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D3046 ( Jon Lilletuns vei 9, Grimstad )

MSc Engineering Cybernetics, NTNU, 1993

PhD Robotics, Australian National University, 1997

Academic interests

Industrial IT


Control Systems

Modeling, Identification and Control

Chief Editor of MIC, https://www.mic-journal.no


Centre Leader for SFI Offshore Mechatronics, https://sfi.mechatronics.no

Work-package leader SFI Offshore Mechatronics, https://sfi.mechatronics.no

Manager Norwegian Motion-Lab, https://www.motion-lab.no

UiA project leader, BIA Manipulator, 2016-2019, https://projects.mechatronics.no/manipulator

Scientific publications

  • Subedi, Dipendra; Tyapin, Ilya; Hovland, Geir (2022). Control of Redundant Flexible Manipulators with Redundancy Resolution. The 8th International Conference on Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering (ICMRE). ISBN: 978-1-6654-8377-3. IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers). Konferanseartikkel. s 116 - 121.
  • Subedi, Dipendra; Aune, Teodor N.; Tyapin, Ilya; Hovland, Geir (2022). Static Deflection Compensation of Multi-Link Flexible Manipulators Under Gravity. IEEE Access. ISSN: 2169-3536. 10s 9658 - 9667. doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3144404.
  • Dybedal, Joacim; Hovland, Geir (2021). CNN-based People Detection in Voxel Space using Intensity Measurements and Point Cluster Flattening. MIC Journal: Modeling, Identification and Control. ISSN: 0332-7353. 42s 37 - 46. doi:10.4173/mic.2021.2.1.
  • Subedi, Dipendra; Tyapin, Ilya; Hovland, Geir (2021). Dynamic Modeling of Planar Multi-Link Flexible Manipulators. Robotics. ISSN: 2218-6581. 10 (2). doi:10.3390/robotics10020070.
  • Jha, Ajit; Subedi, Dipendra; Løvsland, Per-Ove; Tyapin, Ilya; Cenkeramaddi, Linga Reddy; Beferull-Lozano, Baltasar; Hovland, Geir (2020). Autonomous mooring towards autonomous maritime navigation and offshore operations. 15th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications. ISBN: 978-1-7281-5168-7. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). KAPITTEL. s 1171 - 1175.
  • Subedi, Dipendra; Jha, Ajit; Tyapin, Ilya; Hovland, Geir (2020). Camera-LiDAR Data Fusion for Autonomous Mooring Operation. IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications. ISSN: 2158-2297. s 1176 - 1181. doi:10.1109/ICIEA48937.2020.9248089.
  • Aalerud, Atle; Hovland, Geir (2020). Dynamic Augmented Kalman Filtering for Human Motion Tracking under Occlusion Using Multiple 3D Sensors. IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications. ISSN: 2158-2297. s 533 - 540. doi:10.1109/ICIEA48937.2020.9248091.
  • Aalerud, Atle; Hovland, Geir (2020). Evaluation of Perception Latencies in a Human-Robot Collaborative Environment. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). ISSN: 1050-4729. s 5018 - 5023. doi:10.1109/ICRA40945.2020.9197067.
  • Dybedal, Joacim; Hovland, Geir (2020). GPU-Based Occlusion Minimisation for Optimal Placement of Multiple 3D Cameras. IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications. ISSN: 2158-2297. s 967 - 972. doi:10.1109/ICIEA48937.2020.9248399.
  • Dybedal, Joacim; Hovland, Geir (2020). GPU-Based Optimisation of 3D Sensor Placement Considering Redundancy, Range and Field of View. IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications. ISSN: 2158-2297. s 1484 - 1489. doi:10.1109/ICIEA48937.2020.9248170.
