhild Johanne; Grevholm, Barbro (2015). A textbook in linear algebra - the use and views of engineering students. Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk. ISSN: 1104-2176. 20 (3-4). s 223 - 245.
  • Rambø, Gro-Renee; Kristiansen, Aslaug; Berg, Claire Vaugelade; Grevholm, Barbro; Haraldstad, Åse; Hellang, Bente Velle; Håøy, Annbjørg (2015). Toward a More Sustainable Pre-service Teacher Education: A Study in Progress. Higher Education in a Sustainable Society. ISBN: 978-3-319-15918-8. Springer. Chapter number 4. s 51 - 64.
  • Berg, Claire Vaugelade; Grevholm, Barbro; Haraldstad, Åse; Hellang, Bente Velle; Håøy, Annbjørg; Kristiansen, Aslaug; Rambø, Gro-Renee (2015). Toward a More Sustainable Pre-service Teacher Education: A Study in Progress. Higher Education in a Sustainable Society. ISBN: 978-3-319-15918-8. Springer. 4. s 51 - 64.
  • Grevholm, Barbro; Lepik, Madis; Viholainen, Antti (2015). Using textbooks in the mathematics classroom - the teachers' view. Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk. ISSN: 1104-2176. 20 (3-4). s 129 - 156.
  • Grevholm, Barbro (2014). Begrepp i kartor eller bublor?. Nämnaren : tidskrift för matematikundervisning. ISSN: 0348-2723. 41 (2). s 11 - 16.
  • Grevholm, Barbro (2014). Frågor om läroboken i matematik - vilka är de och finns det några svar?. Matematikundervisning i praktiken. ISBN: 978-91-85143-24-5. Nationellt centrum för matematikutbildning (NCM). Avsnitt 3 Läromedel. s 147 - 170.
  • Grevholm, Barbro (2014). Mathematical moments in a human life: Narratives on transformation. Transformation - a fundamental idea of mathematics education. ISBN: 978-1-4614-3489-4. Springer. Chapter 6. s 107 - 125.
  • Grevholm, Barbro (2013). Bokens formål. Matematikkundervisning 1-7. ISBN: 9788202405458. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. Inledande kapitel. s 11 - 16.
  • Grevholm, Barbro; Persson, Lars-Erik; Persson, Elisabeth (2013). Hva er matematikk?. Matematikkundervisning 1-7. ISBN: 9788202405458. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. Kapitel 2. s 31 - 51.
  • Grevholm, Barbro; Norén, Eva; Löfwall, Stefan (2013). Kommunikation og læring i matematikk. Matematikkundervisning 1-7. ISBN: 9788202405458. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. Kapitel 9. s 239 - 260.
  • Grevholm, Barbro (2013). Kvinnors röst i matematiken -en fråga om jämställdhet. Likestilling 2013. Kunnskap og innovasjon på Agder. ISBN: 978-82-92712-77-1. Portal forlag. Kapitel 5 i del 3. s 164 - 182.
  • Juter, Kristina; Grevholm, Barbro (2013). Limits and infinity : a study of university students' performance revisited. Nordic research in didactics of mathematics: Past, present and future. ISBN: 978-82-02-39348-9. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. Kapitel 15. s 282 - 298.
  • Lindberg, Lisbeth; Grevholm, Barbro (2013). Mathematics in VET programmes: The tensions associated with reforms in Sweden. International Journal of Training Research. ISSN: 1448-0220. 11 (2). s 150 - 165. doi:10.5172/ijtr.2013.11.2.150.
  • Ulovec, Andreas; Moraová, Hana; Favilli, Franco; Grevholm, Barbro; Novotná, Jarmila; Piccione, Maria (2013). Multiculturalism in theory and teachers' practice. Proceedings : Tasks and tools in elementary mathematics :International Symposium Elementary Maths Teaching. ISBN: 978-80-7290-637-6. Charles University, Faculty of Education. Kapitel s 322-330. s 322 - 330.
