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Nils Mikael Signal

Associate Professor

Associate Professor

J2017 ( Universitetsveien 25, Kristiansand )


PhD in Mathematical Statistics, September 2003. Title of thesis: Topics in
Simulation and Stochastic Analysis. At the Centre of Mathematical Sciences, Lund University, Sweden.

Licentiate degree in mathematical statistics 2000. Title: Derivative Estimation
via Simulation in the Presence of Discontinuities.

Bachelor of Science in physics 1993, Lund University. Title:  Some aspects of Lorentz’s weather.

Bachelor of Science in mathematics 1988, Lund University.


• 2008- Associate Professor at Kristiansand University.
• 2005 02 01- 2007 12 31. Research Fellow at CMA, Math. dep. Oslo,
• August 1 - October 31, 2004 Visiting Professor at the Centre for Mathe-
matical Sciences, Division of Mathematical Statistics, University of Lund
(LU), Sweden. Teaching probability.
• January 1-June 30, 2004. Visiting Professor at the Department of Mathe-
matics, Division of Mathematical Statistics, University of Linköping, Swe-
den. Teaching probability and (theoretical) statistics.
• 1998-2003. Computer lab assistant and teaching assistant in mathemat-
ical statistics on a number of different courses (Lund University). PhD-
student in mathematical statistics at Lund University. Course director in
the introductory inference course for students at Lund University. (Lec-
turing, construction and grading of take home assignments, teaching as-
sistance, design of exams and grading.)
• 1993-1997. Various teaching and research assignments at Halmstad Uni-
versity. Senior lecturer in mathematics (calculus in one and several di-
mensions, linear algebra and transform techniques) for one year (lecturing,
teaching assistance, construction of exams and grading). Three research
papers about neural networks and fuzzy logic in soft computing, in close
connection with the paper industry, were published.
• 1992-1993. Senior lecturer in mathematics (calculus in one variable and
linear algebra) at Malmö/Helsingborg University. (Lecturing, teaching
assistance, design of exams and grading.)
• 1988-1989. Student counsellor (amanuens) in mathematics at LU.
• 1987-1992. Teaching assistant and exam grading at Department of Math-
ematics, Lund University (LU) and Lund Technical University (LTH) on
a number of courses concerning calculus in one and several variables as
well as linear algebra.

Academic interests

MAIN INTERESTS: Partial differential equations and Harmonic analysis. 

Courses I tend to teach: Statistics, Stochastic analysis with finance, Fourier analysis with PDE.


Pettersson, Roger; Signahl, Mikael;     Numerical approximation for a white noise driven SPDE with locally bounded drift    Potential Analysis    22    4    375-393    2005    Springer

Chen, Yuanyuan; Signahl, Mikael; Toft, Joachim;     Factorizations and singular value estimates of operators with Gelfand–Shilov and Pilipović kernels    Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications            1-33    2017    Springer

Øksendal, Bernt; Proske, Frank; Signahl, Mikael;     The Cauchy problem for the wave equation with Lévy noise initial data    Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and Related Topics    9    2    249-270    2006    World Scientific

Chen, Yuanyuan; Signahl, Mikael; Toft, Joachim;     Hilbert space embeddings for Gelfand–Shilov and Pilipović spaces    Generalized Functions and Fourier Analysis            31-44    2017    Springer

Signahl, Mikael;     Sensitivity analysis via simulation in the presence of discontinuities    Mathematical Methods of Operations Research    60    1    29-51    2004    Springer

Signahl, Mikael; Toft, Joachim;     Remarks on mapping properties for the Bargmann transform on modulation spaces    Integral transforms and special functions    22    4-5    359-366    2011    Taylor & Francis

Signahl, Mikael;     Variational Solutions of Semilinear Wave Equations Driven by Fractional Brownian Noise    Preprint series. Pure mathematics http://urn. nb. no/URN: NBN: no-8076                2005    Matematisk Institutt, Universitetet i Oslo

Signahl, Mikael;     Topics in Simulation and Stochastic Analysis    2003    Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Lund University

Signahl, Mikael;     Variational solutions of semilinear wave equations driven by multiplicative fractional Brownian noise.    Preprint series. Pure mathematics http://urn. nb. no/URN: NBN: no-8076                2006    Matematisk Institutt, Universitetet i Oslo

Signahl, Mikael;     On error rates in normal approximations and simulation schemes for Lévy processes    2003    Taylor & Francis

Signahl, Mikael; Toft, Joachim;     Mapping properties for the Bargmann transform on modulation spaces    Journal of Pseudo-Differential Operators and Applications    3    1    1-30    2012    Springer

Verikas, A; Signahl, M; Malmqvist, K; Bacauskiene, M;     Fuzzy committee of experts for segmentation of colour images    Proceedings of 5th European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing    3        1902-1906    1997   

Signahl, Mikael; Verikas, Antanas;     Fuzzy combination schemes for modular neural networks    the 10th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, Lappeenranta, Finland, June 9-11, 1997            419-424    1997    Pattern Recognition Society of Finland

Verikas, Antanas; Malmqvist, Kerstin; Bergman, Lars; Signahl, Mikael;     Colour classification by neural networks in graphic arts    Neural Computing & Applications    7    1    52-64    1998    Springer

Scientific publications

  • Signahl, Mikael (2006). Variational solutions of Semilinear Wave Equations Driven by Fractional Brownian noise.
  • Signahl, Mikael (2006). Variational solutions of Semilinear Wave Equations Driven by Fractional Brownian noise.

Last changed: 10.08.2020 13:08