Background and civil status: B. 1952; grew up on a farm near Fevik in Grimstad municipality; married to Astrid since 1972; we have one son born 1982; dwell at Bjorbekk in Arendal municipality; fond of antiquities and member of a Christian church.
Education:Primary school 1966; senior secondary school 1971; teacher training certificate 1974; higher degree in education + 90 ects in history at University of Oslo 1979; developmental studies from University of Uppsala Sweden 1998.
Experiences:Teacher for pupils with intellectual disability 1978-93; educational officer and counselor in charge of (a) developing the school system of a region in Southern Sudan (1983-85), and (b) training of teachers in special needs education in Tanzania (1997-99); part time consultant on a health project in India (1988-93); lecturer at University of Agder (1993-2014), in particular teaching counseling, social education and special needs education; associate professor in 2003, and professor in 2012 in counseling and special needs education. Deputy headmaster (1988-93) and study unit leader of social education for 4 years (2004-2007).
Research and publications:Many articles and book reviews in the Annual book of the Counseling Network of Agder, including many years as editor in charge (1996-2014); articles in the Norwegian journals “Spesialpedagogikk” (1994, 2002. 2006, 2011), “Skolepepsykologi” (1988); an article on naming of the diagnosis intellectual disability inScandinavian Journal of Disability (2012) and a Latvian journal (2013); papers about the inclusion concept in a book published by Rezekne Augstskola, Latvia (2006-2011); article/book chapter about the reflection concept and counseling (2012-2013); many book reviews in various Norwegian journals (1993-2013).; and article about parents’ positive experiences with inclusion of their offspring with intellectual disability,Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment(2013).
Present projects:(1) Research on service co-operation to people affected by both intellectual disability and mental disorders; (2) research on men in the profession of social education; (3) generating a description of social education for a Norwegian encyclopedia; and (4) transforming the annual book of the Counseling Network to an electronic journal
Last changed: 15.01.2019 09:01