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Steinar Egge

Assistant Professor

A157 ( Jon Lilletuns vei 3, Grimstad )


Steinar Egge is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Working Life and Innovation at the School of Law and Business at the University of Agder.

Egge is Master of Science in Petroleum Engineering from West Virginia University (USA) and the University of Texas (USA). He holds an MBA in Finance from the University of Cincinnati (USA), as well as a higher degree (høyere avdelingsstudium) in Business Analysis from NHH Norwegian School of Economics.

Since 1988, Egge has worked at what is now the University of Agder, where he has taught various economics courses for thousands of students over the years. Egge was a key player in the development of the Master's degree program in Industrial Economics and has for a number of years had the main responsibility for the study's economic subjects.

Egge is a widely used sensor at other universities and colleges, including the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), the University College in Western Norway and BI Norwegian Business School. He has also taught courses at the University College in Southeastern Norway and contributed input to various business economics textbooks.

Egge currently teaches:

  • Financial Management (Cost and Income Analysis)
  • Investment and financing
  • Business Analysis I
  • Financial Accounting I

Scientific publications

  • Egge, Steinar (2000). Inv. & Fin. - Forelesningsnotater.

Last changed: 1.04.2019 19:04