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Kristin Wallevik


A6012 ( Universitetsveien 25, Kristiansand )

Kristin Wallevik is strategic advisor at the University of Agder. She is the former dean of the School of Business and Law at the University of Agder. She holds a PhD-degree in International Management from Copenhagen Business School and an MBA from The Monterey Institute of International Studies (USA).

As a researcher, Wallevik has managed and participated in several large projects related to renewable energy, mechanical industry, innovation and several regional analyses. Her main research interest is in the fields of innovation, innovation management and corporate governance. Her PhD-thesis describes corporate governance in the maritime sector, focusing on family ownership. She stayed at The Monterey Institute of International Studies in 2011/2012.

The last years Wallevik has been focusing on research within innovation, competitiveness, regional innovation systems and industry development. She has published chapters, reports and articles in Routledge, Palgrave Macmillan and European Planning Studies, to mention some. She has also published several scientific reports and held speeches nationally and internationally on topics like industry development, innovation, sustainability and cluster development. 

Wallevik has previously been the managing director and department head in the research institute Agderforskning. As department head and deputy in Agderforskning, she was responsible for establishing a new department on innovation management. During this period, she also worked closely together with industry and businesses in numerous research projects. Wallevik also contributed to the establishment of the technical research institute Teknova. As managing director her focus was to develop Agderforskning as a central player within the research areas innovation, regional development, welfare and creative industries.

Prior to Agderforskning, Kristin Wallevik was both controller and financial manager in MHWirth (earlier Aker MH and part of Aker Solutions Group), as well as financial manager in VingCard (TrioVing Group). In MHWirth she also worked with means of financing research and larger industry projects, and she was the internal supervisor of three industrial PhD-students.

Wallevik is currently on the board of VETAKS, Eyde Cluster and Sørlandets kompetansefond. Previously she has had board positions in Byggma ASA, Mechatronics Innovation Lab, Cultiva, Sparebanken Pluss (now Sparebanken Sør), Teknova, Returkraft, Kino Sør and Innoventus Sør. In addition, she is a local politician in the municipality and in the board for organization in Kristiansand kommune.

Scientific publications

  • Hydle, Katja Maria; Wallevik, Kristin (2021). Intrabound Innovation and Strategizing in Service MNCs. Managing Open Service Innovation. ISBN: 978-981-123-448-4. World Scientific. Chapter 6. s 117 - 143.
  • Aslesen, Heidi; Hydle, Katja Maria; Wallevik, Kristin (2017). Extra-regional linkages through MNCs in organizationally thick and specialized RISs: a source of new path development?. European Planning Studies. ISSN: 0965-4313. 25 (3). s 443 - 461. doi:10.1080/09654313.2016.1273322.
  • Normann, Roger Henning; Guribye, Eugene; Wallevik, Kristin (2016). Developing a sustainable business model in a changing economy. Applied social science research in a regional knowledge system. ISBN: 978-1-4724-8782-7. Routledge. 1. s 25 - 45.
  • Ricke, Michael Aloysius; Wallevik, Kristin; Jørgensen, Geir (2016). The Mittelstand. Applied social science research in a regional knowledge system. ISBN: 978-1-4724-8782-7. Routledge. 13. s 207 - 225.
  • Wallevik, Kristin (2015). The Future of Entrepreneurship:Concept and Context. Entrepreneurial Challenges in the 21st Century: Creating Stakeholder Value Co-Creation. ISBN: 9781137479747. Palgrave Macmillan. Kapitel 2. s 12 - 23.
  • Wallevik, Kristin; Aas, Tor Helge; Hjemdahl, Kirsti Mathiesen (2013). Hvordan lykkes bedrifter med innovasjon?. Innovasjon - organisasjon, region, politikk. ISBN: 978-82-02-38331-2. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. Kapittel 2. s 45 - 67.
  • Wallevik, Kristin (2020). Concepts and Contexts of Entrepreneurship and Family Firms.
  • Wallevik, Kristin; Nyhus, Ellen K.; Kvinen, Tor Geir (2017). Sørlandet eier en hemmelighet.
  • Aslesen, Heidi; Hydle, Katja Maria; Wallevik, Kristin (2016). Extra-regional linkages through MNCs in organizationally thick and specialized RIS; a source of regional development?.

Last changed: 22.02.2023 15:02