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Thomas Henökl

Associate Professor

Senior Research Associate (GDI/DIE)

HU001 ( Universitetsveien 25, Kristiansand )


Before coming to Norway in 2011, Thomas was working for the European Commission in Brussels (External Relations DG, later the European External Action Service, EEAS). In 2008, Thomas joined the Commission as Regional Security Advisor in DG External Relations, and later Security Policy Officer within the EEAS responsible for Asia and Africa (including a number of field visits to the regions). In this capacity, he was also in Cairo during the decisive moments of the ‘Arab Spring’ in January/February 2010 to report and to oversee the evacuation of European citizens.

Thomas has done research in the fields of international relations, European public policy and administration, on subjects such as the development of regional integration in Asia and inter-regional forums of cooperation, EU foreign and security policy or ethics and integrity management in the public sector. Recently, some of his work appeared in Journal of European Integration, European Foreign Affairs Review, and the Journal of Contemporary European Research. He was co-responsible of large-scale comparative studies on reforming public management in the EU member states and co-authored several studies on these subjects. At present, his work is bringing these two strands together in the study of Europe’s new external and diplomatic service, assessing the transformative impact on the EU central and the national administrative systems.

In April 2015, Thomas defended his PhD thesis, entitled “Inside the External Action Service: Unpacking the EU’s Foreign Policy Bureaucracy” at the University of Agder: http://www.uia.no/nyheter/disputas-nummer-100-har-eu-administrasjonen-som-tema

He holds Master’s degrees in Political Science from the Universities of Innsbruck (Austria), from the Institut d’Etudes Politiques (Sciences-Po, Paris, MA European public policy), and a post-graduate degree from the International Christian University (ICU), Tokyo (MA Public administration and international organization). From 2002-2004, he was among the first students awarded the Rotary scholarship (http://rotary.de/panorama/global-gefragter-experte-a-6044.html) to study crisis management and conflict resolution, and was then writing on questions of East-Asian regional security and the perspective for the conflict on the Korean peninsula. During that period he was also working as an advisor in the Political and Economic Section of EU Delegation to Japan.

Research interests

Transnational Collaborative Governance Platforms

Generation PFN - post festum nati

Courses and teaching

ST-100 (UiA)







EU Integration Summer School (UiA)

EU Diplomatic Training Path

Ethics in Public Service

Work experience

EU Commission

European External Action Service

European Institute of Public Administration 

Academic interests

Having done research in the field of international relations, and more precisely on the development of regional integration in Asia and inter-regional forums of cooperation, Thomas has worked on European public administration, notably on large-scale comparative studies on the evolution of the civil service systems in the EU member states. At present, his work is bringing these two strands together in the study of Europe’s new foreign policy bureaucracy, assessing the transformative impact on the EU central and the national administrative systems.

Recently, the focus of his research has been whether and how the establishment of a relatively independent EU foreign policy administration, bridging different branches of the EU executive (European Council, Council of Ministers and Commission) makes a critical case for the transformation of the European political order; in that it, first, represents a transfer of capacity for action in an area of core-state competences to the EU level, and, second, because it profoundly affects how foreign policy makers at different levels and institutional actors embedded in the various EU and global governance layers are bound and coupled together, and how power and resources are distributed among and between them.

At the German Development Institute in Bonn, Germany (https://www.die-gdi.de/en/thomas-henoekl/) Thomas is working on the organizational dimension of EU foreign policy and international cooperation.


At the Institute for Political Science and Management Thomas is part of the study group on European public policy and multi-level administration (http://www.uia.no/en/research/samfunnsvitenskap/european-integration-and-governance). He also takes interest in Europe as a global actor, the EU’s role in international security and crisis management as well as transnational public administration and global governance.

Thomas' current research interests and questions include:

- The study of the emergence and development of cross-level and cross-sectorial policy networks, and their effects on existing (EU-level, national and regional) governance structures and processes;

- Identification of tendencies and patterns of change in these governance structures, i.e. to discuss not only whether governance models and structures change, but to pinpoint how and in which directions they might evolve;


- Examine tendencies of integration and centralization of core state powers in other crucial areas of sovereignty administration, notably in the field of security (defence, external border management, policing) or territorial governance but also in distributive policies, such as taxation and economic governance;


- Research the effects of MLA systems on states or territorial entities at the regional level as well as beyond the national level, and see how they are affected by cooptation of new politico-administrative arrangements via effects of executive centre formation and re-formation, evolving administrative spaces, cross-boundary governance and rule transfer;


- Compare new forms and examples of regional (dis-)integration, including (macro-)regional developments, particularly in areas of intersecting or conflicting territorial and transnational interests, such as the High North and the Arctic or the Eastern neighborhood;

- Contribute to the theoretical discussions, explaining alterations and transformation of political and socio-economic systems and administrative spaces in contemporary Europe.


