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Alexander Ruser



Office hours:
by arrangement

Alex is professor of sociology with a special interest in political sociology, environmental sociology and the sociology of knowldge. In September 2022 he became the new director of the Centre for Digital Transformation (CeDiT). Before he joined UiA in 2018 in October 2018 Alex was a temporary Professor for Sociology and Social Structure Analysis and scientific head of the Center for Political Communication at Zeppelin University (Friedrichshafen, Germany). He holds a PhD in Sociology from the Max-Weber-Institute of Sociology at Heidelberg University and was a Dahrendorf Postdoctoral Fellow at the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin, the London School of Economics and Political Sciences and a visiting fellow at Punjab University, Chandigarh. Curreent research projects focus on the role of „science in society”, the social & political role of think tanks, the impact of scientific expertise on climate politics and climate change sceptcism. Alex is interested in theories of knowldge, relational sociology and social network analysis. He is an active member of international research networks on „the social philosophy of science” and is an affilated member of  the Centre for Global Knowledge Studies (GLOKNOS) at Cambridge University

Research interests

Political Sociology 

Environmental Sociology & European Climate Politics

Sociology of Knowledge & Philosophy of Science

Sociology of Knowledge

Social Network Analysis


Courses and teaching

SV 135-1 Sociology of Welfare & Equality

SV 209-1 Contemporary Sociological Theory 


Work experience

2017-2018: Temp Professor of Sociology and Social Structure Analysis, Head of the Center of Political Communication, Zeppelin University Friedrichshafen Germany

2017-2019: Research Fellow, Open Innovation in Science Research Center Vienna, Austria

2016 Visiting Fellow, Punjab University, Chandigarh, India

2016 Research Fellow, German Research Institute for Public Administration, Speyer, Germany

2014-2017: Research Fellow, temp. Professor Zeppelin University Friedrichshafen, Germany

2013-2014: Dahrendorf Fellow, Hertie School of Governance, Berlin & London School of Economics and Political Sciences

2011-2013 Postdoctoral Fellow, Global Institutional Development Research Group, Max Weber Institut of Sociology, University of Heidelberg, Germany

2011 Ph.D Comparative Pension Politics, Max Weber Institute of Sociology, University of Heidelberg, Germany

2008-2013 Policy Officer/ Subject Specialist, State Institute for Civic Education Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart, Germany



Academic interests

Political Sociology, Social Inequality and the role of "Expertise" in social, economic and environmental politics

Social Transformation

Think Tanks & Political Communication 

Climate Politics, Climate Scepticism

Science in Society


DIGIT: Norwegian Research School on Digitalization, Culture and Society: https://www.digitresearchschool.no

Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence “Laboratories of Differentiated Integration in a Post-Brexit Europe“ https://jm-excellence.uia.no/about/

Selected publications

Peer Reviewed Articles

Ruser, Alexander (2023) Theories of the Nonprofit Sector, Sociological. In: R. List, H. Anheier, S. Toepler (eds) International Encyclopedia of Civil Society. Springer

Ruser, Alexander (2023) Undeserving and Dangerous: The Construction of Outsiders and the Return of the Third Way in Green Welfare State Debates. Politiche Sociali 1/2023: 63-80, https://doi.org/10.7389/107139

Ruser, Alexander (2022)  En finir avec le consensus climatique : le rôle des think tanks dans l’émergence tardive du réseau climatosceptique en Allemagne Politique et Sociétés 41(3): 105-127, https://doi.org/10.7202/1089851ar

Ruser, Alexander (2020) Radikale Konformität und konforme Radikalität? Fridays for Future und Ende Gelände. Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen. 33(4): 801-814, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/fjsb-2020-0071

Ruser, Alexander (2020). A Mission for MARS: The Success of Climate Change Skeptic Rhetoric in the US. Res Rhetorica. ISSN: 2392-3113. 7 (2). s 48 - 63. doi:https://doi.org/10.29107/rr2020.2.4.

Ruser, Alexander: Die "Wirklichkeit" von Traditionen. Eine soziologische Betrachtung zwischen Sozialkonstruktivismus und Sozialontologie, Trumah, 2018; Jg. 24 (1): 7-26.

