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Charlotte Kiland

Associate Professor

HU011 ( Universitetsveien 25, Kristiansand )
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Charlotte Kiland has a doctoral degree in political science from University of Bergen (2015). Her thesis dealt with what impact leadership has for organizations undergoing planned changes in institutionalized contexts. From 2012-2019 she held a position at Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences, UiA.

Academic interests

Kiland’s academic interests and research include public administration and organizational studies, with specific focus on public reforms, institutional change and management. Within the field of health her research has focused on (public)health governance.  


2009: Awarded best article of the year,Norwegian Journal of Political Science

Scientific publications

  • Kiland, Charlotte; Karlsen, Tor-Ivar; Kvåle, Gro (2024). Organisational Conditions for Boundary Spanning in Public Health. Scandinavian Journal of Public Administration (SPJA). ISSN: 2001-7405. 28 (1). s 43 - 59. doi:10.58235/sjpa.2023.12541.
  • Medin, Anine Christine; Vik, Frøydis Nordgård; Helle, Christine; Helland, Sissel Heidi; Wills, Andrew Keith; Osorio, Natalie Garzon; Lian, Henrik; Iveland Ersfjord, Torunn; van Daele, Wim; Bjørkkjær, Tormod; Valen, Erlend Larsen; Gebremariam, Mekdes; Grasaas, Erik; Kiland, Charlotte; von Thiele Schwarz, Ulrica; Hope Abel, Marianne; Love, Penny; Campbell, Karen; Rutter, Harry; Barker, Mary Elizabeth; Hillesund, Elisabet Rudjord; Øverby, Nina Cecilie (2024). Scaling up evidence-based digital early life nutrition interventions in a county setting: an implementation trial – protocol for Phase 2 of the Nutrition Now project. Frontiers in Public Health. ISSN: 2296-2565. 11doi:10.3389/fpubh.2023.1326787.
  • Torjesen, Dag Olaf; Torsteinsen, Harald Henning; Saxi, Hans Petter; Kiland, Charlotte; Karlsen, Tor-Ivar (2024). The Contemporary Norwegian Municipal CEO. Managing Nordic Local Governments Paradoxes and Challenges of the Municipal Chief Executive Officer. ISBN: 978-3-031-60069-2. Palgrave Macmillan. 7. s 161 - 188.
  • Maass, Ruca Elisa Katrin; Kiland, Charlotte; Espnes, Geir Arild; Lillefjell, Monica (2022). The Application of Salutogenesis in Politics and Policy-Making. The Handbook of Salutogenesis Second Edition. ISBN: 978-3-030-79514-6. Springer Nature. 24. s 239 - 248.
  • Karlsen, Tor-Ivar; Kiland, Charlotte; Kvåle, Gro; Torjesen, Dag Olaf (2022). ‘Health in All Policies’ and the Urge for Coordination: The Work of Public Health Coordinators and Their Impact and Influence in Local Public Health Policies: A Cross-Sectional Study. Societies. ISSN: 2075-4698. 12 (1). doi:10.3390/soc12010011.
  • Valand, Ida Ulrikke; Øverby, Nina Cecilie; Strömmer, Sofia; Barker, Mary Elizabeth; Bjornes, Camilla; Nordli, Julie; Pettersen, Line; Bjørkkjær, Tormod; Vik, Frøydis Nordgård; Kiland, Charlotte; Hillesund, Elisabet Rudjord (2022). “It is really just brilliant to get credits for something that is so important to you!” Skills for Life: University students’ perceptions of a planned dietary life skills course. PLOS ONE. ISSN: 1932-6203. 17 (4). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0260890.
  • Kiland, Charlotte; Murdoch, Zuzana (2021). Leadership of organisations: Theory and evidence from the development of Norwegian scenic routes. Organizing and Governing Governmental Institutions. ISBN: 978-82-450-3532-2. Fagbokforlaget. chapter 5. s 111 - 130.
  • Torjesen, Dag Olaf; Karlsen, Tor-Ivar; Kiland, Charlotte; Balle Hansen, Morten (2021). Public service motivation among Danish and Norwegian local government administrative managers. Organizing and Governing Governmental Institutions. ISBN: 978-82-450-3532-2. Fagbokforlaget. Chapter 4. s 88 - 107.
