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Elsa Mari Almås

Specialist in clinical psychology, specialist in clinical sexology (NACS), Family therapist (IAP)

C5132 ( Jon Lilletuns vei 9, Grimstad )

Cand Psychol from the University of Bergen, Norway, 1981. Specialist in Clinical Psychology since 1988. Specialist in Clinical Sexology NACS since 2002.

Private practice at Grimstad MPAT-Institute, Grimstad since 1988.  Associate professor at University of Agder.

Charter Member of Norwegian Society for Clinical Sexology, president for two periods.

One of the initiators of the development of the Nordic Curriculum in sexology, and one of the organisers of the Nordic guidelines for sexological authorisation.

Together with Esben Esther Pirelli Benestad, originator of the education in basic sexology and sexological counselling at University of Agder.

Togehter with E.E.P. Benestad, research on gender issues and on traumatised sexuality. This work has been presented at national and international conferences.

With E.E. P. Benestad, author of a Norwegian textbook in sexology, published in 1997, revised in 2006; a book on gender issues, published in 2001, and a book on sex and sexuality published in 2004.

Several publications in journals on sexology as a clinical profession.

Research interests

Sexology as a profession, clinical sexology, rehabilitation of traumatized sexuality, gender incongruence, understanding of gender.

Courses and teaching

I have been giving lectures in sexology since 1980.

Responsible for development og Nordic Curriculum in Sexology (1995-1996)

Member of working group for development or guidelines for authorisation of specialists in sexological counselling and in clinical sexology 1999-2002.

Responsible for program (60 ECTS) in sexological counselling at the University of Agder 2001-2021.

Member of Working group for development of professional education in psychology (360 ECTS) at University of Agder.

Work experience

School psychology, Tvedestrand, 1981-1982.

Psychiatric department, Aust Agder Municipality Hospital, 1982-1984

Research Scholarship (NAVF), University of Bergen 1985-1987.

Private practice since 1988.

Associate professor at University of Agder 2001-2012

Full professor in sexology at University of Agder since 2012.

Member of working group for professional education in psychology since 2021.

Academic interests

Clinical and subjective perspectives in research

Organisation of sexology as a profession

Issues related to gender incongruence

Clinical sexology

Rehabilitation of traumatised sexuality


Gender, health and Citizenship, Research group.

Sexological orgfanisations.

Leader of Ad Hoc committee in WAS for professional education in sexology.

Professional education in psychology: community work, how can psychologists use and cope with technology (AI) in society?

Selected publications

General outreach

Lectures, interviews, mediawork over the years since about 1980.

Scientific publications

  • Benestad, Esben Esther Pirelli; Almås, Elsa Mari (2017). Sexologi i praksis. ISBN: 978-82-15-02971-9. Universitetsforlaget. s 399.
  • Almås, Elsa Mari; Benestad, Esben Esther Pirelli (2017). Sexologi i praksis 3. utgave. ISBN: 978-82-15-02971-9. Universitetsforlaget. s 399.
  • Benestad, Esben Esther Pirelli; Almås, Elsa (2006). Sexologi i praksis. ISBN: 8215008496. Universitetsforlaget. s 398.
  • Almås, Elsa (2004). Sex og sexologi. ISBN: 8215006248. Universitetsforlaget. s 186.
  • Benestad, Esben Esther Pirelli; Almås, Elsa (2001). Kjønn i bevegelse. ISBN: 8215000762. Universitetsforlaget. s 272.
  • Benestad, Esben Esther Pirelli; Almås, Elsa (1997). SEXOLOGI I PRAKSIS Behandleres møte med menneskers seksualitet. ISBN: 8251835275. Tano - Aschehoug. s 561.

Last changed: 20.08.2022 11:08