  • Grevholm, Barbro; Löfwall, Stefan (2013). Noen generelle spørsmål. Matematikkundervisning 1-7. ISBN: 9788202405458. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. Kapitel 11. s 275 - 302.
  • Grevholm, Barbro (2013). Rommet vi er i, og formene rundt oss. Matematikkundervisning 1-7. ISBN: 9788202405458. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. Kapitel 6. s 147 - 181.
  • Grevholm, Barbro; Olofsson, Gunilla (2013). Statistikk og sannsynlighet. Matematikkundervisning 1-7. ISBN: 9788202405458. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. Kapitel 7. s 183 - 205.
  • Grevholm, Barbro (2013). What is it all about - Nordic research in didactics of mathematics?. Nordic research in didactics of mathematics: Past, present and future. ISBN: 978-82-02-39348-9. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. Kapitel 1. s 28 - 40.
  • Grevholm, Barbro (2013). Å bli en kompetent matematikklærer. Matematikkundervisning 1-7. ISBN: 9788202405458. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. Kapitel 1. s 17 - 28.
  • Grevholm, Barbro; Riesbeck, Eva; Taflin, Eva (2013). Å lære gjennom problemløsning. Matematikkundervisning 1-7. ISBN: 9788202405458. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. Kapitel 8. s 207 - 237.
  • Grevholm, Barbro (2012). Att bli en kompetent matematiklärare. Lära och undervisa matematik från förskoleklass till åk 6. ISBN: 978-91-1-303497-3. Norstedts Förlag. Kapitel 1. s 17 - 29.
  • Grevholm, Barbro (2012). Avsikten med boken. Lära och undervisa matematik från förskoleklass till åk 6. ISBN: 978-91-1-303497-3. Norstedts Förlag. Inledningstext. s 11 - 16.
  • Rensaa, Ragnhild Johanne; Grevholm, Barbro (2012). Engineers into teachers of mathematics: What challenges are there?. Proceedings of NORMA 11 The Sixth Nordic Conference on Mathematics Education. ISBN: 978-9979-54-965-9. University of Iceland Press. Kapitel. s 523 - 532.
  • Grevholm, Barbro (2012). Internationella trender inom matematikdidaktisk forskning från ett nordisk perspektiv. Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift. ISSN: 0029-2052. 96 (3). s 185 - 197.
  • Grevholm, Barbro; Norén, Eva; Löfwall, Stefan (2012). Kommunikation och lärande i matematik. Lära och undervisa matematik från förskoleklass till åk 6. ISBN: 978-91-1-303497-3. Norstedts Förlag. Kapitel 9. s 235 - 256.
  • Grevholm, Barbro; Riesbeck, Eva; Taflin, Eva (2012). Matematik genom problemlösning. Lära och undervisa matematik från förskoleklass till åk 6. ISBN: 978-91-1-303497-3. Norstedts Förlag. Kapitel 8. s 205 - 234.
  • Grevholm, Barbro; Löfwall, Stefan (2012). Några övergripande frågor. Lära och undervisa matematik från förskoleklass till åk 6. ISBN: 978-91-1-303497-3. Norstedts Förlag. Kapitel 11. s 279 - 291.
  • Grevholm, Barbro (2012). Rummet vi finns i och formerna omkring oss. Lära och undervisa matematik från förskoleklass till åk 6. ISBN: 978-91-1-303497-3. Norstedts Förlag. Kapitel 6. s 145 - 180.
  • Grevholm, Barbro; Olofsson, Gunilla (2012). Statistik och sannolikhet. Lära och undervisa matematik från förskoleklass till åk 6. ISBN: 978-91-1-303497-3. Norstedts Förlag. Kapitel 7. s 181 - 203.
  • Grevholm, Barbro; Persson, Lars-Erik (2012). Vad är matematik?. Lära och undervisa matematik från förskoleklass till åk 6. ISBN: 978-91-1-303497-3. Norstedts Förlag. Kapitel 2. s 31 - 51.