Ruser, Alexander: What to think about think tanks? Towards a conceptual framework of strategic think tank behavior , International Journal of Politic, Culture and Society, 2018 (1): 1-14: http://10.1007/s10767-018-9278-x.

Ruser, Alexander: Mapping Knowledge and Denial: Outline of a Cross-country Analysis of the Impact of Environmental Think Tanks on Climate Politics and Climate Skepticism, Research Journal Social Science, 2016; Jg. 24 (3): 52-69.

Ruser, Alexander, Stehr, Nico: Social scientists as technicians, advisors and meaning producers, Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research,, 2016 (0): 1-12: http://10.1080/13511610.2016.1207505.

Ruser, Alexander: Towards the Unity of Science Again? Reductionist Thinking and its consequences for a Social Philosophy of Science, Epistemology and Philosophy of Science, 2016 (49) Suppl. 3: 55-69.

Ruser, Alexander: By the Markets, of the Markets, for the Markets? Technocratic Decision Making and the Hollowing out of Democracy, Global Policy, 2015; Jg. 2015 (6) Suppl. 1: 83-92: http://10.1111/1758-5899.12231.

Ruser, Alexander: Perspectives of and Challenges for a Social Philosophy of Science: Highlighting the Challenge, Epistemology and Philosophy of Science, 2015; Jg. 2015 (3): 54-64.

Ruser, Alexander: Sociological quasi-labs: The case for deductive scenario development, Current Sociology, 2015; Jg. 2015 (63) Suppl. 2: 170-181: http://DOI:0.1177/0011392114556581.

Ruser, Alexander, Anheier, Helmut K: The EU's Future Role on the Global Stage, Global Policy, 2014 (5) Suppl. 1: 58-67: http://DOI: 10.1111/1758-5899.12146.

Ruser, Alexander, Hölscher, Michael, Falkenhein, Mariella: Twinning Peaks - Potential and Limits of an Evolving Network in Shaping Europe as a Social Space, Journal of Civil Society, 2012; Jg. 8 (3): 229-250.

Ruser, Alexander: Aufstiegshoffnungen und Abstiegsängste. Sozialer Wandel und politische Beteiligung in Europa., Deutschland und Europa, 2011 (62): 62-69.
Other Articles

Ruser, Alexander: The EU’s new economic governance is blurring the boundaries between European competences and domestic sovereignty, EUROPP European Politics and Policy at LSE, 2014 (online): 1 (download: http://bit.ly/1nlKKcv) .
Ruser, Alexander, Anheier, Helmut K: The affordability of climate protection, European Voice, 2013 (1): 0-0 (download: http://www.politico.eu/article/the-affordability-of- climate-protection/) 

Ruser, Alexander: Climate Politics and the Impact of Think Tanks: Scientific Expertise in Germany and the US, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.

Ruser, Alexander, Machin, Amanda: Against Political Compromise: Sustaining Democratic Debate, New York, London, Routledge, 2017.

Ruser, Alexander: Der Markt als Mitte(l) - Reformprozess und Diskurse der Alterssicherung in Deutschland und Großbritannien, Wiesbaden, VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 1. Auflage, 2011.

Book Chapters

Ruser, Alexander (2021) Widening the gap: US think tanks and the manufactured chasm between scientific expertise and common sense on climate change. in: Julien Landry (ed.) Critical Perspectives on Think Tanks. Power, Politics and Knowledge. Edward Elgar, 195-214

Ruser Alexander (2021) Kopfarbeit für die Gesellschaft oder die „Gesellschaft im Kopf“. Klimaexperten, Klimaleugner und die Aktualität der Heidelberger Kontroverse um die gesellschaftliche Rolle von Wissenschaft. In: Bachmann U., Schwinn T. (eds). Theorie als Beruf. Studien zum Weber-Paradigma. Springer VS, Wiesbaden pp:123-141

Ruser, Alexander,, Stehr, Nico: Climate Change, Governance and Knowledge, in: Theresa Scavenius, Steve Rayner (Hrsg.): Institutional Capacity for Climate Change Response: A new approach to climate politics, London, New York, Routledge, 2018: 15-30.