  • Kaldestad, Knut Berg; Hovland, Geir (2020). Laser Triangulation 3D Point Cloud Sensor with Long Range and Large Field of View. IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications. ISSN: 2158-2297. s 561 - 567. doi:10.1109/ICIEA48937.2020.9248330.
  • Subedi, Dipendra; Tyapin, Ilya; Hovland, Geir (2020). Modeling and Analysis of Flexible Bodies Using Lumped Parameter Method. Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE 11th International Conference on Mechanical and Intelligent Manufacturing Technologies. ISBN: 9781728153322. IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers). Konferanseartikkel.
  • Landsverk, Ronny; Zhou, Jing; Hovland, Geir; Zhang, Houxiang (2020). Modeling of Offshore Crane and Marine Craft in Wave Motion. IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications. ISSN: 2158-2297. s 1463 - 1470. doi:10.1109/ICIEA48937.2020.9248110.
  • Subedi, Dipendra; Tyapin, Ilya; Hovland, Geir (2020). Review on Modeling and Control of Flexible Link Manipulators. MIC Journal: Modeling, Identification and Control. ISSN: 0332-7353. 41 (3). s 141 - 163. doi:10.4173/mic.2020.3.2.
  • Hatledal, Lars Ivar; Styve, Arne; Hovland, Geir; Zhang, Houxiang (2019). A Language and Platform Independent Co-Simulation Framework Based on the Functional Mock-Up Interface. IEEE Access. ISSN: 2169-3536. 7s 109328 - 109339. doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2933275.
  • Aalerud, Atle; Dybedal, Joacim; Hovland, Geir (2019). Automatic Calibration of an Industrial RGB-D Camera Network Using Retroreflective Fiducial Markers. Sensors. ISSN: 1424-8220. 19 (7). doi:10.3390/s19071561.
  • Dybedal, Joacim; Aalerud, Atle; Hovland, Geir (2019). Embedded Processing and Compression of 3D Sensor Data for Large Scale Industrial Environments. Sensors. ISSN: 1424-8220. 19 (3). doi:10.3390/s19030636.
  • Hatledal, Lars Ivar; Zhang, Houxiang; Styve, Arne; Hovland, Geir (2019). FMU-proxy: A Framework for Distributed Access to Functional Mock-up Units. Proceedings of the 13th International Modelica Conference. ISBN: 978-91-7685-122-7. Linköping University Electronic Press. Part of proceedings. s 79 - 86.
  • Røsjordet, Jan Fredrik; Hovland, Geir (2019). Methods for experimentally determining stiffness of a multi-axis machining centre. MIC Journal: Modeling, Identification and Control. ISSN: 0332-7353. 40 (1). s 11 - 25. doi:10.4173/mic.2019.1.2.
  • Tørdal, Sondre Sanden; Hovland, Geir (2018). Ship-to-Ship State Observer using Sensor Fusion and the Extended Kalman Filter. Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering. ISSN: 0892-7219. 141 (4). doi:10.1115/1.4041643.
  • Hatledal, Lars Ivar; Zhang, Houxiang; Styve, Arne; Hovland, Geir (2018). FMI4j: A Software Package for working with Functional Mock-up Units on the Java Virtual Machine. Proceedings of The 59th Conference on Simulation and Modelling (SIMS 59). ISBN: 978-91-7685-494-5. Linköping University Electronic Press. 1. s 37 - 42.
  • Brunete, Alberto; Gambao, Ernesto; Koskinen, Jukka; Heikkila, Tapio; Kaldestad, Knut Berg; Tyapin, Ilya; Hovland, Geir; Surdilovic, Dragoljub; Hernando, Miguel de Gabriel; Bottero, Aldo; Anton, Stefan (2018). Hard material small-batch industrial machining robot. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing. ISSN: 0736-5845. 54s 185 - 199. doi:10.1016/j.rcim.2017.11.004.
  • Aalerud, Atle; Dybedal, Joacim; Ujkani, Erind; Hovland, Geir (2018). Industrial Environment Mapping Using Distributed Static 3D Sensor Nodes. 2018 14th IEEE/ASME International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications (MESA). ISBN: 978-1-5386-4643-4. IEEE conference proceedings. chapter.
