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Elin Thygesen


Academic leader Centre for e-health

I2084 ( Universitetsveien 25, Kristiansand )

I am a professor at the Department of Health and Nursing Sciences, Faculty of Health and Sports Sciences at the University of Agder. Currently, I am working as the academic leader of the Centre for e-health at the university. I am a trained nurse and holds a PhD from University of Bergen (2010) with a focus on mental health and coping among elderly people living at home. I have been researching topics related to e-health and have been associated with the Center for e-Health at UiA since 2011.

Research interests

My research has focused on studying patients' and healthcare professionals' experiences with the use of various technological solutions, as well as identifying barriers to information and workflow. In recent years, I have primarily been involved in various innovation projects. These projects have focused on how technology solutions can support people with developmental disabilities in obtaining or maintaining employment, how technology can contribute to better collaboration between voluntary and public healthcare services, and how technology can be used to prevent or alleviate loneliness among vulnerable groups in the population. A key theme in the projects is how to involve vulnerable groups in co-creating new services and technology solutions, where projects are built around principles of interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral co-creation involving users, actors from the public and voluntary sectors, and actors from the business community. Consequences of increasing digitalization in society and how to prevent digital exclusion are also a central theme in recent projects.


I have been involved in and led both national and international research and innovation projects. From 2013 to 2019, I was involved in projects focused on the development of a regional telemedical service for patients with chronic diseases (United4Health and Telma). From 2017 to 2022, I led the innovation project InnArbeid, which aimed to develop services and technology to support the transition from school to work for people with developmental disabilities. From 2011 to the present day, I have participated in and been responsible for the implementation of the Norwegian pilot in the Interreg projects (North Sea Region) iAge (2013-2016), In For Care, informal care and voluntary assistance (2017-2019) and I2I, From isolation to inclusion (2020-2023). Currently, I also participate in the NordForsk project SOS: Infrastructures for partially digital citizens: Supporting informal welfare work in the digitized state (2021-2023).