Ruser, Alexander: Experts and Science and Politics, in: William Outhwaite andStephen P. Turner (Hrsg.): The SAGE Handbook of Political Sociology, Los Angeles, SAGE, 2018: 767-780.

Ruser, Alexander: Nico Stehr, Sociology, Knowledge and the Sociology of Knowledge: An Introduction, in: Marian Adolf (Hrsg.): Nico Stehr: Pioneer in the Theory of Society and Knowledg, Heidelberg, Springer, 2018: 7-15.

Ruser, Alexander: Der (in)diskrete Charme der Technokratie. Wirtschaftskrisen, Staatskrisen und die Entdemokratisierung von Entscheidungsstrukturen, in: Maren Lehmann, Marcel Tyrell (Hrsg.): Komplexe Freiheit. Wie ist Demokratie möglich?, Wiesbaden, Springer VS, 2017: 203-218.

Ruser, Alexander: Die Revolution ist abgesagt! Die Bedeutung der Beratungslogik für wissenschaftsinternen Wandel am Beispiel des neoklassischen Paradigma in den Wirtschaftswissenschaften, in: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie (Hrsg.): Geschlossene Gesellschaften - Verhandlungen des 38. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie, Essen, DGS, 2017: 1-7.

Stehr, Nico, Ruser, Alexander: Knowledge Society, Knowledge Economy and Knowledge Democracy, in: Elias G. Carayannis, David F. J. Campbell, Marios Panagiotis Efthymiopoulos (Hrsg.): Handbook of Cyber-Development, Cyber-Democracy, and Cyber- Defense, Heidelberg, Springer, 2017 

Ruser, Alexander, Machin, Amanda: Technology can't save us, can it? The Emergence of the 'Techno-Fix' Narrative in Climate Politics, in: Montenegrin Academy of Science and Art (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the International Conference "Technology+Society= Future?", Podgorica, Montenegrin Academy of Science and Art, 2016: 437-447.

Ruser, Alexander: Knowledge- driven politics or politically motivated knowledge distribution? The influence of environmental think tanks on national climate politics Evidence from Germany, in: Montenegrin Academy of Science and Art (Hrsg.): Transition to a New Society - Conference Proceedings, Podgorica, 2014: ?-? 

Ruser, Alexander: Knowledge-driven politics or politically motivated knowledge distribution? The influence of environmental think tanks on national climate politics: Evidence from Germany, in: Momir Đurović (Hrsg.): TRANSITION TO A NEW SOCIETY, Podgorica, 2014: 179-189 (Scientific Meetings Volume 124).

Ruser, Alexander: Environmental Think Tanks in Japan and South Korea: Trailblazers or Vicarious Agents?, in: Meinert, Carmen (Hrsg.): Nature, Environment and Culture in East Asia: The Challenge of Climate Change, Leiden Boston, Brill, 2013: 319- 352 (Climate and Culture).

Ruser, Alexander: 예상했던 놀라움: ‘독일문제’의 역사적 발전이 ‘즉흥적 통일’ 및 사회통합 에 미친 영향 (Die erhoffte Überraschung: Historische Entwicklung der „deutschen Frage“ und ihr Einfluss auf die „improvisierte Einheit“ und gesellschaftliche Integration) , in: Korean Civic Education Institute for Democracy (Hrsg.): Civic Education for Integration of Korean Peninsula, Seoul South Korea, 2013: 89-145.

Ruser, Alexander, Kern, Thomas: The Role of Think Tanks in the Discourse on East Asia, in: Rüdiger, Frank, Hoare, James E., Köllner, Patrick and Pares, Susan (Hrsg.): Korea 2010. Politics, Economy and Society, Leiden Boston, Brill, 2010: 113-134.

Ruser, Alexander, Hornung, Klaus: Das Phänomen Rollenspiel, in: Bühl, Achim (Hrsg.): Auf der Suche nach der Muße. Empirische Untersuchungen zum Freizeitverhalten, Münster, LIT, 2004: 267-312 (Studien zur empirischen Sozialforschung Band 2).