  • Gøytil, Petter Hansen; Hansen, Michael Rygaard; Hovland, Geir (2018). Iterative learning applied to hydraulic pressure control. MIC Journal: Modeling, Identification and Control. ISSN: 0332-7353. 39 (1). s 1 - 14. doi:10.4173/mic.2018.1.1.
  • Tyapin, Ilya; Hovland, Geir (2018). Long Arm Manipulator Path Interpolation Using 4th Order B-Splines. International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS), 18th. ISBN: 978-89-93215-16-8. IEEE conference proceedings. Paper.
  • Aalerud, Atle; Dybedal, Joacim; Hovland, Geir (2018). Scalability of GPU-Processed 3D Distance Maps for Industrial Environments. 2018 14th IEEE/ASME International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications (MESA). ISBN: 978-1-5386-4643-4. IEEE conference proceedings. chapter.
  • Kucera, Jan; Hovland, Geir (2018). Tail removal block validation: Implementation and analysis. MIC Journal: Modeling, Identification and Control. ISSN: 0332-7353. 39 (3). s 151 - 156. doi:10.4173/mic.2018.3.1.
  • Tørdal, Sondre Sanden; Hovland, Geir; Olsen, Jan Thomas (2018). The Norwegian Motion-Laboratory. MIC Journal: Modeling, Identification and Control. ISSN: 0332-7353. 39 (3). s 191 - 208. doi:10.4173/mic.2018.3.5.
  • Ujkani, Erind; Dybedal, Joacim; Aalerud, Atle; Kaldestad, Knut Berg; Hovland, Geir (2018). Visual Marker Guided Point Cloud Registration in a Large Multi-Sensor Industrial Robot Cell. 2018 14th IEEE/ASME International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications (MESA). ISBN: 978-1-5386-4643-4. IEEE conference proceedings. chapter.
  • Tørdal, Sondre Sanden; Hovland, Geir Edvin; Tyapin, Ilya (2017). Efficient Implementation of Inverse Kinematics on a 6-DOF Industrial Robot using Conformal Geometric Algebra. Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras. ISSN: 0188-7009. 27 (3). s 2067 - 2082. doi:10.1007/s00006-016-0698-2.
  • Tørdal, Sondre Sanden; Hovland, Geir (2017). Inverse kinematic control of an industrial robot used in Vessel-to-Vessel Motion Compensation. 25th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation. ISBN: 978-1-5090-4533-4. IEEE conference proceedings. chapter.
  • Pawlus, Witold; Liland, Fred; Nilsen, Nicolai; Øydna, Søren; Hovland, Geir; Wroldsen, Torstein Kurt (2017). Modeling and simulation of a cylinder hoisting system for real-time hardware-in-the-loop testing. SPE Drilling & Completion. ISSN: 1064-6671. 32 (1). s 69 - 78. doi:10.2118/184406-PA.
  • Hovland, Geir; Kucera, Jan (2017). Nonlinear Feedback Control and Stability Analysis of a Proof-of-Work Blockchain. MIC Journal: Modeling, Identification and Control. ISSN: 0332-7353. doi:10.4173/mic.2017.4.1.
  • Dybedal, Joacim; Hovland, Geir (2017). Optimal placement of 3D sensors considering range and field of view. Proceedings: IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 2017). ISBN: 9781509020669. IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers). Proceedings. s 1588 - 1593.
  • Tørdal, Sondre Sanden; Pawlus, Witold; Hovland, Geir (2017). Real-time 6-DOF Vessel-to-Vessel Motion Compensation using laser tracker. IEEE OCEANS 2017 - Aberdeen. ISBN: 978-1-5090-5278-3. IEEE conference proceedings. chapter.
  • Ujkani, Erind; Eppeland, Petter Sait; Aalerud, Atle; Hovland, Geir (2017). Real-time human collision detection for industrial robot cells. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems (MFI). ISBN: 978-1-5090-6064-1. IEEE conference proceedings. chapter. s 488 - 493.
