Fegran is a Registered Nurse and hold a MScN and PhD in Nursing Science. In addition to her position at the University of Agder, she has a part time position as research supervisor at the Children’s’ Department at Sørlandet Hospital.
Fegran is a member of the research group Health and Quality of Life in a Family Perspective (HEIFA) at the Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences. Ongoing research projects are focused on pediatric palliative care, neglect, pain, sleep, psychosocial health and quality of life in children and adolescents, as well as sexual health in cancer survivors from patient, family member, and nursing perspectives. Additionally, she participates in the research group Patient Transfer and Transition (PRANSIT) with collaborators from Denmark and Sweden. PRANSIT focuses on systematic litterature reviews of patient transfers for different groups and in different contexts, within a Transitions Theories perspective. Methodological expertise primarily lies in qualitative research, systematic reviews, feasibility and intervention studies, and several projects incorporate technological solutions (e-health) as a central component.
Qualitative research methods and systematic reviews on the faculty's masterprograms (ME-427, ME-429 og HSI-413) og Systematic Reviews and Evidence Synthesis on the PhD program in Health Sciences (ME-617).
Last changed: 22.03.2024 12:03