  • Viitala, Hanna Leena; Grevholm, Barbro; Nygaard, Olav (2011). About affect in five Finnish dissertations on mathematical thinking. Current state of research on mathematical beliefs XVI, Proceedings of the MAVI-16 Conference, June 26-29, 2010, Tallinn, Estonia. ISBN: 978-9949-463-79-4. Tallin University. Kapitel 21. s 313 - 330.
  • Lindberg, Lisbeth; Grevholm, Barbro (2011). Mathematics in vocational education:Revisiting a developmental research project. Analysis of one development research project about the integration of mathematics in vocational subjects in upper secondary education in Sweden. Adults Learning Mathematics - An International Journal. ISSN: 1744-1803. 6 (1). s 41 - 68.
  • Grevholm, Barbro (2011). Network for research on mathematics textbooks. Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk. ISSN: 1104-2176. 16 (4). s 91 - 102.
  • Grevholm, Barbro (2011). Norwegian upper secondary school students’ views of mathematics and images of mathematicians. Current state of research on mathematical beliefs XVI, Proceedings of the MAVI-16 Conference, June 26-29, 2010, Tallinn, Estonia. ISBN: 978-9949-463-79-4. Tallin University. Kapitel 9. s 120 - 136.
  • Grevholm, Barbro (2011). Vad händer inom forskning rörande genus och matematik? Några observationer och reflektioner om aktuella trender. kvinnor och matematik. Konferens den 14-16 juni 2009 Göterborg. ISBN: 978-91-7459-137-8. Umeå Universitet. Kapitel 2. s 21 - 33.
  • Anthony, Glenda; Grevholm, Barbro (2010). Crucial issues in mathematics teacher education and teaching. Teachers of mathematics : recruitment and retension, professional development and identity. ISBN: 978-91-973934-7-8. Svensk förening för MatematikDidaktisk Forskning - SMDF. kapittel. s 6 - 14.
  • Randahl, Mira; Grevholm, Barbro (2010). Learning opportunities offered by a classical calculus textbook. Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk. ISSN: 1104-2176. 15 (2). s 5 - 27.
  • Breiteig, Trygve; Grevholm, Barbro (2010). Longitudinal Study as an Instrument for Development in Mathematics Teaching and Mathematics Education Research. The first source book on Nordic research on mathemathics education. ISBN: 978-1-61735-098-6. information Age Publishing. kapittel. s 125 - 138.
  • Lindberg, Lisbeth; Grevholm, Barbro (2010). Mathematics in vocational education – revisiting a developmental research project : Analysis of one development research project about the integration of mathematics in vocational subjects in upper secondary education in Sweden. Matematiken i yrkesutbildningen : Möjligheter och begränsningar (. ISBN: 978-91-7439-154-1. Luleå tekniska universitet. Inngår i doktoravhandling.
  • Grevholm, Barbro (2010). Mathematics teacher education - a Scandinavian perspective. Teachers of mathematics : recruitment and retension, professional development and identity. ISBN: 978-91-973934-7-8. Svensk förening för MatematikDidaktisk Forskning - SMDF. kapittel. s 93 - 100.
  • Grevholm, Barbro; Rønning, Frode (2010). Nordic collaboration in mathematics education research. Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk. ISSN: 1104-2176. 15 (2). s 95 - 101.
  • Grevholm, Barbro; Rønning, Frode (2010). Nordic collaboration in mathematics education research - continued. Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk. ISSN: 1104-2176. 15 (1). s 97 - 102.
  • Grevholm, Barbro (2010). Research on Mathematics Teacher Education in Sweden. The first source book on Nordic research on mathemathics education. ISBN: 978-1-61735-098-6. information Age Publishing. chapter. s 347 - 362.
  • Anthony, Glenda; Grevholm, Barbro (2010). Thematic afternoon- A: Teachers of mathematics: Recruitment, retention, professional development and identity. Teachers of mathematics : recruitment and retension, professional development and identity. ISBN: 978-91-973934-7-8. Svensk förening för MatematikDidaktisk Forskning - SMDF. kapittel. s 193 - 197.