Earlier, as a researcher at the European Institute of Public Administration (Maastricht, NL), he was involved in a series of quantitative research projects on EU and national public administration, notably a large scale comparative project ‘Regulating Conflicts of Interests for Holders of Public Office’ (with C. Demmke, M. Bovens and T. Moilanen, available at: http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/policy_advisers/publications/docs/hpo_professional_ethics_en.pdf), as well as a number of other studies on the civil service systems in the EU member states. Dissemination of research and debate with students as well as professionals of public administration involved amongst others the European Public Administration Network (EUPAN), a forum bringing together the Director Generals responsible for the civil services of the EU member states. To present his findings and results, he was further invited to lecture at different international academic institutions in Europe and North America, such as the University of St. Gallen (CH), ENA (Strasbourg and Paris), University of Montreal (CA), George Washington University, Syracuse University, and the World Bank, Washington, DC.

Since 2012, Thomas is also Expert member of the Ethics Advisory Committee of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA, http://echa.europa.eu).

In July 2015 Thomas has been appointed Senior Researcher at the German Development Institute, Bonn (Deutsches Insititut für Entwicklungspolitik, DIE); see also: https://www.die-gdi.de/en/thomas-henoekl/

Selected publications

See Google Scholar

General outreach



Cognitive science

Epistemeology and syllogistics

Scientific publications

  • Henökl, Thomas (2023). Zeit des Erwachens EU Außenpolitik Ukraine Israel Wo bleibt die „Europäische Strategische Autonomie“?. Der Freitag. ISSN: 0945-2095.
  • Henökl, Thomas; Jakobsen, Tor Georg (2021). The rising fear of terrorism and the emergence of a European security governance space: citizen perceptions and EU counterterrorism cooperation. Journal of Contemporary European Studies. ISSN: 1478-2804. s 1 - 17. doi:10.1080/14782804.2021.1958202.
  • Henökl, Thomas (2020). An alternative reading of EU foreign policy administration. The Routledge Handbook of Critical European Studies. ISBN: 9781138589919. Routledge. Kapittel. s 523 - 537.
  • Henökl, Thomas (2020). Changing Practices in European Foreign Policy. European Foreign Affairs Review. ISSN: 1384-6299. 25 (1). s 99 - 116.
  • Schulz, Daniel Frederik; Henökl, Thomas (2020). New Alliances in Post-Brexit Europe: Does the New Hanseatic League Revive Nordic Political Cooperation?. Politics and Governance. ISSN: 2183-2463. doi:10.17645/pag.v8i4.3359.
  • Furness, Mark; Henökl, Thomas; Schumacher, Tobias (2019). Crisis, coordination and coherence: European decision-making and the 2015 European Neighbourhood Policy Review. European Foreign Affairs Review. ISSN: 1384-6299. 24 (4). s 447 - 468. doi:10.54648/EERR2019037.
  • Henökl, Thomas; Webersik, Christian (2019). European and Chinese development cooperation in the context of ASEAN: Comparing the cases of Myanmar and Sri Lanka. The European Union and Myanmar: Interactions via ASEAN. ISBN: 978-1138599178. Routledge. 5. s 81 - 100.
  • Henökl, Thomas; Reiterer, Michael (2018). China and the EU: Efforts of multilateral and regional governance in Asia. China and EU - Reform and Governance. ISBN: 978-1-138-69030-1. Routledge. 5. s 81 - 100.
  • Gänzle, Stefan; Henökl, Thomas (2018). From ‘Awkward Partner’ to ‘Awkward Partnership’? Explaining Norway’s Paradoxical Relations with the European Union. Nordic States and European Integration : Awkward Partners in the North?. ISBN: 978-3-319-57561-2. Palgrave Macmillan. chapter. s 79 - 102.
