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David Lansing Cameron



E2318 ( Universitetsveien 25, Kristiansand )

Scientific publications

  • Solheim, Oddny Judith; Cameron, David Lansing (2024). Hvordan kan tidlig innsats i leseopplæringen bidra til en inkluderende praksis i skolen?. Inkludering i praksis. ISBN: 9788202819545. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. s 66 - 91.
  • Cameron, David Lansing; Kovac, Velibor Bobo (2024). Parents’ Perspectives on their Child’s Involvement in Bullying in Preschool. Child Care in Practice. ISSN: 1357-5279. s 1 - 16. doi:10.1080/13575279.2024.2371375.
  • Cameron, David Lansing; Matre, Marianne Engen; Canrinus, Esther Tamara (2023). Influences of a Professional Development Program on Teachers’ Attitudes Towards Educational Technology and Digital Learning Resources for Inclusion. Handbook of Research on Implementing Inclusive Educational Models and Technologies for Equity and Diversity. ISBN: 9798369304532. IGI Global. Chapter 11. s 218 - 235.
  • Friede, Pamela; Hollung, Sandra Julsen; Vik, Torstein; Andersen, Guro Lillemoen; Cameron, David Lansing; de Rodez Benavent, Sigrid Aune; Haugen, Olav Henrik; Lundervold, Tonje; Nicholas, Jude; Stadskleiv, Kristine (2023). Norwegian paediatric habilitation centres judge their own competence on cerebral visual impairment as limited. Acta Paediatrica. ISSN: 0803-5253. 112 (7). s 1530 - 1536. doi:10.1111/apa.16778.
  • Cameron, David Lansing; Kovac, Velibor Bobo; Horverak, May Olaug (2023). Online chat-support for bullying prevention and follow-up: an analysis of the characteristics of chat-users and their experiences. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth. ISSN: 0267-3843. 28 (1). s 831 - 843. doi:10.1080/02673843.2023.2292060.
  • Tay, Emmanuel Mensah Kormla; Cameron, David Lansing (2023). The Nature of Bullying in Higher Education: A Comparative Study of Students’ Experiences in Ghana and Norway. Journal of Comparative & International Higher Education (JCIHE). ISSN: 2151-0393. 15 (4). s 17 - 46. doi:10.32674/jcihe.v15iNo.4.4955.
  • Cameron, David Lansing; Matre, Marianne Engen; Canrinus, Esther Tamara (2022). Accommodating Students With Special Educational Needs During School Closures Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Norway: Perceptions of Teachers and Students. Frontiers in Education. ISSN: 2504-284X. 7doi:10.3389/feduc.2022.856789.
  • Birkeland, Nils Rune; Cameron, David Lansing; Aasebø, Turid Skarre (2022). Bruk av mixed methods-design som forskningstilnærming - erfaringer fra en studie av arbeidsplassbasert banehagelærerutdanning. Barnehagelærerutdanning i endring : å forske på egen undervisningspraksis i høyere utdanning. ISBN: 9788215060705. Universitetsforlaget. Kap 12. s 174 - 187.
  • Kovač, V.B.; Cameron, David Lansing (2021). Are We Talking about the Same Thing? A Survey of Preschool Workers’ Attitudes and Beliefs about Bullying. Child Care in Practice. ISSN: 1357-5279. doi:10.1080/13575279.2021.1951167.
  • Cameron, David Lansing; Stray, Ingunn Elisabeth; Skreland, Lisbeth Ljosdal (2021). Lower secondary school pupils’ written descriptions of their experiences with bullying and the tendency to seek help. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth. ISSN: 0267-3843. 26 (1). s 487 - 500. doi:10.1080/02673843.2021.2001348.
  • Cameron, David Lansing; Tveit, Anne Dorthe (2020). PPTs bidrag i ansvarsgrupper omkring barn med nedsatt funksjonsevne i barnehagen. Psykologi i kommunen (PIK). ISSN: 1892-3364. (3).
  • Kostøl, Elin Marie Frivold; Cameron, David Lansing (2020). Teachers’ responses to children in emotional distress: A study of co-regulation in the first year of primary school in Norway. Education 3-13: International Journal of Primary, Elementary and Early Years Education. ISSN: 0300-4279. 49 (7). s 821 - 831. doi:10.1080/03004279.2020.1800062.
  • Jortveit, Maryann; Tveit, Anne Dorthe; Cameron, David Lansing; Lindqvist, Gunilla (2019). A comparative study of Norwegian and Swedish special educators’ beliefs and practices. European Journal of Special Needs Education. ISSN: 0885-6257. 35 (3). s 350 - 365. doi:10.1080/08856257.2019.1689716.