  • Tørdal, Sondre Sanden; Hovland, Geir (2017). Relative vessel motion tracking using sensor fusion, Aruco markers, and MRU sensors. MIC Journal: Modeling, Identification and Control. ISSN: 0332-7353. 38 (2). s 79 - 93. doi:10.4173/mic.2017.2.3.
  • Pawlus, Witold; Ebbesen, Morten Kjeld; Hansen, Michael Rygaard; Choux, Martin Marie Hubert; Hovland, Geir (2016). Comparative analysis of numerical models of pipe handling equipment used in offshore drilling applications. AIP Conference Proceedings. ISSN: 0094-243X. 1738doi:10.1063/1.4952158.
  • Pawlus, Witold; Choux, Martin Marie Hubert; Hansen, Michael Rygaard; Hovland, Geir (2016). Load torque estimation method to design electric drivetrains for offshore pipe handling equipment. Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering. ISSN: 0892-7219. 138 (4). doi:10.1115/1.4032897.
  • Pawlus, Witold; Hansen, Michael Rygaard; Choux, Martin Marie Hubert; Hovland, Geir (2016). Mitigation of Fatigue Damage and Vibration Severity of Electric Drivetrains by Systematic Selection of Motion Profiles. IEEE/ASME transactions on mechatronics. ISSN: 1083-4435. 21 (6). s 2870 - 2880. doi:10.1109/TMECH.2016.2573587.
  • Tørdal, Sondre Sanden; Løvsland, Per-Ove; Hovland, Geir (2016). Testing of Wireless Sensor Performance in Vessel-to-Vessel Motion Compensation. 42nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON2016). ISBN: 978-1-5090-3474-1. IEEE conference proceedings. Artikkel. s 654 - 659.
  • Pawlus, Witold; Frick, Damian; Morari, Manfred; Hovland, Geir; Choux, Martin Marie Hubert (2015). Drivetrain Design Optimization for Electrically Actuated Systems via Mixed Integer Programing. Proceedings IECON 2015 - 41st Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. ISBN: 978-1-4799-1761-7. IEEE conference proceedings. Conference Article. s 1465 - 1470.
  • Magnussen, Øyvind; Ottestad, Morten; Hovland, Geir Edvin (2015). Multicopter design optimization and validation. MIC Journal: Modeling, Identification and Control. ISSN: 0332-7353. 36 (2). s 67 - 79. doi:10.4173/mic.2015.2.1.
  • Tyapin, Ilya; Kaldestad, Knut Berg; Hovland, Geir (2015). Off-line path correction of robotic face milling using static tool force and robot stiffness. 2015 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2015). ISBN: 9781479999958. Curran Associates, Inc.. Chapter. s 5506 - 5511.
  • Kaldestad, Knut Berg; Tyapin, Ilya; Hovland, Geir (2015). Robotic face milling path correction and vibration reduction. 2015 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 2015). ISBN: 9781467391085. Curran Associates, Inc.. Chapter. s 543 - 548.
  • Pawlus, Witold; Hansen, Michael Rygaard; Hovland, Geir; Choux, Martin Marie Hubert (2015). Torque Peak Reduction and Overload Monitoring of Induction Motors in Offshore Drilling Operations. ACEMP 2015 Optim - Electromotion Joint Conference. ISBN: 978-1-4673-7240-4. IEEE Press. Conference proceedings article. s 393 - 398.
  • Kaldestad, Knut Berg; Haddadin, Sami; Belder, Rico; Hovland, Geir; Anisi, Alireza David (2014). Collision Avoidance with Potential Fields Based on Parallel Processing of 3D-Point Cloud Data on the GPU. 2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2014). ISBN: 9781479936861. Curran Associates, Inc.. kapittel. s 3250 - 3257.
  • Magnussen, Øyvind; Hovland, Geir; Ottestad, Morten; Kirby, Simon (2014). Experimental Study on the Influence of Controller Firmware on Multirotor Actuator Dynamics. 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Robotic and Sensors Environments (ROSE). ISBN: 9781479949250. Curran Associates, Inc.. kapittel.