Scientific publications

  • Safari, Mugula Chris; Wass, Sofie; Thygesen, Elin (2024). One Size Does Not Fit All—Facilitating Participation of People with Intellectual Disability in Design of Digital Technology. International Journal of Design. ISSN: 1991-3761. 18 (1). s 23 - 38. doi:10.57698/v18i1.02.
  • Wass, Sofie; Thygesen, Elin; Imre, Özgün (2023). Designing towards social inclusion - Insights on employers' willingness to recruit people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Systems ECIS 2023. ISBN: 978-1-958200-08-7. Association for Information Systems (AIS). Chapter.
  • Safari, Mugula Chris; Wass, Sofie; Thygesen, Elin (2023). Digital technology design activities—A means for promoting the digital inclusion of young adults with intellectual disabilities. British Journal of Learning Disabilities. ISSN: 1354-4187. 51 (2). s 238 - 249. doi:10.1111/bld.12521.
  • Safari, Mugula Chris; Wass, Sofie; Thygesen, Elin; Haugland, Silje (2023). Intellectual Disability, Digital Technologies, And Independent Transportation – A Scoping Review. Proceedings of the 56thAnnual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. ISBN: 978-0-9981331-6-4. HICSS Conference Office. Smart and Connected Cities and Communities. s 1983 - 1992.
  • Wass, Sofie; Thygesen, Elin; Purao, Sandeep (2023). Principles to Facilitate Social Inclusion for Design-Oriented Research. Journal of the AIS. ISSN: 1536-9323. 24 (5). s 1204 - 1247. doi:10.17705/1jais.00814.
  • Wanderås, Magnus; Abildsnes, Eirik; Thygesen, Elin; Martinez, Santiago (2023). Video consultation in general practice: a scoping review on use, experiences, and clinical decisions. BMC Health Services Research. ISSN: 1472-6963. 23 (1). doi:10.1186/s12913-023-09309-7.
  • Safari, Mugula Chris; Wass, Sofie; Thygesen, Elin (2022). Motivation of people with intellectual disabilities in technology design activities: the role of autonomy, competence, and relatedness. Behaviour and Information Technology. ISSN: 0144-929X. s 1 - 19. doi:10.1080/0144929X.2021.2015442.
  • Fredriksen, Erica; Thygesen, Elin; Moe, Carl Erik; Martinez, Santiago (2021). Digitalisation of municipal healthcare collaboration with volunteers: a case study applying normalization process theory.. BMC Health Services Research. ISSN: 1472-6963. 21doi:10.1186/s12913-021-06429-w.
  • Thygesen, Elin; Safari, Mugula Chris; Wass, Sofie (2021). Transport og arbeidsinkludering. Arbeidsinkludering for personer med utviklingshemming. ISBN: 978-82-15-04692-1. Universitetsforlaget. Kapittel 8. s 117 - 126.
  • Safari, Mugula Chris; Wass, Sofie; Thygesen, Elin (2021). ‘I Got To Answer the Way I Wanted To’: Intellectual Disabilities and Participation in Technology Design Activities. Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research. ISSN: 1501-7419. 23 (1). s 192 - 203. doi:10.16993/sjdr.798.
  • Fredriksen, Erica; Martinez, Santiago; Moe, Carl Erik; Thygesen, Elin (2020). Communication and information exchange between primary healthcare employees and volunteers – challenges, needs and possibilities for technology support. Health and Social Care in the Community. ISSN: 0966-0410. s 1252 - 1260. doi:10.1111/hsc.12958.
  • Karlsen, Cecilie; Moe, Carl Erik; Haraldstad, Kristin; Thygesen, Elin (2019). Caring by Telecare? A Hermeneutic Study of Experiences among Older Adults and Their Family Caregivers. Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN). ISSN: 0962-1067. doi:10.1111/jocn.14744.
  • Karlsen, Cecilie; Haraldstad, Kristin; Moe, Carl Erik; Thygesen, Elin (2019). Challenges of mainstreaming telecare. Exploring actualization of telecare affordances in home care services. Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems (SJIS). ISSN: 0905-0167. 31 (1). s 31 - 66.
  • Moe, Carl Erik; Thygesen, Elin; Aanestad, Margunn (2019). Dilemmas in Scaling up Telemedical Services. Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings. ISSN: 1650-3686. 17s 56 - 60.