  • Mandt, Hege Marie; Grevholm, Barbro; Julie, Cyril (2010). Towards a systematic review of compulsory mathematics courses for prospective school teachers. Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the SAARMSTE Mathematics, Science and Technology ? Crossing the boundaries. ISBN: 978-92-990043-8-8. University of Kwazulu-Natal. faglig_bok_forlag. s 388 - 396.
  • Grevholm, Barbro (2010). Varying views of mathematics and images of mathematicians among Norwegian upper secondary school students. ACTA MATHEMATICA 13. ISBN: 978-80-8094-773-6. UKF v Nitre. kapittel. s 47 - 55.
  • Goodchild, Simon; Grevholm, Barbro (2009). An Exploratory Study of Mathematics Test Results: What is the Gender Effect?. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. ISSN: 1571-0068. 7 (1). s 161 - 182.
  • Grevholm, Barbro (2009). Final note: Creation of a Nordic Society for Research in Mathematics Education, NoRME. Nordic research in mathematics education. Proceedings from Norma08 in Copenhagen, April 21-April 25, 2008. ISBN: 9789087907822. Sense Publishers. faglig_bok_forlag. s 387 - 389.
  • Grevholm, Barbro (2009). Future activities in the Nordic Graduate School in Mathematics Education network. Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk. ISSN: 1104-2176. 14 (3). s 85 - 92.
  • Grevholm, Barbro; Bergsten, Christer; Favilli, Franco (2009). Learning to teach mathematics: Expanding the role of practicum as an integrated part of a teacher education programme. The professional education and development of mathematics teachers: The 15th ICMI Study. ISBN: 9780387096001. Springer. s 57 - 70.
  • Grevholm, Barbro (2009). Mathematics education research and research education in the Nordic countries. Teaching mathematics: Retrospective and perspectives. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference Edited by Madis Lepik. ISBN: 9789985586884. Tallin University. faglig_bok_forlag. s 19 - 37.
  • Grevholm, Barbro (2009). Nordic collaboration in mathematics education research. Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk. ISSN: 1104-2176. 14 (4). s 89 - 101.
  • Grevholm, Barbro; Lepik, Madis (2009). One hundred years of the International Commission on Mathematical Instruction. Pedagogika. ISSN: 1392-0340. 94s 77 - 83.
  • Grevholm, Barbro (2009). Reflections on Perspectives on Mathematical Knowledge Proceedings of MADIF6, The sixth Swedish Mathematics Education Research Seminar, Stockholm, January 29-30, 2008. Perspectives on Mathematical Knowledge. SMDF. faglig_bok_forlag. s 1 - 6.
  • Grevholm, Barbro (2009). Teaching better mathematics - a developmental research study. Teaching mathematics: Retrospective and perspectives. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference Edited by Madis Lepik. ISBN: 9789985586884. Tallin University. faglig_bok_forlag. s 169 - 176.
  • Grevholm, Barbro (2009). The use of ICT in mathematics education - neither salvation nor catastrophe? What can we learn from research and what are our conclusions? A workshop organised by the Nordic Graduate School in Mathematics Education (NoGSME) during the Norma08-conference. Nordic research in mathematics education. Proceedings from Norma08 in Copenhagen, April 21-April 25, 2008. ISBN: 9789087907822. Sense Publishers. -. s 273 - 286.
  • Grevholm, Barbro (2009). The use of ict in mathematics education - neither salvation nor catatrophe? : what can we learn from research and what are our conclusions?. Nordic Research in Mathematics Education. ISBN: 978-90-8790-781-5. Sense Publishers. s 273 - 286.
  • Grevholm, Barbro (2008). Activities for 2009 in the Nordic Graduate School. Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk. ISSN: 1104-2176. 13 (4). s 95 - 99.
  • Grevholm, Barbro (2008). The Nordic Graduate School in Mathematics Education - planning for the future. Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk. ISSN: 1104-2176. 13 (2). s 93 - 98.
  • Grevholm, Barbro (2008). The Nordic Graduate School in Mathematics Education - plans for 2009. Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk. ISSN: 1104-2176. 13 (3). s 87 - 94.