  • Tyapin, Ilya; Hovland, Geir; Kosonen, Petri; Linna, Tarmo (2014). Identification of a Static Tool Force Model for Robotic Face Milling. 2014 IEEE/ASME 10th International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications(MESA). ISBN: 9781479922802. IEEE. kapittel.
  • Luxcey, Neil; Reinholdtsen, Svein-Arne; Sauder, Thomas Michel; Fouques, Sébastien; Jin, Jingzhe; Kauczynski, Wojciech; Hovland, Geir (2014). Influence of wave-induced skid motions on the launch of free-fall skid lifeboats from floating hosts: experimental and numerical investigations. 33rd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering Volume 4B: Structures, Safety and Reliability. ISBN: 978-0-7918-4543-1. ASME Press. V04BT02A052.
  • Tyapin, Ilya; Hovland, Geir; Brogårdh, Torgny (2014). Method for Estimating Combined Controller, Joint and Link Stiffnesses of an Industrial Robot. 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Robotic and Sensors Environments (ROSE). ISBN: 9781479949250. Curran Associates, Inc.. kapittel.
  • Pawlus, Witold; Choux, Martin Marie Hubert; Hovland, Geir; Hansen, Michael Rygaard; Søren, Øydna (2014). Modeling and Simulation of An Offshore Pipe Handling Machine. The 55th Conference on Simulation and Modelling (SIMS 55) Proceedings. ISBN: 9789175193762. Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings. Article No.: 027. s 277 - 284.
  • Magnussen, Øyvind; Hovland, Geir; Ottestad, Morten (2014). Multicopter UAV Design Optimization. 2014 IEEE/ASME 10th International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications(MESA). ISBN: 9781479922802. IEEE. kapittel.
  • Pawlus, Witold; Liland, Fred; Nilsen, Nicolai; Søren, Øydna; Hovland, Geir; Wroldsen, Torstein Kurt (2014). Optimization of a High Fidelity Virtual Model of a Hydraulic Hoisting System for Real-Time Simulations. International Petroleum Technology Conference, 10-12 December, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ISBN: 978-1-61399-371-2. International Petroleum Technology Conference. IPTC-17780-MS. s 1 - 11.
  • Pawlus, Witold Pawel; Choux, Martin Marie Hubert; Hovland, Geir; Huynh, Khang (2014). Parameters Identification of Induction Motor Dynamic Model for Offshore Applications. 2014 IEEE/ASME 10th International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications(MESA). ISBN: 9781479922802. IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers). Kapittel.
  • Klimchik, Alexandr; Pashkevich, Anatol; Chablat, Damien; Hovland, Geir (2013). Compliance error compensation technique for parallel robots composed of non-perfect serial chains. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing. ISSN: 0736-5845. 29 (2). s 385 - 393. doi:10.1016/j.rcim.2012.09.008.
  • Magnussen, Øyvind; Ottestad, Morten; Hovland, Geir (2013). Experimental Validation of a Quaternion-based Attitude estimation with Direct Input to a Quadcopter Control System. Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), 2013 International Conference On. ISBN: 978-1-4799-0817-2. IEEE conference proceedings. Kapittel. s 480 - 485.
  • Tyapin, Ilya; Hovland, Geir (2013). Kinematic calibration method for a 5-DOF Gantry-Tau parallel kinematic machine. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). ISSN: 1050-4729. s 4665 - 4670. doi:10.1109/ICRA.2013.6631241.