  • Holen-Rabbersvik, Elisabeth; Thygesen, Elin; Eikebrokk, Tom Roar; Fensli, Rune Werner; Slettebø, Åshild (2018). Barriers to exchanging healthcare information in inter-municipal healthcare services: a qualitative case study. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making. ISSN: 1472-6947. 18 (92). s 1 - 14. doi:10.1186/s12911-018-0701-z.
  • Holen-Rabbersvik, Elisabeth; Eikebrokk, Tom Roar; Fensli, Rune Werner; Thygesen, Elin; Slettebø, Åshild (2018). Critical issues for employees in inter- municipal health care services: a multiple case study. BMC Health Services Research. ISSN: 1472-6963. 18 (805). s 1 - 13. doi:10.1186/s12913-018-3586-8.
  • Wass, Sofie Sara Terese; Moe, Carl Erik; Thygesen, Elin; Haugland, Silje (2018). Use of welfare technology to increase employment of individuals with intellectual disabilities. Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings. ISSN: 1650-3686. s 11 - 15.
  • Barken, Tina Lien; Thygesen, Elin; Söderhamn, Ulrika (2017). Advancing beyond the system: telemedicine nurses’ clinical reasoning using a computerised decision support system for patients with COPD – an ethnographic study. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making. ISSN: 1472-6947. 17 (1). doi:10.1186/s12911-017-0573-7.
  • Thygesen, Elin; Moe, Carl Erik (2017). Evaluation of a telemedical pathway for patients with COPD. Proceedings from The 15th Scandinavian Conference on Health Informatics 2017 Kristiansand, Norway, August 29–30, 2017. ISBN: 978-91-7685-364-1. Linköping University Electronic Press. Chapter. s 87 - 92.
  • Smaradottir, Berglind; Martinez, Santiago; Thygesen, Elin; Holen-Rabbersvik, Elisabeth; Vatnøy, Torunn Kitty; Fensli, Rune Werner (2017). Innovative Simulation of Health Care Services in the Usability Laboratory: Experiences from the Model for Telecare Alarm Services-project. Proceedings from The 15th Scandinavian Conference on Health Informatics 2017 Kristiansand, Norway, August 29–30, 2017. ISBN: 978-91-7685-364-1. Linköping University Electronic Press. chapter. s 60 - 65.
  • Vatnøy, Torunn Kitty; Thygesen, Elin; Dale, Bjørg (2017). Telemedicine to support coping resources in home-living patients diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: Patients’ experiences. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare. ISSN: 1357-633X. 23 (1). s 126 - 132. doi:10.1177/1357633X15626854.
  • Barken, Tina Lien; Thygesen, Elin; Söderhamn, Ulrika (2017). Unlocking the limitations: living with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and receiving care through telemedicine – a phenomenological study. Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN). ISSN: 0962-1067. 27 (1-2). s 132 - 142. doi:10.1111/jocn.1385.
  • Barken, Tina Lien; Thygesen, Elin; Söderhamn, Ulrika (2016). Living with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and being followed up through telemedicine-A phenomenological approach. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. ISSN: 0926-9630. 225s 926 - 927. doi:10.3233/978-1-61499-658-3-926.
  • Vatnøy, Torunn Kitty; Thygesen, Elin; Dale, Bjørg (2016). Telemedicine to support coping resources in home-living patients diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: Patients’ experiences. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare. ISSN: 1357-633X. doi:10.1177/1357633x15626854.
  • Thygesen, Elin; Leifson, Ragni MacQueen; Martinez, Santiago (2015). Mapping Elderly Citizen’s Computer and ICT Use in a Small-sized Norwegian Municipality. Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF-2015). ISBN: 978-989-758-068-0. SciTePress. KAPITTEL.
  • Smaradottir, Berglind; Holen-Rabbersvik, Elisabeth; Thygesen, Elin; Fensli, Rune Werner; Martinez, Santiago (2015). User-Centred Design of the User Interface of a Collaborative Information System for Inter-Municipal Dementia Team. Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF-2015). ISBN: 978-989-758-068-0. SciTePress. Kapittel. s 446 - 453.
