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Ingvill Helland Göller

Associate Professor

Associate Professor

9I153 ( Universitetsveien 19, Kristiansand )

Ingvill Helland Göller is associate professor at the Department of Law at the University of Agder's School of Business and Law. She holds a PhD from the University of Bergen in the field of human rights and comparative law, where she also completed her Norwegian law degree (cand.jur.).

Helland Göller's research focuses primarily on legal method, constitutional law and human rights in a comparative perspective, with a particular focus on Norwegian and German law. At the moment, she is focussing her reserarch on the synergy of legal method and constitutional law.

Helland Göller has an extensive international network. She is a member of the German Association for Comparative Law (Gesellschaft für Rechtsvergleichung), as well as the Rule of Law-project (Rettsstatsprosjektet) and the research group for legal cultures at the University of Bergen.

She has been published in anthologies and journals nationally and internationally.

Helland Göller has previously worked at the University of Bergen Faculty of Law as an assistant professor, PhD student, researcher and post.doc. She has also been a guest researcher at the Max Planck Institute for international law in Heidelberg (Germany) and a trainee at the European Court of Human Rights.

Scientific publications

  • Mpembeni, Rose N.M.; Kakoko, Deodatus C.V.; Aasen, Henriette Sinding; Helland Göller, Ingvill (2019). Realizing women's right to maternal health: A study of awareness of rights and utilization of maternal health services among reproductive age women in two rural districts in Tanzania. PLOS ONE. ISSN: 1932-6203. 14 (5). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0216027.
  • Koch, Søren; Helland, Ingvill (2014). Comparing legal Methods – an Analytical Framework. Nordic and Germanic Legal Methods -. ISBN: 978-3-16-153062-3. Mohr Siebeck. Cap. 1. s 1 - 19.
  • Koch, Søren; Helland, Ingvill (2014). International Influences in Norwegian Legal Method. Nordic and Germanic Legal Methods -. ISBN: 978-3-16-153062-3. Mohr Siebeck. Chap. XIV. s 344 - 368.
  • Helland, Ingvill (2014). Introduction to German legal method. Nordic and Germanic Legal Methods -. ISBN: 978-3-16-153062-3. Mohr Siebeck. Artikkel. s 188 - 222.
  • Koch, Søren; Helland, Ingvill (2014). Introduction to Norwegian Legal Method. Nordic and Germanic Legal Methods -. ISBN: 978-3-16-153062-3. Mohr Siebeck. Cap. VI. s 99 - 140.
  • Koch, Søren; Helland, Ingvill (2014). Norwegian and German Legal Methods Compared: Similarities and Differences, their Reasons and Consequences. Nordic and Germanic Legal Methods -. ISBN: 978-3-16-153062-3. Mohr Siebeck. Cap. XII. s 267 - 324.
  • Helland, Ingvill (2014). The permissibility and (conditional) recommendability of contra legem interpretations in Norwegian Law. Retfærd. Nordisk Juridisk Tidsskrift. ISSN: 0105-1121. 37 (1). s 17 - 42.
  • Helland, Ingvill (2013). Grunnlovstekstens betydning for forfatningens rekkevidde - norske særtrekk i en komparativ kontekst. Tolkingar av Grunnlova. Om forfatningsutviklinga 1814-2014. ISBN: 978-82-530-3633-5. Pax Forlag. Kapittel 8. s 221 - 255.
  • Koch, Søren; Helland, Ingvill (2013). Methodische Grundlagen der Entscheidungsfindung im norwegischen Privatrecht. Zeitschrift für Europäisches Privatrecht. ISSN: 0943-3929. (3). s 585 - 618.
  • Helland, Ingvill; Koch, Søren (2013). Methodischen Grundlagen der juristischen Entscheidungsfindung im norwegischen Recht. Zeitschrift für Europäisches Privatrecht. ISSN: 0943-3929.
  • Helland, Ingvill (2006). Norwegian law on jurisdiction and choice of law in cases concerning personality rights. Det juridiske fakultets skriftserie. ISSN: 0801-809X. (109).
  • Koch, Søren; Helland, Ingvill (2014). Nordic and Germanic Legal Methods -. ISBN: 978-3-16-153062-3. Mohr Siebeck. s 461.
  • Göller, Ingvill Helland (2023). Hvilken metode når? Innledning til diskusjon om komparativrettslig(e) metode(r).
  • Göller, Ingvill Helland (2023). Putting the North on the map of comparative law.
  • Helland Göller, Ingvill (2022). Begrepet «negativ sosial kontroll» i en juridisk kontekst.
  • Helland Göller, Ingvill (2022). Fortalens betydning for tolkningen av Den europeiske menneskerettighets-konvensjonen.
  • Helland Göller, Ingvill (2022). Betydningen av prinsippet om «barnets beste» ved vurderingen av hva som er negativ sosial kontroll.
  • Helland Göller, Ingvill (2022). Betydningen av prinsippet om «barnets beste» ved vurderingen av hva som er negativ sosial kontroll, illustrert ved praktiske eksempler fra minoritetsrådgivernes hverdag.
  • Helland Göller, Ingvill (2022). Prinsippet om «barnets beste»: Hva som er best for barnet er en rettslig vurdering.
  • Helland Göller, Ingvill (2022). Freedom of expression and its limits: having a licence does not mean you’re allowed to drive blindfolded.
  • Helland Göller, Ingvill (2022). Begrepet «negativ sosial kontroll» i en juridisk kontekst.
  • Helland Göller, Ingvill (2022). Negativ sosial kontroll og internasjonale menneskerettigheter.

Last changed: 29.06.2021 13:06