  • Henökl, Thomas (2017). How Brexit affects EU External Action: the UK’s legacy in European international cooperation. Futures: The journal of policy, planning and futures studies. ISSN: 0016-3287. 97s 63 - 72. doi:10.1016/j.futures.2017.07.002.
  • Henökl, Thomas (2018). The European Neighbourhood Policy and the CFSP/CSDP: From the European Security Strategy to the Global Strategy. The Routledge Handbook of the European Neighbourhood Policy. ISBN: 978-1-138-91372-1. Routledge. VII.46. s 533 - 543.
  • Henökl, Thomas (2016). Comparing structure and organisation of development bureaucracies in Europe: a pilot study of European aid administrations. German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik Discussion Paper. ISSN: 1860-0441. 1 (27). s 1 - 36.
  • Henökl, Thomas (2016). Conflict and continuity in European diplomatic cultures: accountability, scrutiny and control in EU external affairs. International Relations and Diplomacy. ISSN: 2328-2134. 4 (5). s 324 - 340. doi:10.17265/2328-2134/2016.05.002.
  • Henökl, Thomas; Stemberger, Anton (2016). EU policies in the Arab World: update and critical assessment. European Foreign Affairs Review. ISSN: 1384-6299. 21 (2). s 227 - 249.
  • Henökl, Thomas; Webersik, Christian (2016). Power Politics or Transnational Public Administration? Comparing European and Chinese Cooperation with Sri Lanka and Myanmar. Asia-Pacific Journal of EU Studies. ISSN: 1598-8902. 14 (1). s 1 - 24.
  • Henökl, Thomas (2016). What place for Asia in the EU’s strategy on development cooperation? Which role for Europe in Asia? Any at all?. Changing waters: towards a new EU Asia Strategy (LSE Ideas! Special Report). LSE, London School of Economics. Core Areas of Cooperation. s 71 - 78.
  • Henökl, Thomas (2015). How do EU Foreign Policy-Makers Decide? Institutional Orientations within the European External Action Service. West European Politics. ISSN: 0140-2382. 38 (3). s 679 - 708. doi:10.1080/01402382.2014.1000652.
  • Henökl, Thomas; Reiterer, Michael (2015). Orchestrating multilateralism: Cases of EU and east-asian inter-regional engagement. Regions and Cohesion. ISSN: 2152-906X. 5 (3). s 83 - 108. doi:10.3167/reco.2015.050306.
  • Henökl, Thomas; Trondal, Jarle (2015). Unveiling the anatomy of autonomy: dissecting actor-level independence in the European External Action Service. Journal of European Public Policy. ISSN: 1350-1763. 22 (10). s 1426 - 1447. doi:10.1080/13501763.2015.1020833.
  • Henökl, Thomas (2014). Conceptualizing the European Diplomatic Space: A Framework for Analysis of the European External Action Service. Journal of European Integration. ISSN: 0703-6337. 36 (5). s 453 - 471. doi:10.1080/07036337.2013.865731.
  • Henökl, Thomas (2014). The European external action service: Torn apart between several principals or acting as a smart 'double-agent'? A principal-agent analysis of the EU foreign policy bureaucracy. Journal of Contemporary European Research. ISSN: 1815-347X. 10 (4). s 381 - 401.
  • Henökl, Thomas; Webersik, Christian (2014). The Impact of Institutional Change on Foreign Policy-Making: The Case of the EU Horn of Africa Strategy. European Foreign Affairs Review. ISSN: 1384-6299. 19 (4). s 519 - 537.
  • Henökl, Thomas (2024). Christoph Thewalt, Serviervorschlag. ISBN: 978-3-200-09884-8. Erasmus-Haus, Thomas Henökl. s 208.
  • Marchi, Ludovica; Henökl, Thomas (2019). The European Union and ASEAN. ISBN: 9781138599178. Routledge. s 148.
  • Schumacher, Tobias; Henökl, Thomas (2018). The Routledge Handbook of the European Neighbourhood Policy. ISBN: 978-1-138-91372-1. Routledge. s 554.
  • Henökl, Thomas (2022). Generation PFN - Post Festum Nati.
  • Gänzle, Stefan; Henökl, Thomas (2022). Overcoming Difficulties: Managing Differentiation in the EU and other Regional Organization, 10-12..

Last changed: 2.02.2022 20:02