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Frans August Runo af Malmborg

HU016 ( Universitetsveien 25, Kristiansand )

I am currently in a PhD project researching Artificial Intelligence Policy development within an EU context and a Nordic context specifically. The last couple of years of AI research show very promising societal applications that are not yet, but soon will be, implemented that could affect the society in very fundamental ways such as: self-driving cars, facial recognition video cameras, smart agriculture and decision-making robots to name a few. Reports show that the academic interest in AI is growing, that private and government investments into AI technology are exponentially increasing by the year and that the technological performance of AI is rapidly increasing.

The research focus is dedicated to understanding under what circumstances and what factors that influence AI Policy development in the Nordic states. Drawing on institutional perspectives, the policy development of AI is conceptualized as both continuity - such as path-dependency, as well change - conceptualized as organizational and administrative adaptation and integration towards existing national structures (bottom-up) as well as transnational actors such as the EU and OECD (top-down). 

Drawing on interviews with key informants on the national level as well as with transnational actors, the study aims to understand and conceptualize the ongoing political and organizational processes related to the current AI development, how it is understood and framed in public policy and ultimately how it affects political institutions and mobilizes biases within government institutions.

Planned disputation spring 2023

Earlier Master in Social Work from Malmö University Master in Public Administration from University of Gothenburg 


Research interests

The intersection between Artificial Intelligence and Multi-level Governance

Scientific publications

  • af Malmborg, Frans August Runo; Trondal, Jarle (2024). AI and the logics of public sector organizations. Handbook on Public Policy and Artificial Intelligence. ISBN: 9781803922164. Edward Elgar Publishing. Chapter 5.
  • af Malmborg, Frans August Runo (2022). Narrative dynamics in European Commission AI policy—Sensemaking, agency construction, and anchoring. Review of Policy Research. ISSN: 1541-132X. doi:10.1111/ropr.12529.
  • af Malmborg, Frans August Runo; Trondal, Jarle (2022). Transformative ideas, sturdy organizations: varieties of artificial intelligence policy in the Nordics. Governing Complexity in Times of Turbulence. ISBN: 978 1 80088 964 4. Edward Elgar Publishing. Chapter 3. s 33 - 53.
  • af Malmborg, Frans August Runo; Trondal, Jarle (2021). Discursive framing and organizational venues: mechanisms of artificial intelligence policy adoption. International Review of Administrative Sciences. ISSN: 0020-8523. s 1 - 20. doi:10.1177/00208523211007533.
  • af Malmborg, Frans August Runo (2020). Challenges and opportunities of AI policymaking in the EU.

Last changed: 22.04.2020 15:04