  • Grevholm, Barbro (2008). The fifth year of the Nordic Graduate School. Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk. ISSN: 1104-2176. 13 (1). s 71 - 75.
  • Grevholm, Barbro (2007). The Nordic Graduate School in Mathematics Education. Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk. ISSN: 1104-2176. 12 (3). s 107 - 110.
  • Grevholm, Barbro (2007). The Nordic Graduate School in Mathematics Education. Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk. ISSN: 1104-2176. 12 (2). s 83 - 86.
  • Grevholm, Barbro (2007). The Nordic Graduate School in Mathematics Education. Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk. ISSN: 1104-2176. 12 (1). s 73 - 75.
  • Grevholm, Barbro (2007). The Nordic Graduate School in Mathematics Education. Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk. ISSN: 1104-2176. 12 (4). s 79 - 83.
  • Grevholm, Barbro (2006). New dissertations in mathematics education by doctoral students in the Nordic Graduate School The nordic Graduate School in Mathematics Education. Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk. ISSN: 1104-2176. 11 (N 1). s 75 - 78.
  • Grevholm, Barbro (2006). The Nordic Graduate School into its fourth year of activities. Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk. ISSN: 1104-2176. 11 (4). s 137 - 141.
  • Grevholm, Barbro (2006). The Nordic Graduate school in Mathematics Education. Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk. ISSN: 1104-2176. 11 (2). s 71 - 74.
  • Grevholm, Barbro; Persson, Lars-Erik; Wall, Peter (2005). A Dynamic Model for Education of Doctoral Students and Guidance of Supervisors in Research Groups. Educational Studies in Mathematics. ISSN: 0013-1954. 60 (2). s 173 - 197.
  • Grevholm, Barbro (2005). Activities in the Nordic graduate school of mathematics education during 2005. Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk. ISSN: 1104-2176. 10 (1).
  • Grevholm, Barbro (2005). The Nordic Graduate School in Mathematics Education - a growing network. Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk. ISSN: 1104-2176. 10 (2).
  • Grevholm, Barbro (2005). The third year of activities in the Nordic Graduate School in Mathematics Education The Nordic Graduate School. Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk. ISSN: 1104-2176. 10 (No 3-4). s 101 - 104.
  • Grevholm, Barbro (2004). A Nordic Graduate school in Mathematics Education starts in 2004. Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk. ISSN: 1104-2176. 9 (No 1). s 75 - 76.
  • Grevholm, Barbro (2004). New courses in mathematics education for doctoral students. Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk. ISSN: 1104-2176. 9 (No 4). s 65 - 67.
  • Leder, Gilah C.; Brandell, Gerd; Grevholm, Barbro (2004). The Swedish graduate school in mathematics education: Conception, birth and development of a new doctoral programme. Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk. ISSN: 1104-2176. 9s 165 - 182.
  • Bergsten, Christer; Grevholm, Barbro (2004). The didactic divide and education of teachers of mathematics in Sweden. Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk. ISSN: 1104-2176. 9s 123 - 144.
  • Grevholm, Barbro (2004). What are the needs of doctoral students in mathematics education?. Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk. ISSN: 1104-2176. 9 (No 3). s 67 - 69.
  • Favilli, Franco; Grevholm, Barbro; Novotná, Jarmila; Ulovec, Andreas; Piccione, Maria; Gana, Eleni (2017). Multiculturalism, Migration, Mathematics Education and Language M3EaL Project (EU Life long learning programme) (DVD). ISBN: 9788894153408. Universita di Pisa - CAFRE. s 300.
  • Grevholm, Barbro (2017). Mathematics textbooks, their content, use and influences. Research in Nordic and Baltic countries. ISBN: 9788202566296. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. s 514.
  • Grevholm, Barbro (2013). Matematikkundervisning 1-7. ISBN: 9788202405458. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. s 314.
  • Grevholm, Barbro (2013). Matematikk 1-7. ISBN: 9788202405458. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. s 308.
  • Grevholm, Barbro; Hundeland, Per Sigurd; Juter, Kristina; Kislenko, Kirsti; Persson, Per-Eskil (2013). Nordic research in didactics of mathematics: Past, present and future. ISBN: 978-82-02-39348-9. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. s 545.
