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Kirsti Vindal Halvorsen

Associate Professor Emerita

J1047 ( Universitetsveien 25, Kristiansand )

Educational background:

 1977, Master in ecological botany, University of Bergen

1977, Educational seminar, Kristiansand teacher university college

1995, Promoted to associate professor

2014, Ph.D. Partnership in teacher education, ecological perspective, faculty of psychology, University of Bergen (UiB).


Working experience:

1977-1978, lecturer, Kristiansand trade gymnasium

1978-1990, lecturer, Møvig secondary school

1990- 1995, lecturer, University College of Agder (HiA)

1995 -2001, associate professor, department of Natural Science, HiA

2001-2003, Leader of teacher education, HiA

2003-2007, Dean, teacher education, HiA

2007-        associate professor, department of natural science, University of Agder


Academic interests

Academic interests

Partnership in teacher education between universities and kindergarten/ schools

Education for sustainable development in teacher education, schools and kindergartens


Natural science in teacher education


1991- 2001, participated in several research projects with emphasis on outdoor education in kindergartens and schools, in Norway and Poland.

2015 – participates in a Polish-Norwegian partnership project with emphasis on education for sustainable development in kindergarten and primary school

Scientific publications

  • Halvorsen, Kirsti Vindal (2017). Reorienting Teacher Education by Building Partnership in a Changing World: Multiple Perspectives. International trends in preparation of early childhood teachers in a changing world. ISBN: 978-83-64953-84-2. Wydawnictwo Akademii Pedagogiki Specjalnej. chapter. s 33 - 53.
  • Halvorsen, Kirsti Vindal (2016). Reorienting teacher educationand schools to address sustainability: multiple perspectives. Koncepcja zrównoważonego rozwoju w kształceniu nauczycieli klas początkowych. ISBN: 978-83-64953-37-8. Wydawnictwo Akademii Pedagogiki Specjalnej,. Kapittel. s 85 - 98.
  • Halvorsen, Kirsti Vindal (2015). Edukacja dla zrownowazonego rozwoju. Implementacja wartosci i idei konstruktywizmu do praktyki edukacyjnej. Edukacja środowiskowa w kształceniu nauczycieli : perspektywa teoretyczna : skrypt napisany na potrzeby projektu. ISBN: 978-83-64953-28-6. Wydawnictwo Akademii Pedagogiki Specjalnej. Kapittel. s 95 - 140.
  • Halvorsen, Kirsti Vindal (2014). Building Teacher Identity in a New Partnership Porject, - Multiple Perspectives. Journal of Studies in Education. ISSN: 2162-6952. 4 (1). s 10 - 24. doi:10.5296/jse.v4il.4655.
  • Halvorsen, Kirsti Vindal; Smith, Kari (2012). Utvikling av partnerskap i en førskolelærerutdanning, sett fra et økologisk perspektiv. Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift. ISSN: 0029-2052. 96 (3). s 237 - 248.
  • Bałachowicz, Józefa; Halvorsen, Kirsti Vindal; Witkowska-Tomaszewska, Anna (2015). Edukacja środowiskowa w kształceniu nauczycieli : perspektywa teoretyczna : skrypt napisany na potrzeby projektu. ISBN: 978-83-64953-28-6. Wydawnictwo Akademii Pedagogiki Specjalnej. s 152.
  • Halvorsen, Kirsti Vindal (2017). Sharing the joy of nature with children as a strategy in order to support education for sustainable development.
  • Halvorsen, Kirsti Vindal (2016). Reorientacja kształcenia nauczycieli i pracy szkół na zrównoważony rozwój, perspektywa wielowymiarowa / Reorienting Teacher Education and Schools to Address Sustainability, Multiple Perspectives.
  • Halvorsen, Kirsti Vindal (2015). Education for sustainable development in initiatial teacher education.

Last changed: 7.11.2018 08:11