  • Birkeland, Nils Rune; Cameron, David Lansing; Aasebø, Turid Skarre; Wergeland-Yates, Marit (2019). Kunnskapsdeling i Arbeidsplassbasert barnehagelærerutdanning. Fra ideal til praktisk virkelighet. UNIPED. ISSN: 1500-4538. 42 (3). s 319 - 334. doi:10.18261/issn.1893-8981-2019-03-07.
  • Tveit, Anne Dorthe; Cameron, David Lansing; Kovac, Velibor Bobo (2019). Teoretisk og praktisk forståelse av systemrettet arbeid i PPT. PPTs systemrettede arbeid i barnehagen. ISBN: 9788215030418. Universitetsforlaget. Kapittel 5.
  • Cameron, David Lansing; Tveit, Anne Dorthe (2019). ‘You know that collaboration works when … ’ identifying the features of successful collaboration on behalf of children with disabilities in early childhood education and care. Early Child Development and Care. ISSN: 0300-4430. 189 (7). s 1189 - 1202. doi:10.1080/03004430.2017.1371703.
  • Cameron, David Lansing; Tveit, Anne Dorthe; Jortveit, Maryann; Lindqvist, Gunilla; Göransson, Katharina; Nilholm, Claes (2018). A comparative study of special educator preparation in Norway and Sweden. British Journal of Special Education (BJSE). ISSN: 0952-3383. 45 (3). s 256 - 276. doi:10.1111/1467-8578.12231.
  • Cameron, David Lansing (2018). Barriers to parental empowerment in the context of multidisciplinary collaboration on behalf of preschool children with disabilities :. Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research. ISSN: 1501-7419. 20 (1). s 277 - 285. doi:10.16993/sjdr.65.
  • Matre, Marianne Engen; Cameron, David Lansing (2018). Fører opplæring i felles vurderingskriterier til større grad av enighet? En studie av tekstvurdering som en del av spesialpedagogutdanning. Acta Didactica Norge. ISSN: 1504-9922. 12 (4). doi:10.5617/adno.6379.
  • Tveit, Anne Dorthe; Cameron, David Lansing (2018). Kommunikasjonsutfordringer i tverretatlig samarbeid om barn med nedsatt funksjonsevne i barnehagen. Å falle mellom to stoler. Samarbeid til barnets beste i barnehage og skole.. ISBN: 978-82-15-02944-3. Universitetsforlaget. 3. s 61 - 73.
  • Cameron, David Lansing; Kovac, Velibor Bobo (2017). Parents and preschool workers’ perceptions of competence, collaboration, and strategies for addressing bullying in early childhood. Child Care in Practice. ISSN: 1357-5279. 23 (2). s 126 - 140. doi:10.1080/13575279.2016.1259156.
  • Cameron, David Lansing (2017). Teacher preparation for inclusion in Norway: a study of beliefs, skills, and intended practices. International Journal of Inclusive Education. ISSN: 1360-3116. 21 (10). s 1028 - 1044. doi:10.1080/13603116.2017.1326177.
  • Kovac, Velibor Bobo; Tveit, Anne Dorthe; Cameron, David Lansing; Jortveit, Maryann (2017). “Bridging old relations”: the (de)construction of ethnic identity in the educational context of Bosnia and Herzegovina from the teachers' point of view. Journal of Language, Identity & Education. ISSN: 1534-8458. 16 (1). s 32 - 44. doi:10.1080/15348458.2016.1260456.
  • Cameron, David Lansing; Kovac, Velibor Bobo (2016). An examination of parents’ and preschool workers’ perspectives on bullying in preschool. Early Child Development and Care. ISSN: 0300-4430. 186 (12). s 1961 - 1971. doi:10.1080/03004430.2016.1138290.
  • Tveit, Anne Dorthe; Cameron, David Lansing (2016). Profesjon i endring. Spesialpedagogens plass i skole og annet samfunnsliv. Spesialpedagogikk: Fagidentitet og samfunnsnytte. ISBN: 9788202494643. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. 7. s 99 - 112.
  • Kovac, Velibor Bobo; Cameron, David Lansing; Høigaard, Rune (2016). The extended Theory of Planned Behaviour and college grades: the role of cognition and past behaviour in the prediction of students’ academic intentions and achievements. Educational Psychology. ISSN: 0144-3410. 36 (4). s 792 - 811. doi:10.1080/01443410.2014.923557.
  • Cameron, David Lansing (2016). Too much or not enough? An examination of special education provision and school district leaders’ perceptions of current needs and common approaches. British Journal of Special Education (BJSE). ISSN: 0952-3383. 43 (1). s 22 - 38. doi:10.1111/1467-8578.12121.
