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Reyn Joseph O'Born

Associate Professor

Associate professor

D3098 ( Jon Lilletuns vei 9, Grimstad )

Bachelors degrees in Economics and Global Studies from Wilfrid Laurier University and a masters degree in Industrial Ecology (Environmental Systems Analysis) from NTNU.

Research assistant from 2012-2014 at NTNU working within the field of life cycle assessment

Worked on various other environmental analysis projects for MiSA AS and Xynteo AS

Experience with environmental impact assessments of energy recovery from organic waste, water treatment systems, energy demand in Norwegian housing stock (TEK17 and Passivhus), energy systems, environmental impacts of road infrastructure, battery systems, and algae production from wastewater

PhD in cooperation with Statens Vegvesen on environmental impacts of road infrastructure

Current leader of ENTERS UiA research group on circular economy (www.enters.uia.no)

Courses and teaching

  • 2015 - now - ING200 (earlier TFL200) - Technology, sustainability, and society in a system perspective
  • 2014 - now - BYG404 - Life cycle assessment of constructions
  • 2024 - now - MAS40X - Circular economy and eco-design
  • Guest lecturer: IND420 (2018 - now), BYG211 (2019 - now), TFL400 (2021 - now), Prosessindustri+ (Sørlandetsfagskole, 2018), PED996 (2022)
  • Co-supervisor for PhD student Benedikte Wrålsen (2019-2023)
  • Supervisor for PhD student Jayachandra Malavatu (2021-now)
  • Supervisor for PhD student Alexander Grødum Vetnes (2023-now)
  • Supervisor for over 70 master and bachelor projects since 2012

Work experience

  • 2010 - 2014 - Environmental advisor (part-time), Xynteo AS
  • Summer 2011 - Research assistant, NTNU Industrial Ecology, Input-Output (CREEA)
  • Summer 2012 - Environmental advisor, Asplan Viak (earlier MiSA), Smart Water Cluster
  • 2012 - 2014 - Research assistant, NTNU Industrial Ecology, various projects mostly related to LCA
  • 2015 - 2018 - PhD candidate, UiA, Reduction of emissions in road infrastructure
  • 2019 - now - Associate professor, UiA

Academic interests

  • Life cycle assessment (LCA)
  • Circular economy
  • Sustainable infrastructure
  • Sustainable process industry
  • Industrial symbiosis
  • Circular battery value chains
  • Battery reuse and recycling
  • Bioeconomy and waste recovery


Current projects

  • Leader of ENTERS UiA research group on circular economy (www.enters.uia.no)
  • Member of UIA research group for Sustainable buildings and infrastructure
  • Agder Symbiose - in cooperation with Eyde, Arendal municipality og Agder county (Agder Symbiose kick-off)
  • ALGECO - Cost-effective algae technology to promote circular economy development of
  • Norwegian wastewater treatment plant in cooperation with NIVA, University of Oslo, NIBIO, SINTEF Energy Research, NMBU, University of Queensland, Vestfjorden Wastewater Company, and Biosikva AS. (ALGECO project website)
  • 2ND LIFE - The value of second life batteries in the future energy system, in cooperation with IFE, The Norwegian Defence Research Establishment, NTNU, University College of London, and the Solar Energy Cluster with funding partners from Equinor, ecostor, Corvus Energy, Norsk Hydro, and Batteriretur. (2ND Life project website)
  • ELAG - ELAG brings together important regional actors in the battery sector to try and develop new technologies and concepts that will aid in the electrification of society and contribute to increase circularity in the Norwegian battery value chain. The overall research aim is to determine how used electric vehicle batteries can be automatically discharged and characterised in order to be integrated into a circular battery value chain that also uses battery energy storage to meet the needs of a low-carbon and electrified society. (ELAG project page)
  • Battery Coast - The University of Agder battery initiative (Battery Coast website)
  • GoGreen - (GoGreen press release) - in cooperation with Bertelsen og Garpestad, Statens vegvesen, and NAV
  • Green Platform - «Sustainable value chain and material use in road construction (Press release)