Encyclopedia Entries

Ruser, Alexander: Ignorance, in: Bryan S. Turner (Hrsg.): The Encyclopedia of Social Theory, West Sussex, Wiley Blackwell, 2017

Ruser, Alexander: Greenhouse Gases, in: Helmut Anheier & Mark Jürgensmeier (Hrsg.): Encyclopedia of Global Studies, Thousand Oaks, Sage, 2012: 774-775.


Teaching Materials


Ruser, Alexander, Christ Stefanie, Nepple,, Björn, Geyer, Robby: Festung Europa? Asyl- und Flüchtlingspolitik in der EU. 3. Auflage, PLANSPIELE, 2016.

Ruser, Alexander: Festung Europa? Asyl und Flüchtlingspolitik in der EU. 2. Auflage, Reihe PLANSPIELE, 2015.

Ruser, Alexander: Streik! Arbeitskampf in der ABC AG. Ein Planspiel zu Interessenkonflikt und Sozialpartnerschaft. 2. Auflage, Landeszentrale für Politische Bildung BW, Stuttgart, 2015.

Ruser, Alexander: Festung Europa? Asyl- und Flüchtlingspolitik in der EU, Reihe PLANSPIELE, 2014.

RUSER, ALEXANDER, NEPPLE, BJÖRN,, ANGER, MICHAEL, MEITNER, ANJA, RIECKE,, CLARA, FÖRTSCH, JONAS: Staats- und Eurokrise. Aktuelle Methoden zum Verhältnis von Politik und Wirtschaft, BAUSTEINE, 2013.

Ruser, Alexander: Streik! Rollenspiel zu Interessenkonflikt und Sozialpartnerschaft, PLANSPIELE, 2013.




