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Maria Kristiina Ranta

Senior Adviser

External funding, education projects

A4002 ( Universitetsveien 25, Kristiansand )

I have versatile and long experience in the area of external funding for education. During the years, I've administered funding programmes for education projects at national level, I've provided support for project development and grant proposal writing at the institutional level, and I have written proposals myself. I also continue to work part-time as an independent expert evaluator of grant proposals. Please find further information about my career in my LinkedIn-profile.

My work tasks at UiA include internal promotion of relevant calls for projects, offering support to applicants, contributing to the development of project ideas, quality assurance of grant proposals as well as coordination and development of UiA's administrative activities, routines and network for education project proposals. 

In addition to duties at UiA and my part-time expert work as an evaluator, I am appointed as Task Manager for defining and developing of microcredentials at FORTHEM European University alliance.

I hold a master's degree in public management and administration with specialization in higher education from Tampere University (Finland). The studies covered topics such as higher education systems, policies, regulation, funding, governance, universities as organisation, history of higher education and quality assurance.


Read more about external funding for education projects here (only for UiA employees).

Last changed: 14.04.2023 14:04