  • Fensli, Marthe M. Fosse; Thygesen, Elin; Gerdes, Martin; Fensli, Rune Werner (2014). Need for Telecare for Home Residents with Dementia: Potential Solutions - Based on the Experiences of Close Relatives and Healthcare Professionals. Scandinavian Conference on Health Informatics; August 22; 2014; Grimstad; Norway. ISBN: 978-91-7519-241-3. Linköping University Electronic Press. 102-009. s 61 - 68.
  • Smaradottir, Berglind; Holen-Rabbersvik, Elisabeth; Thygesen, Elin; Fensli, Rune Werner; Martinez, Santiago (2014). Usability Evaluation of Electronic forms and Collaborative Asssessment Report in an Intermunicipality Health Care team for Dementia Diagnose. Scandinavian Conference on Health Informatics; August 22; 2014; Grimstad; Norway. ISBN: 978-91-7519-241-3. Linköping University Electronic Press. kapittel. s 45 - 51.
  • Thygesen, Elin; Leifson, Ragni MacQueen; Martinez, Santiago (2014). Using ICT training as an arena for intergenerational learning experience. A case study. Scandinavian Conference on Health Informatics; August 22; 2014; Grimstad; Norway. ISBN: 978-91-7519-241-3. Linköping University Electronic Press. kapittel. s 9 - 15.
  • Holen-Rabbersvik, Elisabeth; Eikebrokk, Tom Roar; Fensli, Rune Werner; Thygesen, Elin; Slettebø, Åshild (2013). Important challenges for coordination and inter-municipal cooperation in health care services: a Delphi study. BMC Health Services Research. ISSN: 1472-6963. 13 (451). doi:10.1186/1472-6963-13-451.
  • Thygesen, Elin; Fensli, Marthe M. Fosse; Skaar, Ragnhild; Sævareid, Hans Inge; Li, Yan; Fensli, Rune Werner (2011). User requirements for a personalized electronic community for elderly people with risk of marginalization. SHI2011 proceedings : 9th Scandinavian Conference on Health Informatics, Oslo, Norway, August 30, 2011. ISBN: 978-82-519-2820-5. Tapir Akademisk Forlag. -. s 50 - 54.
  • Sævareid, Hans-Inge; Thygesen, Elin; Lindstrøm, Torill Christine; Nygaard, Harald (2010). Association between self-reported care needs and the allocation of care in Norwegian home nursing care recipients.. International Journal of Older People Nursing. ISSN: 1748-3735. doi:10.1111/j.1748-3743.2010.00247.x.
  • Sævareid, Hans Inge; Thygesen, Elin; Lindström, Torill Christine; Nygaard, Harald A. (2010). Association between self-reported care needs and the allocation of care in norwegian home nursing care recipients. International Journal of Older People Nursing. ISSN: 1748-3735. doi:10.1111/j.1748-3743.2010.00247.x.
  • Thygesen, Elin; Sævareid, Hans Inge; Lindstrøm, Torill Christine; Nygaard, Harald A; Engedal, K (2009). Predicting needs for nursing home admission - does sense of coherence delay nursing home admission in care dependent older people? A longitudinal study. International Journal of Older People Nursing. ISSN: 1748-3735. 4s 12 - 21.
  • Thygesen, Elin; Sævareid, Hans Inge; Lindstrøm, Torill Christine; Engedal, Knut (2009). Psychological distress and its correlates in older care-dependent persons living at home. Aging & Mental Health. ISSN: 1360-7863. 13 (3). s 319 - 327.
  • Thygesen, Elin; Lindstrøm, Torill Christine; Sævareid, Hans Inge; Engedal, Knut (2009). The Subjective Health Complaints Inventory: A useful instrument to identify various aspects of health and ability to cope in older people?. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health. ISSN: 1403-4948. 37 (7). s 690 - 696.
  • Sævareid, Hans Inge; Thygesen, Elin; Nygaard, Harald A; Lindstrøm, Torill Christine (2007). Does sense of coherence affect the relationship between self-rated health and health status in a sample of community-dwelling frail elderly people?. Aging & Mental Health. ISSN: 1360-7863. 11 (6). s 658 - 667.