  • Grevholm, Barbro (2012). Lära och undervisa matematik från förskoleklass till åk 6. ISBN: 978-91-1-303497-3. Norstedts Förlag. s 320.
  • Bergsten, Christer; Grevholm, Barbro; Måsøval, Heidi Strømskag; Rønning, Frode (2007). Relating practice and research in mathematics education: Proceedings of NORMA 05, Fourth Nordic Conference on Mathematics Education. ISBN: 9788251922128. Tapir Akademisk Forlag. s 513.
  • Anthony, Glenda; Grevholm, Barbro (2010). Teachers of mathematics : recruitment and retension, professional development and identity. ISBN: 978-91-973934-7-8. Svensk förening för MatematikDidaktisk Forskning - SMDF. s 198.
  • Grevholm, Barbro; Bergsten, Christer; Lingefjärd, Thomas (2009). Perspectives on Mathematical Knowledge Proceedings of MADIF6, The sixth Swedish Mathematics Education Research Seminar, Stockholm, January 29-30, 2008. ISBN: 9197393452. SMDF. s 135.
  • Grevholm, Barbro; Brandell, Gerd; Wallby, Karin; Wallin, Hans (2009). Matematikdidaktiska frågor - resultat från en forskarskola. ISBN: 9789185143115. NCM & SMDF. s 165.
  • Clarke, Barbara; Grevholm, Barbro; Millman, Richard (2009). Tasks in primary mathematics teacher education : purpose, use and exemplars. ISBN: 978-0-387-09668-1. Springer. s 309.
  • Grevholm, Barbro; Andzans, Agnis (2008). Rethinking doctoral programs in mathematics education Selected papers The 11th International Congress on mathematical Education, Discussion Group 12. ISBN: 9789984180908. University of Latvia, Riga. s 94.
  • Grevholm, Barbro; Brandell, Gerd (2007). Kvinnor och matematik, Konferens den 13-15 juni 2005 Konferensrapport. ISBN: 9789172644892. Umeå universitet. s 137.
  • Grevholm, Barbro; Bergsten, Christer (2007). Developing and researching quality in mathematics teaching and learning Proceedings of Madif5. ISBN: 9197393444. SMDF, Linkøpings universitet.
  • Jaworski, Barbara; Fuglestad, Anne Berit; Bjuland, Raymond; Breiteig, Trygve; Goodchild, Simon; Grevholm, Barbro (2007). Læringsfellesskap i matematikk Learning Communities in Mathematics. ISBN: 8290898509. Caspar Forlag. s 330.
  • Grevholm, Barbro (2003). Matematikk for skolen. ISBN: 8276749844. Fagbokforl. s 364.
  • Grevholm, Barbro (2001). Matematikdidaktik - ett nordisk perspektiv. ISBN: 91-44-01835-5. Studentlitteratur, Lund. s -1.
  • Bergsten, Christer; Grevholm, Barbro (2005). Proceedings of norma01 The 3rd Nordic Conference on Mathematics Education. ISBN: 91-973934-3-6. SMDF. s 288.
  • Bergsten, Christer; Grevholm, Barbro; Måsøval, Heidi; Rønning, Frode (2007). Relating practice and research in mathematics education. Proceedings of Norma05, Fourth Nordic Conference on Mathematics Education. ISBN: 978-82-519-2212-8. Tapir Akademisk Forlag. s 513.
  • Bergsten, Christer; Grevholm, Barbro; Måsøval, Heidi Strømskag; Rønning, Frode (2007). Relating Practice and Research in Mathematics Education. ISBN: 978-82-519-2212-8. Tapir Akademisk Forlag. s 510.
  • Grevholm, Barbro; Portaankova-Koivisto, Päivi (2018). Prospective mathematics teachers’ self-referential metaphors as indicators of professional development.
  • Grevholm, Barbro (2018). Metaphors used by Norwegian teachers for their professional work.

Last changed: 2.12.2022 17:12