Earlier projects

  • BATMAN project on sustainable battery value chains (BATMAN prosjekt)
  • LICCER/ERA-NET Road (http://bit.ly/2gZTjQZ)
  • EPISCOPE (http://www.ntnu.no/episcope)
  • BioTEnMaRe (http://biotenmare.com/)
  • Smart Water Cluster (http://smartwatercluster.no)
  • Reduction of emissions and resource use in road construction and infrastructure (LEIV, KraKK, Ferry Free E39 projects) at the Norwegian Public Roads Administration (Statens vegvesen)
  • Samarbeidsprosjekt med NCE Maritime Clean Tech med et prosjekt om batteridrevet ferjer og LCA
  • Previous member of NCE Eyde Cluster ThinkTank

Scientific publications

  • Lande, Ingrid; O'Born, Reyn Joseph; Thorstensen, Rein Terje (2024). Greenhouse Gas Emissions of UHPC Material Compositions. Ultra-High Performance Concrete and High Performance Building Materials for Sustainability Construction. ISBN: 978-3-7376-1159-6. Kassel University Press GmbH. Part 3 Sustainability. s 101 - 104.
  • Wilhelmsen, Marthe Elden; O'Born, Reyn Joseph; Heimdal, Anette; Ruser, Alexander (2023). UNDERSTANDING AND CHALLENGING CLIMATE SKEPTIC ATTITUDES AMONG ENGINEERING STUDENTS THROUGH INTERACTIVE PEDAGOGY. DS 123: Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education (E&PDE 2023). ISBN: 978-1-912254-19-4. The Design Society. Conference paper.
  • Wrålsen, Benedikte; O'Born, Reyn Joseph (2023). Use of life cycle assessment to evaluate circular economy business models in the case of Li-ion battery remanufacturing. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. ISSN: 0948-3349. 28s 554 - 565. doi:10.1007/s11367-023-02154-0.
  • O'Born, Reyn Joseph; Heimdal, Anette (2022). EXPERIENCES FROM TEACHING CIRCULAR ECONOMY CONCEPTS TO ENGINEERING STUDENTS. DS 117: Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education (E&PDE 2022), London South Bank University in London, UK. 8th - 9th September 2022. ISBN: 9781912254163. The Design Society. -.
  • Malavatu, Jayachandra; O'Born, Reyn Joseph; Peter, Kepplinger; Fässler, Bernhard (2022). Hybrid energy storage systems of energy- and power-dense batteries: a survey on modelling techniques and control methods. Procedia CIRP. ISSN: 2212-8271. 105s 794 - 798. doi:10.1016/j.procir.2022.02.193.
  • Sophie, Engels; O'Born, Reyn Joseph (2022). Realizing the potential of humic acid recovery in Norway through chitosan treatment of drinking water. Procedia CIRP. ISSN: 2212-8271. 105s 177 - 182. doi:10.1016/j.procir.2022.02.031.
  • Wrålsen, Benedikte; Prieto-Sandoval, Vanessa; Mejia-Villa, Andres; O'Born, Reyn Joseph; Hellström, Magnus Mikael; Fässler, Bernhard (2021). Circular business models for lithium-ion batteries - Stakeholders, barriers, and drivers. Journal of Cleaner Production. ISSN: 0959-6526. 317doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.128393.
  • Liljenström, Carolina; Miliutenko, Sofiia; O'Born, Reyn Joseph; Brattebø, Helge; Birgisdottir, Harpa; Toller, Susanna; Lundberg, Kristina; Potting, José (2020). Life cycle assessment as decision-support in choice of road corridor: case study and stakeholder perspectives. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation. ISSN: 1556-8318. s 1 - 18. doi:10.1080/15568318.2020.1788679.
  • Vignisdottir, Hrefna Run; Ebrahimi, Babak; Booto, Gaylord Kabongo; O'Born, Reyn Joseph; Brattebø, Helge; Wallbaum, Holger; Bohne, Rolf André (2019). A review of environmental impacts of winter road maintenance. Cold Regions Science and Technology. ISSN: 0165-232X. 158s 143 - 153. doi:10.1016/j.coldregions.2018.10.013.