  • Sævareid, Hans Inge; Thygesen, Elin; Nygaard, Harald; Lindstrøm, Torill Christine (2007). Does sense of coherence affect the relationship between self-rated health and health status in a sample of community-dwelling frail elderly people?. Aging & Mental Health. ISSN: 1360-7863. 11 (6). s 658 - 667. doi:10.1080/13607860701368513.
  • Stordalen, Jørn; Thygesen, Elin (2006). Kurs og konferanser 2007. Årbok 2006. Nytt aktuelt stoff om eldreomsorg på Agder. Høgskolen i Agder, forum for eldreomsorg. faglig_bok_forlag. s 115 - 116.
  • Stordalen, Jørn; Thygesen, Elin (2006). Nyere litteratur innen eldreomsorg. Årbok 2006. Nytt akruelt fagstoff om eldreomsorg på Agder. Høgskolen i Agder, Forum for eldreomsorg. faglig_bok_forlag. s 101 - 114.
  • Sævareid, Hans Inge; Thygesen, Elin (2004). Dagskonferansen 2004. Årbok : nytt aktuelt fagstoff om eldreomsorg på Agder. Forum for eldreomsorg. faglig_bok_institusjon. s 11.
  • Sævareid, Hans Inge; Thygesen, Elin (2004). Etablering av forum for eldreomsorg på Agder. Årbok 2004. Nytt aktuelt fagstoff på Agder. Forum for eldreomsorg. Forum for eldreomsorg, Agder. faglig_bok_institusjon. s 9 - 10.
  • Thygesen, Elin (2004). Forord/leder. Årbok : nytt aktuelt fagstoff om eldreomsorg på Agder. Forum for eldreomsorg. faglig_bok_institusjon. s 6.
  • Thygesen, Elin (2004). Psykisk helse og uhelse hos eldre. Årbok : nytt aktuelt fagstoff om eldreomsorg på Agder. Forum for eldreomsorg. faglig_bok_institusjon. s 21 - 23.
  • Thygesen, Elin; Tønsberg, Anne K. F. (2003). Samarbeidsprosjekter mellom kommune og høgskole. ?. årbok 2003s 67 - 75.
  • Thygesen, Elin (2003). Årbok 2003. Nytt aktuelt fagstoff om eldreomsorg på Agder. Årbok 2003. Nytt aktuelt fagstoff om eldreomsorg på Agder. Forum for eldreomsorg, Agder. faglig_bok_institusjon.
  • Thygesen, Elin (2001). Pasientopplevelser og kronisk sykdom: en fenomenologisk studie av leddgiktpasienters livssituasjon Patient experiences and chronically illness: a phenomenological study about lifesituation of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. ?. 21 (1). s 25 - 29.
  • Thygesen, Elin (2001). Å leve med leddgikt: en fenomenologisk studie av leddgiktpasienters livssituasjon. Å leve med kronisk sykdom: en varig kursendring. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. s 203 - 214.
  • Thygesen, Elin (2019). Proceedings from InnArbeid International Conference on work inclusion for persons with intellectual disabilities. ISBN: 978-91-7685-017-6. Linköping University Electronic Press. s 29.
  • Martinez, Santiago; Budrionis, Andrius; Bygholm, Ann; Fossum, Mariann; Hartvigsen, Gunnar; Hägglund, Maria; Moe, Carl Erik; Thygesen, Elin; Vimarlund, Vivian; Yigzaw, Kassaye Yitbarek (2017). Proceedings from The 15th Scandinavian Conference on Health Informatics 2017 Kristiansand, Norway, August 29–30, 2017. ISBN: 978-91-7685-364-1. Linköping University Electronic Press. s 99.
  • Thygesen, Elin (2005). Årbok 2005. Nytt aktuelt fagstoff om eldreomsorg på Agder. ISBN: 8271175521. Forum for eldreomsorg, Agder. s 160.
  • Tønsberg, Anne K. F.; Fegran, Liv; Thygesen, Elin (2002). Undervisningssykehjems-prosjektet i Agder. ISBN: 8276345530. Høyskoleforlaget AS – Norwegian Academic Press. s 64.
  • Thygesen, Elin (2024). Liability, information, and concent in municipal health and care services.
  • Thygesen, Elin (2023). Sammen om digitalt utenforskap.
  • Velez, Aurora; Thygesen, Elin (2023). Why is tackling soisal isolation and loneliness important?.
  • Thygesen, Elin (2023). Digital inkludering – hva med de som blir stående utenfor?.
  • Thygesen, Elin (2023). Sammen mot digitalt utenforskap.
  • Thygesen, Elin (2023). Sammen mot digitalt utenforskap.
  • Melkas, Helinä; Gustafsson, Christine; Thygesen, Elin (2023). PROTECT at EHiN Collaboration between HWT companies and researchers: What can we do together?.
  • Barken, Tina Lien; Karlsen, Cecilie; Thygesen, Elin (2023). End conference project I2I.

Last changed: 9.05.2023 15:05