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Ida Maria Landgärds-Tarvoll

Assistant Professor

J3060 ( Universitetsveien 25, Kristiansand )

Master’s degree in Finance and Insurance Mathematics, Åbo Akademi University 2016.

Teacher Education, Åbo Akademi University 2017.

Academic interests

Mathematics in the University Economics Education.


http://www.matric.no/ - Centre for Research, Innovation and Coordination of Mathematics Teaching

Scientific publications

  • Landgärds, Ida Maria; Göller, Daniel (2024). Bridging Mathematical and Microeconomic Perspectives: A praxeological analysis of the Lagrange Multiplier Method. Teaching Mathematics and its Applications. ISSN: 0268-3679. doi:10.1093/teamat/hrae020.
  • Fredriksen, Helge Ingvart; Goodchild, Simon; Hogstad, Ninni Marie; Kanwal, Shaista; Landgärds, Ida Maria; Liakos, Yannis; Tetaj, Floridona; Zakariya, Yusuf F. (2022). Early Developments in Doctoral Research in Norwegian Undergraduate Mathematics Education. Practice-Oriented Research in Tertiary Mathematics Education. ISBN: 978-3-031-14174-4. Springer Nature. Chapter 34. s 715 - 736.
  • Landgärds, Ida Maria (2021). The Impact of a Mathematics Bridging Intervention on the Inclusivity of a University Economics Programme. Nordic Journal of STEM Education. ISSN: 2535-4574. 5
  • Landgärds, Ida Maria (2019). Providing economics students opportunities to learn basic mathematics. Nordic Journal of STEM Education. ISSN: 2535-4574. 3 (1). s 185 - 189. doi:10.5324/njsteme.v3i1.2992.
  • Landgärds, Ida Maria (2018). Mathematics Teaching for Economics Students, But How?. International Network for Didactic Research in University Mathematics : INDRUM. ISSN: 2496-1027. s 187 - 188.
  • Göller, Daniel; Landgärds, Ida Maria (2024). Integrating Mathematics and Microeconomics teaching and learning through Praxeological Analysis of the Concept of Lagrange Multiplier Method.
  • Landgärds, Ida Maria (2023). The transition between mathematics and microeconomics: introduction to Lagrange’s method.
  • Landgärds, Ida Maria (2018). Nytt matematikk-opplegg - med mål om å gi alle studenter en rettferdig sjanse til å lykkes!.

Last changed: 25.03.2024 10:03