  • Slobodchikov, Roman; Bakke, Kjetil Lohne; Svennevig, Paul Ragnar; O'Born, Reyn Joseph (2019). Implementing climate impacts in road infrastructure in the design phase by combining BIM with LCA. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES). ISSN: 1755-1307. 323 (1). doi:10.1088/1755-1315/323/1/012089.
  • Vignisdottir, Hrefna Run; Ebrahimi, Babak; Booto, Gaylord Kabongo; O'Born, Reyn Joseph; Brattebø, Helge; Wallbaum, Holger; Bohne, Rolf André (2019). Life cycle assessment of winter road maintenance. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. ISSN: 0948-3349. doi:10.1007/s11367-019-01682-y.
  • Booto, Gaylord Kabongo; O'Born, Reyn Joseph; Ebrahimi, Babak; Vignisdottir, Hrefna Run; Brattebø, Helge; Pitera, Kelly; Wallbaum, Holger; Bohne, Rolf André (2019). Road Planning and Route Alignment Selection Criteria in the Norwegian Context. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. ISSN: 1757-8981. 471 (5). doi:10.1088/1757-899X/471/6/062007.
  • Wrålsen, Benedikte; O'Born, Reyn Joseph; Skaar, Christofer (2018). Life cycle assessment of an ambitious renovation of a Norwegian apartment building to nZEB standard. Energy and Buildings. ISSN: 0378-7788. 177s 197 - 206. doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2018.07.036.
  • O'Born, Reyn Joseph (2018). Life cycle assessment of large scale timber bridges: A case study from the world’s longest timber bridge design in Norway. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. ISSN: 1361-9209. 59s 301 - 312. doi:10.1016/j.trd.2018.01.018.
  • O'Born, Reyn Joseph; Vertes, Katalin (2017). Comparative life cycle assessment of concrete and timber road bridge deck designs. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Timber Bridges. ISSN: 0284-5172.
  • Larsen, Ingrid Lande; Aasbakken, Ida Granseth; O'Born, Reyn Joseph; Vertes, Katalin; Thorstensen, Rein Terje (2017). Determining the Environmental Benefits of Ultra High Performance Concrete as Bridge Construction Material. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. ISSN: 1757-8981. 245 (5). doi:10.1088/1757-899X/245/5/052096.
  • Linjord, Torjus; O'Born, Reyn Joseph; Imenes, Anne Gerd (2017). Life cycle analysis of building integrated photovoltaic roof tile for use in Norwegian conditions. RIL. Suomen Rakennusinsinöörien Liitto. ISSN: 0356-9403. s 25 - 32.
  • O'Born, Reyn Joseph; Brattebø, Helge; Iversen, Ole Magnus Kålås; Miliutenko, Sofiia; Potting, Jose (2016). Quantifying energy demand and greenhouse gas emissions of road infrastructure projects: An LCA case study of the Oslo fjord crossing in Norway.. European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research. ISSN: 1567-7133. 16 (3). s 445 - 466.
  • O'Born, Reyn Joseph; Vertes, Katalin; Pytten, Gordon; Hortemo, Lars Ole; Brændhagen, Anders (2017). Life cycle assessment of an optimized network arch highway bridge utilizing timber. ISBN: 978-1-138-29595-7. Taylor & Francis. s 2304.
  • O'Born, Reyn Joseph (2024). «GoGreen» ombruk og gjenvinning i anleggsbransjen.
  • O'Born, Reyn Joseph (2024). Sirkulær økonomi og miljøanalyse i vegbygging.
  • O'Born, Reyn Joseph (2024). Reduksjon av utslipp i anskaffelser: Hvilke fakta legges til grunn?.
  • O'Born, Reyn Joseph (2024). Miljøaspektene rundt gjenbruk av elbilbatterier for energilagring.
  • O'Born, Reyn Joseph (2024). GoGreen: Ombruk på byggeplass i praksis.
  • O'Born, Reyn Joseph (2024). GoGreen: sirkulær prosesser på byggeplass i praksis.
  • Simon, Brekke; O'Born, Reyn Joseph (2023). Life cycle assessment of geopolymer concrete made with tailings from ilmenite mining.
  • Vetnes, Alexander Grødum; O'Born, Reyn Joseph (2023). The conceptualisation of circular road construction: A case study in Norway.

Last changed: 9.04.2024 17:04