  • Kvåle, Gro; Kiland, Charlotte; Torjesen, Dag Olaf (2020). Public Health Policy to Tackle Social Health Inequalities: A Balancing Act Between Competing Institutional Logics. Transitions and Boundaries in the Coordination and Reform of Health Services : Building Knowledge, Strategy and Leadership. ISBN: 978-3-030-26683-7. Palgrave Macmillan. chapter. s 149 - 165.
  • Grønningsæter, Hilde; Kiland, Charlotte (2018). Implementering av fysisk aktivitet. Fysisk aktivitet og helse: Fra begrepsforståelse til implementering av kunnskap. ISBN: 9788202568313. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. Kapittel. s 390 - 410.
  • Jacobsen, Dag Ingvar; Kiland, Charlotte (2017). Success With a Bitter Aftertaste: Success Factors in Inter-Municipal Cooperation. Scandinavian Journal of Public Administration (SPJA). ISSN: 2001-7405. 21 (4). s 53 - 76.
  • Aanensen, Mari; Haugen, Tommy; Kiland, Charlotte (2016). Mindfulness som intervensjon for å forebygge og redusere sykefravær. Ergoterapeuten. ISSN: 0800-3475. 5s 42 - 55.
  • Torjesen, Dag Olaf; Kvåle, Gro; Kiland, Charlotte (2016). The Quest for Promoting Integrated Care in the Scandinavian Countries – Recent Reforms, Possibilities and Problems. Towards A Comparative Institutionalism: Forms, Dynamics And Logics Across The Organizational Fields Of Health Care And Higher Education. ISBN: 978-1-78560-275-7. Emerald Group Publishing Limited. chapter. s 195 - 213.
  • Trondal, Jarle; Kiland, Charlotte (2011). Agendasetting, vedtak og iverksetting. En studie av en relokaliseringsprosess. Byråkrati og geografi : geografisk relokalisering av norsk sentraladministrasjon. ISBN: 978-82-15-01913-0. Universitetsforlaget. 4. s 74 - 93.
  • Kiland, Charlotte; Horrigmo, Aase (2011). Policy-endring i en lokalpolitisk kontekst - regimer, mulighetsvindu eller lederskap?. Norsk Statsvitenskapelig Tidsskrift. ISSN: 0801-1745. (3). s 180 - 203.
  • Kiland, Charlotte; Trondal, Jarle (2011). Reform møter tilsyn: Turbulens i luftfartstilsynet. Byråkrati og geografi : geografisk relokalisering av norsk sentraladministrasjon. ISBN: 978-82-15-01913-0. Universitetsforlaget. 5. s 94 - 112.
  • Kiland, Charlotte; Trondal, Jarle (2011). Turbulens i luftfarten. Sentraladministrasjonens nære reformhistorie og utflytting av statlige tilsyn. Nordisk Administrativt Tidsskrift. ISSN: 0029-1285. 88 (2). s 142 - 159.
  • Trondal, Jarle; Kiland, Charlotte (2010). Bureuacracy and Geography. Geographic Relocation of the Norwegian Central Administration. World Political Science Review. ISSN: 2194-6248. 6 (1). s 1 - 28.
  • Trondal, Jarle; Kiland, Charlotte (2009). Byråkrati og geografi - Geografisk relokalisering av norsk statsforvaltning. Norsk Statsvitenskapelig Tidsskrift. ISSN: 0801-1745. 4 (25). s 331 - 352.
  • Solvang, Bernt Krohn; Kiland, Charlotte (2006). Public service providers and users in the information society. Journal of Comparative Social Work. ISSN: 0809-9936. 1 (jan.06).
  • Kiland, Charlotte; Kvåle, Gro; Torjesen, Dag Olaf (2015). The Ideas and Implementation of Public Health Policies: The Norwegian Case. ISBN: 9781137518156. Palgrave Macmillan. s 262.
  • Vigsnes, Kristine Løkås; Kiland, Charlotte; Abildsnes, Eirik (2023). Co-creation in Public Health Policy: Dealing with complexity.
  • Vigsnes, Kristine Løkås; Abildsnes, Eirik; Kiland, Charlotte (2023). Policy Development and Implementation in Public Health – Dealing with Complexity.
  • Kvåle, Gro; Kiland, Charlotte; Karlsen, Tor-Ivar; Torjesen, Dag Olaf (2023). Implementing intersectoral agency in local public health work.
  • Valand, Ida Ulrikke; Øverby, Nina Cecilie; Kiland, Charlotte; Bjørkkjær, Tormod; Bjornes, Camilla; Nordli, Julie; Pettersen, Line; Vik, Frøydis Nordgård; Hillesund, Elisabet Rudjord (2023). The development of course content for a dietary life skills course targeting students – co-creation with future users.

Last changed: 12.09.2022 07:09