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Chloe Depledge

Research Assistant

Research Assistant

Research Assistant - UiA (Grimstad, NO)

MSc Globalisation and Sustainable Development - NTNU (Trondheim, NO)

BA International Relations - Coventry University (Coventry, UK)


Involved in the following projects:

ELAG - Exploiting the potential of spent electric vehicle batteries, Electric Agder. (https://elag.uia.no/)

2ND LIFE - Value of second life batteries in the future energy system in collaboration with IFE, The Norwegian Defence Research Establishment, NTNU, University College of London, and Solenergiklyngen with project financing from Equinor, ECO STOR, Corvus Energy, Norsk Hydro, and BatteriRetur.

ALGECO - "Cost-effective algae technology to promote circular economy development of Norwegian wastewater treatment plant" in collaboration with NIVA, Universitet i Oslo, NIBIO, SINTEF Energy Research, NMBU, University of Queensland, Vestfjorden Wastewater Company, and Biosikva AS. (https://www.alg.eco/)

Scientific publications

  • Depledge, Chloe (2023). Policy measures towards advancing battery reuse and recycling in Norway.

Last changed: 18.01.2024 09:01