Cand. polit. degree in Information Science with a focus on web-based learning. Passionate about the maker movement and the maker philosophy. Belive in learning by playing, building and doing. Favorite word: bricolage.
Academic interests
Computational thinking and programming in K-13
Digital competence for teachers
Scientific publications
Wergeland, Tor Jarle; Føreland Pedersen, Tor Jørund; Sevik, Kristine (2024). Delingskultur og underveisvurdering i skapende prosesser. Lærerrollen i endring. Studentaktive læringsformer og profesjonsfaglig digital kompetanse. ISBN: 9788215064727. Universitetsforlaget. 4. s 98 - 116.
Sevik, Kristine; Tømte, Cathrine Edelhard (2009). Teachers’ Preparedness for Integrating Programming and Computational Thinking in Art and Crafts. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer. Teachers' Preparedness. s 180 - 191.