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Naima Saeed



A172 ( Jon Lilletuns vei 3, Grimstad )

Naima Saeed is a Professor in Supply Chain Management at the School of Business and Law at the University of Agder. Saeed was an honorary visiting fellow at La Trobe Business School, Melbourne, Australia, and a visiting scholar at the School of Business IT and Logistics, RMIT, Melbourne, Australia, University of California, Berkeley, United States, Tokyo University of Science, Tokyo, Japan, and Nelson Mandela University Business School, South Africa.

She has a Ph.D. in Logistics from Molde University College (Norway), with a specialization in Maritime Economics. Her current research is focused on port competition and cooperation, maritime connectivity, and measures to improve ports’ efficiency.  

Saeed has published papers in well-acknowledged international peer-reviewed scientific journals, including the European Journal of Operational Research, Computers in Industry, Transportation Science, Maritime Economics & Logistics, and Maritime Policy & Management.

Saeed received the third best paper award in the port competitiveness and competition session at IAME 2019 conference in Athens, Greece. She has served as a referee for several academic journals.

Before joining the University of Agder, Saeed worked as an Associate Professor in Logistics at Molde University College. She has also worked on two European Union projects and was responsible for developing distance-learning courses in Maritime Logistics and Maritime Value Chain. She has also worked as a consultant in a project financed by the VRI program of The Research Council of Norway. 

Saeed was a member of the Norwegian Association of Higher Education Institutions’ committee for the research methods course (2016-2020).

Academic interests

Bachelor courses:

  1. ME-109 Statistics, Methods and Applied Data Analysis (2014, 2015, 2016).
  2. MF-203 Industrial Buying Behaviour (2015, 2016, 2017).

Master courses:

  1. ME-423 Business Research Methods, SPSS labs (2014, 2015, 2016, 2017).
  2. ORG-440 Supply Chain Management (2015, 2016, 2017)

PhD course:

  1. ME-612 Survey of Statistical Methods (2015, Fall 2018)

Doctoral and Master thesis students:

  • Ziaul Haque Munim, September 2015- September 2018 (expected). Topic:“Essays on Port Competitiveness”.
  • Ioana Sinziana Rasca. (2018-2021). Topic: “Reaching GHG emission targets through mobility optimization in low density urban areas-a study of coastal Small and Medium-sized Cities in Norway” (Co-supervisor).
  • Supervised several Master’s students, at Molde University College and the University of Agder.


Member of the research group "Emerging Markets" at the School of Business and Law, UIA.

Scientific publications

  • Afenyo, Mawuli; Ng, Adolf K. Y.; Saeed, Naima (2024). Safe and Sustainable Arctic Shipping Management and Development. ISBN: 978-0443188497. Elsevier. s 205.
  • Saeed, Naima (2023). Application of innovative forecasting methods to predict container freight rates.
  • Saeed, Naima (2023). Arctic Shipping Insurance from the Industry Perspective.
  • Saeed, Naima; Ashraf, Hasan (2023). A Framework for a Sustainable and Resilient Cruise Shipping.
  • Saeed, Naima (2023). Innovative forecasting techniques to improve predicting accuracy.
  • Saeed, Naima (2023). International Teaching Experience, difference is learning approaches.
  • Saeed, Naima (2023). An overview of industry experience on Arctic shipping insurance..
  • Trakoonsanti, Lamphai; Chhetri, Prem; Shahparvari, Shahrooz; Singh, Amanpreet; Saeed, Naima (2023). Modelling Global Patterns, Characteristics and Factors of Port Lapse Time.

Last changed: 7.03.2023 12:03