  • Cameron, David Lansing; Thygesen, Ragnar (2015). Approaching the problem of transition in special education. Transitions in the field of special education. Theoretical perspectives and implications for practice. ISBN: 978-3-8309-3117-1. Waxmann Verlag. 1. s 7 - 16.
  • Cameron, David Lansing (2015). Collaboration on behalf of children with extensive support needs: Implications for the transition to primary school. Transitions in the field of special education. Theoretical perspectives and implications for practice. ISBN: 978-3-8309-3117-1. Waxmann Verlag. 2. s 151 - 170.
  • Cameron, David Lansing; Tveit, Anne Dorthe (2015). Considerations on the evolving role and practice of the special educator in Norway. Transitions in the field of special education. Theoretical perspectives and implications for practice. ISBN: 978-3-8309-3117-1. Waxmann Verlag. 4. s 73 - 90.
  • Thygesen, Ragnar; Cameron, David Lansing (2015). Transitions in special education and related contexts: A brief overview of the research. Transitions in the field of special education. Theoretical perspectives and implications for practice. ISBN: 978-3-8309-3117-1. Waxmann Verlag. 2. s 137 - 150.
  • Cameron, David Lansing (2013). An examination of teacher–student interactions in inclusive classrooms: teacher interviews and classroom observations. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs. ISSN: 1471-3802. 14 (4). s 264 - 273. doi:10.1111/1471-3802.12021.
  • Cameron, David Lansing; Tveit, Anne Dorthe; Midtsundstad, Jorunn H.; Nilsen, Ann Christin Eklund; Jensen, Hanne Cecilie (2014). An examination of the role and responsibilities of kindergarten in multidisciplinary collaboration on behalf of children with severe disabilities. Journal of Research in Childhood Education. ISSN: 0256-8543. 28 (3). s 344 - 357. doi:10.1080/02568543.2014.912996.
  • Cameron, David Lansing; Ruud, Kirsten; Temte, Arlene (2014). Betydning av tidlig intervensjon for språkutvikling hos for tidlig fødte barn : en undersøkelse av programmet "Fra fødsel til småbarn: 0-3 år". Spesialpedagogikk. ISSN: 0332-8457. 79 (2). s 17 - 25.
  • Cameron, David Lansing; Jortveit, Maryann (2013). Do different routes to becoming a special educator produce different understandings of the profession and its core concepts?. European Journal of Special Needs Education. ISSN: 0885-6257. 29 (4). s 559 - 570. doi:10.1080/08856257.2014.933544.
  • Cameron, David Lansing; Lindqvist, Gunilla (2013). School district administrators perspectives on the professional activities and influence of special educators in Norway and Sweden. International Journal of Inclusive Education. ISSN: 1360-3116. 18 (7). s 669 - 685. doi:10.1080/13603116.2013.803609.
  • Tveit, Anne Dorthe; Cameron, David Lansing; Kovac, Velibor Bobo (2014). “Two Schools under one Roof” in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Exploring the Challenges of Group Identity and deliberative Values among Bosniak and Croat Students. International Journal of Educational Research. ISSN: 0883-0355. 66s 103 - 112. doi:10.1016/j.ijer.2014.03.004.
  • Cameron, David Lansing; Cook, Bryan G. (2013). General education teachers' goals and expectations for their included students with mild and severe disabilities. Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities. ISSN: 2154-1647. 48 (1). s 18 - 30.
  • Cameron, David Lansing; Tveit, Anne Dorthe (2013). Profesjonsutøvelse i tverrfaglig samarbeid rundt et barn med spesielle behov i barnehagen. FoU i praksis. ISSN: 1504-6893. 7 (1). s 9 - 26.
  • Werler, Tobias Christoph; Cameron, David Lansing; Birkeland, Nils Rune (2012). A world in transition: Some consequences for education. When Education Meets the Care Paradigm. ISBN: 9783830926887. Waxmann Verlag. 10. s 147 - 150.
  • Cameron, David Lansing; Cook, Bryan; Tankersley, Melody (2011). An analysis of the different patterns of 1:1 interactions between educational professionals and their students with varying abilities in inclusive classrooms. International Journal of Inclusive Education. ISSN: 1360-3116. 16 (12). s 1335 - 1354. doi:10.1080/13603116.2011.580459.
  • Werler, Tobias Christoph; Cameron, David Lansing (2012). Special education and general didactics: From progressive education to accountability. When Education Meets the Care Paradigm. ISBN: 9783830926887. Waxmann Verlag. 5. s 57 - 72.