  • Kaldestad, Knut Berg; Hovland, Geir; Anisi, David (2012). 3D Sensor-Based Obstacle Detection Comparing Octrees and Point Clouds Using CUDA. MIC Journal: Modeling, Identification and Control. ISSN: 0332-7353. 33 (4). s 123 - 130. doi:10.4173/mic.2012.4.1.
  • Kaldestad, Knut Berg; Hovland, Geir; Anisi, David (2012). CAD-Based Training of an Expert System and a Hidden Markov Model for Obstacle Detection in an Industrial Robot Environment. 2012 IFAC Workshop on Automatic Control in Offshore Oil and Gas Production : Norwegian University of Science and Technology 31.5-1.6 2012. ISBN: 978-3-902661-99-9. Elsevier. Artikkel.
  • Choux, Martin Marie Hubert; Hovland, Geir; Blanke, Mogens (2012). Cascade Controller Including Backstepping for Hydraulic-Mechanical Systems. 2012 IFAC Workshop on Automatic Control in Offshore Oil and Gas Production : Norwegian University of Science and Technology 31.5-1.6 2012. ISBN: 978-3-902661-99-9. Elsevier. Artikkel.
  • Choux, Martin Marie Hubert; Tyapin, Ilya; Hovland, Geir (2012). Extended friction model of a hydraulic actuated system. Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS), 2012 Proceedings. ISBN: 978-1-4577-1851-9. IEEE conference proceedings. Artikkel.
  • Choux, Martin Marie Hubert; Tyapin, Ilya; Hovland, Geir (2012). Leakage-detection in blade pitch control systems for wind turbines. Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS), 2012 Proceedings. ISBN: 978-1-4577-1851-9. IEEE conference proceedings. Artikkel.
  • Kaldestad, Knut Berg; Hovland, Geir; Anisi, David (2012). Obstacle Detection in an Unstructured Industrial Robotic System: Comparison of Hidden Markov Model and Expert System. Proceedings 10th IFAC Symposium on Robot Control. ISBN: 978-3-902823-11-3. IFAC Papers Online. Artikkel.
  • Haaø, Jørgen; Vangen, Steffen; Tyapin, Ilya; Choux, Martin Marie Hubert; Hovland, Geir; Hansen, Michael Rygaard (2012). The Effect of Friction in Passive and Active Heave Compensation of Crown Block Mounted Compensators. 2012 IFAC Workshop on Automatic Control in Offshore Oil and Gas Production : Norwegian University of Science and Technology 31.5-1.6 2012. ISBN: 978-3-902661-99-9. Elsevier. Artikkel.
  • Kjelland, Magnus Berthelsen; Hansen, Michael Rygaard; Tyapin, Ilya; Hovland, Geir (2012). Tool-Point Control for a Redundant Heave Compensated Hydraulic Manipulator. 2012 IFAC Workshop on Automatic Control in Offshore Oil and Gas Production : Norwegian University of Science and Technology 31.5-1.6 2012. ISBN: 978-3-902661-99-9. Elsevier. Artikkel.
  • Kjelland, Magnus Berthelsen; Hansen, Michael Rygaard; Tyapin, Ilya; Hovland, Geir (2012). Tool-Point Control of a Planar Hydraulically Actuated Manipulator with Compensation of Non-Actuated Degree of Freedom. 2012 12th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, Proceedings. ISBN: 978-89-93215-04-5. IEEE conference proceedings. Artikkel. s 672 - 677.
  • Alabakhshizadeh, Abozar; Iskandarani, Yousef; Hovland, Geir; Midtgård, Ole-Morten (2011). Analysis, Modeling and Simulation of Mechatronic Systems using the Bond Graph Method. MIC Journal: Modeling, Identification and Control. ISSN: 0332-7353. 32 (1). s 35 - 45. doi:10.4173/mic.2011.1.3.
  • Tyapin, Ilya; Hovland, Geir; Jorde, Jørgen (2011). Comparison of Markov Theory and Monte Carlo Simulations for Analysis of Marine Operations Related to Installation of an Offshore Wind Turbine. Proceedings of the 24th International Congress on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostics Engineering Management (COMADEM2011). ISBN: 0-9541307-2-3. COMADEM International. Artikkel. s 1071 - 1081.