Scientific publications

  • Ruser, Alexander (2024). A Climate of Denial: Studying social context and political alliances of climate change skepticism in Germany. Agder Vitenskapsakademi Årbok. ISSN: 0809-7283.
  • Machin, Amanda Margaret; Ruser, Alexander (2023). Introduction: Sustainability, Democracy and the Dark Sides of Civil Society. International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society. ISSN: 0891-4486. doi:10.1007/s10767-023-09445-2.
  • Alhassan, Alhassan Yakubu; Ruser, Alexander (2023). Knowledge Transfer. Handbook Transdisciplinary Learning. ISBN: 9783839463475. Transcript Verlag. s 215 - 224.
  • Ruser, Alexander (2023). Philosophy of Science. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Theory in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. ISBN: 9781483347721. Sage Publications. p. s 663 - 673.
  • Ruser, Alexander (2023). Prediction. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Theory in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. ISBN: 9781483347721. Sage Publications. Pr. s 750 - 759.
  • Wilhelmsen, Marthe Elden; O'Born, Reyn Joseph; Heimdal, Anette; Ruser, Alexander (2023). UNDERSTANDING AND CHALLENGING CLIMATE SKEPTIC ATTITUDES AMONG ENGINEERING STUDENTS THROUGH INTERACTIVE PEDAGOGY. DS 123: Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education (E&PDE 2023). ISBN: 978-1-912254-19-4. The Design Society. Conference paper.
  • Ruser, Alexander (2023). Undeserving and Dangerous: The Construction of Outsiders and the Return of the Third Way in Green Welfare State Debates. Politiche Sociali. ISSN: 2284-2098. (1). s 63 - 80. doi:10.7389/107139.
  • Ruser, Alexander (2022). En finir avec le consensus climatique : le rôle des think tanks dans l’émergence tardive du réseau climatosceptique en Allemagne. Politique et Sociétés. ISSN: 1203-9438. 41 (3). s 105 - 127. doi:10.7202/1089851ar.
  • Ruser, Alexander; Fähnrich, Birte (2022). Environmental Communication and Policy Makers. The Handbook of International Trends in Environmental Communication. ISBN: 9780367275211. Routledge. Chapter 19. s 323 - 338.
  • Ruser, Alexander (2022). The Sceptic who came in from the cold? The Formation of a climate sceptic alliance in Germany. Civil Society: Concepts, Challenges, Contexts. ISBN: 978-3-030-98007-8. Springer.
  • Beck, Susanne; LaFlamme, Marcel; Bergenholtz, Carsten; Bogers, Marcel; Brasseur, Tiare-Maria; Conradsen, Marie Luise; Crowston, Kevin; Di Marco, Diletta; Effert, Agnes; Filiou, Despoina; Frederiksen, Lars; Gillier, Thomas; Gruber, Marc; Haeussler, Carolin; Hoisl, Karin; Kokshagina, Olga; Norn, Maria Theresa; Poetz, Marion; Pruschak, Gernot; Priego, Laia Pujol; Radziwon, Agnieszka; Ruser, Alexander; Sauermann, Henry; Shah, Sonali; Suess-Reyes, Julia; Tucci, Christopher; Tuertscher, Philipp; Vedel, Jane Bjørn; Verganti, Roberto; Wareham, Jonathan; Xu, Sunny Mosangzi (2021). Examining Open Innovation in Science (OIS): what Open Innovation can and cannot offer the science of science. Innovation: Organization and Management. ISSN: 1447-9338. doi:10.1080/14479338.2021.1999248.
  • Ruser, Alexander; Beck, Susanne; Bercovitz, Janet; Bergenholtz, Carsten; Brasseur, Tiare-Maria; D`Este, Pablo; Dorn, Amelie; Doser, Michael; Dosi, Clio; Effert, Agnes; Fortuna, Riold; Goodyear, Melinda; Grimpe, Christoph; Haeussler, Carolin; Hans, Fabian; Heinisch, Barbara; Katona, Nóra; Kleinberger-Pierer, Harald; LaFlamme, Marcel; Lawson, Comelier; Lehner, Patrick; Lifshitz-Assaf, Hila; Lukas, Wolfgang; Marchini, Silvia; Mitterhauser, Markus; Moscato, Francesco; Nordberg, Markus; Norn, Maria Theresa; Poetz, Marion; Ponti, Marisa; Pruschak, Gernot; Rafner, Janet; Romasanta, Angelo; Sameed, Muhammed; Sauermann, Henry; Suess-Reyes, Julia; Tucci, Christopher; Tuertscher, Philipp; Vicente Sáez, Rubén; Vignoli, Matteo; Zyontz, Samantha (2021). Experimenting with Open Innovation in Science (OIS) practices: A novel approach to co-developing research proposals. CERN IdeaSquare Journal of Experimental Innovation (CIJ). ISSN: 2413-9505. 5 (2). s 28 - 49. doi:10.23726/cij.2021.1328.