  • Cameron, David Lansing (2012). Special education, inclusion and the intersection of health and education. When Education Meets the Care Paradigm. ISBN: 9783830926887. Waxmann Verlag. 6. s 73 - 92.
  • Tveit, Anne Dorthe; Cameron, David Lansing (2012). Utfordringer når foresatte skal medvirke på tjenestetilbudet til eget barn. Nordic Studies in Education. ISSN: 1891-5914. 3-4 (32). s 321 - 332.
  • Cameron, David Lansing; Werler, Tobias Christoph; Birkeland, Nils Rune (2012). When education meets the care paradigm. When Education Meets the Care Paradigm. ISBN: 9783830926887. Waxmann Verlag. Artikkel. s 9 - 20.
  • Tveit, Anne Dorthe; Kovac, Velibor Bobo; Cameron, David Lansing (2012). “Ja takk, begge deler” PPTs individ- og systemrettede arbeid i barnehagen. Spesialpedagogikk. ISSN: 0332-8457. 77 (4). s 43 - 56.
  • Thygesen, Ragnar; Briseid, Lars Gunnar; Tveit, Anne Dorthe; Cameron, David Lansing; Kovac, Velibor Bobo (2011). Er generell pedagogisk kompetanse tilstrekkelig for å sikre en inkluderende skole?. Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift. ISSN: 0029-2052. (2). s 104 - 114.
  • Cameron, David Lansing; Nilholm, Claes; Persson, Bengt (2011). School district administrators’ perspectives on special education policy and practice in Norway and Sweden. Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research. ISSN: 1501-7419. iFirsts 1 - 20. doi:10.1080/15017419.2011.558241.
  • Cook, Bryan; Cameron, David Lansing (2010). Inclusive Teachers' Concern and Rejection Toward Their Students Investigating the Validity of Ratings and Comparing Student Groups. Remedial and special education. ISSN: 0741-9325. 31 (2). s 67 - 76. doi:10.1177/0741932508324402.
  • Cameron, David Lansing; Tveit, Anne Dorthe (2009). Individual Plans to Support Collaboration for Children with Special Needs in Kindergarten. Diversity in Education, Ernape proceedings. Luleå University of Tecnology, Umeå University and Malmø University. faglig_bok_forlag. s 10.
  • Cook, Bryan; Cameron, David Lansing (2008). Inclusive Teachers' Concern and Rejection Toward Their Students: Investigating the Validity of Ratings and Comparing Student Groups. Remedial and special education. ISSN: 0741-9325. Prepublished October (doi:10.1177/07419325). s 10.
  • Cameron, David Lansing; Cook, Bryan (2007). Attitudes of preservice teachers enrolled in an infusion preparation program regarding planning and accommodations for included students with mental retardation. Education and Training in Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities. ISSN: 1079-3917. 42 (3). s 10.
  • Cameron, David Lansing; Cook, Bryan; Tankersley, Melody (2007). Inclusive teachers' attitudinal ratings of their students with disabilities. The Journal of special education. ISSN: 0022-4669. 40 (4). s 230 - 238.
  • Cameron, David Lansing; Cook, B.G. (2005). Students with high incidence disabilities. Teaching students in Inclusive Settings: Adapting and accommodation instruction, by Judy Wood. Prentice-Hall.
  • Cameron, David Lansing; Thygesen, Ragnar (2015). Transitions in the field of special education. Theoretical perspectives and implications for practice. ISBN: 978-3-8309-3117-1. Waxmann Verlag. s 299.
  • Werler, Tobias Christoph; Cameron, David Lansing; Birkeland, Nils Rune (2012). When Education Meets the Care Paradigm. ISBN: 9783830926887. Waxmann Verlag. s 150.
  • Genova, Teodora; Cameron, David Lansing (2010). A Decade of Roma Inclusion in Bulgarian Society: Its Echo in the Educational Prospects for the Roma Minority. ISBN: 9783639264302. VDM Verlag Dr. Müller. s 60.
  • Matre, Marianne Engen; Cameron, David Lansing (2024). Talestyrt skriving som alternativ skrivemetode i ungdomsskolen.
  • Cameron, David Lansing; Herlofsen, Camilla (2023). The Nordic Special Education Profession – History, State of the Art and Future Directions: Special Education Professions in Norway.
  • Matre, Marianne Engen; Cameron, David Lansing (2023). Speech Technology for Improved Literacy: An Exploratory Study of Speech-to-text Technology as an Inclusive Approach in Lower Secondary Education.
  • Cameron, David Lansing (2023). A Review of Comparative Research in Special Education: Evidence of Equity in Educational Systems?.

Research groups

Last changed: 13.11.2018 14:11