  • Murray, Matthew; Hovland, Geir; Brogårdh, Torgny (2011). Optimised assembly mode reconfiguration of the 5-DOF Gantry-Tau using mixed-integer programming. Meccanica (Milano. Print). ISSN: 0025-6455. 46 (1). s 101 - 111. doi:10.1007/s11012-010-9404-y.
  • Tyapin, Ilya; Hovland, Geir (2011). The Gantry-Tau parallel kinematic machine-kinematic and elastodynamic design optimisation. Meccanica (Milano. Print). ISSN: 0025-6455. 46 (1). s 113 - 129. doi:10.1007/s11012-010-9394-9.
  • Choux, Martin Marie Hubert; Hovland, Geir (2010). Adaptive Backstepping Control of Nonlinear Hydraulic-Mechanical System Including Valve Dynamics. MIC Journal: Modeling, Identification and Control. ISSN: 0332-7353. 31 (1). s 35 - 44. doi:10.4173/mic.2010.1.3.
  • Tyapin, Ilya; Hovland, Geir (2010). Multi-Objective Design Optimisation of a Class of PKMs - The 3-DOF Gantry-Tau. Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Modelling, Identification, and Control (MIC). ISSN: 1025-8973. s 255 - 262.
  • Tyapin, Ilya; Hovland, Geir (2009). Kinematic and Elastostatic Design Optimisation of the 3-DOF Gantry-Tau Parallel Kinematic Manipulator. MIC Journal: Modeling, Identification and Control. ISSN: 0332-7353. 30 (2). s 39 - 56. doi:10.4173/mic.2009.2.1.
  • Choux, Martin; Karimi, Hamid Reza; Hovland, Geir; Hansen, Michael Rygaard; Ottestad, Morten; Blanke, Mogens (2009). Robust Adaptive Backstepping Control Design for a Nonlinear Hydraulic-Mechanical System. Proceedings of the 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Shanghai. ISBN: 978-1-4244-3872-3. IEEE conference proceedings. s 2460 - 2467.
  • Breivik, Morten; Hovland, Geir; From, Pål Johan (2009). Trends in Research and Publication: Science 2.0 and Open Access. MIC Journal: Modeling, Identification and Control. ISSN: 0332-7353. 30 (3). s 181 - 190.
  • Hovland, Geir (2008). Evaluation of an online inverted pendulum control experiment. IEEE Transactions on Education. ISSN: 0018-9359. 51 (1). s 114 - 122. doi:10.1109/TE.2007.906612.
  • Brogårdh, Torgny; Hovland, Geir (2008). The Tau PKM Structures. Smart Devices and Machines for Advanced Manufacturing. Springer Publishing Company. faglig_bok_forlag. s 79 - 110.
  • Yang, Guang Ya; Hovland, Geir; Majumder, Rajat; Dong, Zhao (2007). A Novel TCSC Planning Model Based on Line Flow Equations Via MILP. Power Engineering Society General Meeting, 2007. IEEE. IEEE conference proceedings. s 1 - 7.
  • Hovland, Geir; Choux, Martin; Murray, Matthew; Brogårdh, Torgny (2007). Benchmark of the 3-DOF Gantry-Tau Parallel Kinematic Machine Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. IEEE conference proceedings.
  • Hovland, Geir; Murray, Matthew; Brogårdh, Torgny (2007). Experimental verification of friction and dynamic models of a parallel kinematic machine. Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE/ASME Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics International Conference. IEEE conference proceedings. s 1 - 6.
  • Yang, Guang Ya; Hovland, Geir; Majumder, Rajat; Dong, Zhao (2007). TCSCs Allocation Based on Line Flow Equations via Mixed-Integer Programming. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. ISSN: 0885-8950. 22 (4). s 2262 - 2269.
  • Tyapin, Ilya; Hovland, Geir; Brogårdh, Torgny (2007). Workspace optimisation of a reconfigurable parallel kinematic manipulator. Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Intelligent Advanced Mechatronics. IEEE conference proceedings. s 1 - 6.

Last changed: 21.06.2018 14:06