  • Ruser, Alexander (2021). Hijacking the Postmodern Project: Post-Truth and the Need to De-politicize Epistemological Dispute. Social Epistemology. ISSN: 0269-1728. s 1 - 10. doi:10.1080/02691728.2021.2004621.
  • Ruser, Alexander (2021). How to be an inconvenient Scientist? A Reply to Berry Tholen. Social Epistemology Review and reply Collective. ISSN: 2471-9560. 10 (2). s 7 - 13.
  • Ruser, Alexander (2021). Knowledge as world capital: Global Knowledge. Knowledge for the Anthropocene. A Multidisciplinary Approach. ISBN: 978 1 80088 428 1. Edward Elgar Publishing. Chapter 19. s 240 - 248.
  • Ruser, Alexander (2021). Widening the gap: US think tanks and the manufactured chasm between scientific expertise and common sense on climate change. Critical Perspectives on Think Tanks. Power, Politics and Knowledge. ISBN: 9781789909227. Edward Elgar Publishing. Chapter 11. s 195 - 214.
  • Ruser, Alexander (2021). Wissenstransfer. Handbuch Transdisziplinäre Didaktik. ISBN: 9783837655650. Transcript Verlag. Chapter 34. s 407 - 418.
  • Ruser, Alexander (2020). A Mission for MARS: The Success of Climate Change Skeptic Rhetoric in the US. Res Rhetorica. ISSN: 2392-3113. 7 (2). s 47 - 63. doi:10.29107/RR2020.2.4.
  • Ruser, Alexander (2020). Radikale Konformität und konforme Radikalität? Fridays for Future und Ende Gelände. Forschungsjournal Neue Soziale Bewegungen. ISSN: 0933-9361. 33 (4). s 801 - 814. doi:10.1515/fjsb-2020-0071..
  • Beck, Susanne; Bergenholtz, Carsten; Bogers, Marcel; Brasseur, Tiare-Maria; Conradsen, Marie Luise; Di Marco, Diletta; Distel, Andreas; Dobusch, Leonhard; Dörler, Daniel; Effert, Agnes; Fecher, Benedikt; Filiou, Despoina; Ruser, Alexander; Frederiksen, Lars; Gillier, Thomas; Grimpe, Christoph; Gruber, Marc; Haeussler, Carolin; Heigl, Florian; Hoisl, Karin; Hyslop, Katie; Kokshagina, Olga; LaFlamme, Marcel; Lawson, Cornelia; Lifshitz-Assaf, Hila; Lukas, Wolfgang; Nordberg, Markus; Norn, Maria Theresa; Poetz, Marion; Ponti, Marisa; Pruschak, Gernot; Priego, Laia Pujol; Radziwon, Agnieszka; Rafner, Janet; Romanova, Gergana Petrova; Sauermann, Henry; Shah, Sonali; Sherson, Jacob; Suess-Reyes, Julia; Tucci, Christopher; Tuertscher, Philipp; Vedel, Jane Bjørn; Velden, Theresa; Verganti, Roberto; Wareham, Jonathan; Wiggis, Andrea; Mosangzi Xu, Sunny (2020). The Open Innovation in Science research field: a collaborative conceptualisation approach. Industry and Innovation. ISSN: 1366-2716. doi:10.1080/13662716.2020.1792274.
  • Ruser, Alexander (202). The revolutions postponed: scientific evidence, dominant ideologies and the defenders of status quo. The Digital Scholar: Philosophers Lab. ISSN: 2618-9267. 2020 (2). s 59 - 74. doi:10.5840/dspl20203217.
  • Ruser, Alexander (2020). “Are You Looking for Trouble? A Reply to Mark Erickson’s ‘Afterword". Social Epistemology Review and reply Collective. ISSN: 2471-9560. 9 (6). s 40 - 44.
  • Machin, Amanda; Ruser, Alexander (2019). Corporealising a Healthy Democracy? Inequality, Bodies and Participation. Representation. ISSN: 0034-4893. 57 (2). s 209 - 224. doi:10.1080/00344893.2019.1674912.
  • Ruser, Alexander (2019). From Gamble to Conformity? Academic Careers,Ethical Neutrality and the Role of ‘Professional’ Social Sciences. Social Epistemology. ISSN: 0269-1728. s 1 - 12. doi:10.1080/02691728.2019.1695011.
  • Ruser, Alexander; Stehr, Nico (2018). Climate Change, Governance and Knowledge. Institutional Capacity for Climate Change Response: A New Approach to Climate Politics. ISBN: 9781138120983. Routledge. Chapter 1. s 15 - 31.
  • Ruser, Alexander (2018). DIe "Wirklichkeit" von Traditionen. Eine soziologische Betrachtung zwischen Sozialkonstruktivismus und Sozialontologie. Trumah. ISSN: 0935-1035. 24s 7 - 26.
  • Ruser, Alexander (2018). Experts and Science and Politics. The Sage Handbook in Political Sociology. ISBN: 9781473919464. Sage Publications. Chapter 43. s 767 - 780.
  • Ruser, Alexander; Stehr, Nico (2018). Knowledge Society, Knowledge Economy and Knowledge Democracy. Handbook of Cyber-Development, Cyber-Democracy, and Cyber-Defense. ISBN: 978-3319090689. Springer Nature. Chapter 1. s 1 - 20.
