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Eline Øverbø Roaldsøy

Research Librarian

Subject librarian for: Foreign Languages and Translation, ICT and Engineering Sciences

D2031 ( Universitetsveien 25, Kristiansand )
Office hours:
Kristiansand: Mondays; Grimstad: A03 022, Tuesday and Wednesday

Member of the UiA Language Policy Comittee

Research librarian for:

  • Department for Foreign Languages and Translation
  • Department for Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
  • Department for Engineering Sciences

Ask me about:

  • Searching
  • EndNote, Zotero
  • Reference management
  • The Citation Compass
  • Using and evaluating sources
  • Leganto
  • Access to research literature
  • Courses and guidance in searching and source management

Last changed: 21.08.2023 10:08