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Tobias Sander Isbrand

Executive Officer

UiA Help / Access control

D1023 ( Universitetsveien 25, Kristiansand )
Office hours:
08.00 - 15.30

Executive Officer, IT department.

UiA Help

  • General guidance of students and staff.
  • IT guidance for students and employees.
  • IT help and student services.
  • Support at UiAs and external systems such as Office365, clickIT, AppsAnywhere and more.
  • General guidance library services.
  • Administrator for UiA Help's information screens.
  • Producer of the digital study starter course.
  • Video production and support in Panopto
  • FS - Confirmations, transcripts, check of semester registration, exam dates, and general overviews.

Access control

  • Production.
  • Registration.
  • Support.


Digital semesterstart course: https://www.uia.no/student/uia-hjelp/ny-student-kom-i-gang-med-digitale-verktoey

UiA Help's information screens: Technical Maintainance and publishing.

Last changed: 1.08.2023 14:08