  • Ruser, Alexander (2018). Nico Stehr, Sociology, Knowledge and the Sociology of Knowledge: An Introduction. Nico Stehr: Pioneer in the Theory of Society and Knowledge. ISBN: 978-3-319-76994-3. Springer. Chapter 2. s 7 - 16.
  • Ruser, Alexander (2018). What to Think About Think Tanks: Towards a Conceptual Framework of Strategic Think Tank Behaviour. International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society. ISSN: 0891-4486. 31s 179 - 192. doi:10.1007/s10767-018-9278-x.
  • Ruser, Alexander (2017). Der (in)diskrete Charme der Technokratie. Wirtschaftskrisen, Staatskrisen und die Entdemokratisierung von Entscheidungsstrukturen. Komplexe Freiheit: Wie ist Demokratie möglich?. ISBN: 978-3658149680. Springer. Chapter 9. s 203 - 218.
  • Ruser, Alexander; Stehr, Nico (2017). Social Scientists as Technicians, Advisors, and Meaning Producers. The Structural Change of Knowledge and the Future of the Social Sciences. ISBN: 1138065951. Routledge. Chapter 2. s 24 - 36.
  • Ruser, Alexander; Stehr, Nico (2017). Social scientists as technicians, advisors and meaning producers. Innovation. The European Journal of Social Sciences. ISSN: 1351-1610. 30 (1). s 24 - 35. doi:10.1080/13511610.2016.1207505.
  • Ruser, Alexander (2016). Towards the Unity of Science Again? Reductionist thinking and its consequences for a social philosophy of science. Epistemology & Philosophy of Science. ISSN: 1811-833X. 49 (3). s 55 - 69. doi:10.5840/eps201649351.
  • Ruser, Alexander (2015). By the Markets, of the Markets, for the Markets? Technocratic Decision Making and the Hollowing Out of Democracy. Global Policy. ISSN: 1758-5880. 6s 83 - 92. doi:10.1111/1758-5899.12231.
  • Ruser, Alexander (2015). Perspectives of and Challenges for a social philosophy of Science. Epistemology & Philosophy of Science. ISSN: 1811-833X. 45 (3). s 54 - 64. doi:10.5840/eps201545375.
  • Ruser, Alexander (2015). Sociological Quasi-Labs: The Case for Deductive Scenario Development. Current Sociology. ISSN: 0011-3921. 63 (2). s 170 - 181. doi:10.1177/0011392114556581.
  • Ruser, Alexander; Anheier, Helmut (2014). The EU's Future Role on the Global Stage. Global Policy. ISSN: 1758-5880. 5s 58 - 67. doi:10.1111/1758-5899.12146.
  • Ruser, Alexander (2013). Environmental Think Tanks in Japan and South Korea: Trailblazers
or Vicarious Agents. Nature, Environment and Culture in East Asia. The Challenge of Climate Change. ISBN: 978-90-04-25304-9. Brill Academic Publishers. Chapter 13. s 319 - 351.
  • Ruser, Alexander; Falkenhain, Mariella; Hölscher, Michael (2012). Twinning Peaks—Potential and Limits of an Evolving Network in Shaping Europe as a Social Space. Journal of Civil Society. ISSN: 1744-8689. 8 (3). s 229 - 250. doi:10.1080/17448689.2012.738881.
  • Ruser, Alexander; Kern, Thomas (2010). The Role of Think Tanks in the South Korea Discourse on East Asia. Korea 2010: Politics, Economy and Society. ISBN: 9789004185357. Brill Academic Publishers. Chapter 6. s 113 - 134.
  • Ruser, Alexander; Hornung, Klaus (2004). Das Phänomen Rollenspiel. Auf der Suche nach der Musse. Empirische Analysen zum Freizeitverhalten. ISBN: 978-3825877729. LIT Verlag. Chapter 6. s 268 - 307.
  • Ruser, Alexander; Machin, Amanda Margaret (2019). Against Political Compromise- Sustaining Democratic Debate (paperback). ISBN: 0367901315. Routledge Focus. s 78.
  • Machin, Amanda Margaret; Ruser, Alexander (2019). What Counts in the Politics of Climate Change? Science, Scepticism and Emblematic Numbers. ISBN: 9783030112080. Palgrave Macmillan. s 22.
  • Ruser, Alexander (2011). Der Markt als Mitte(l) Reformprozesse und Diskurse der Alterssicherung in Deutschland und Großbritannien. ISBN: 978-3531182483. Springer. s 232.
  • Ruser, Alexander; Machin, Amanda (2017). Against Political Compromise: Sustaining Democratic Debate. ISBN: 978-1472483959. Routledge Focus. s 70.
  • Ruser, Alexander (2018). Climate Politics and the Impact of Think Tanks. Scientific Expertise in Germany and the US. ISBN: 978-3-319-75749-0. Palgrave Macmillan. s 173.

Last changed: 4.04.2024 11:04