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Ingrid Espegren Dalsmo

Assistant Professor

C4094 ( Jon Lilletuns vei 9, Grimstad )

Ingrid is educated as a nurse at Sør-Trøndelag University College (now NTNU) since 2004. She has further education in pedagogics, supervision, and Practical Teacher Training. She holds a Master's degree in Health Science from the University of Agder as of 2018. 

Ingrid's main clinical work experience is from the Orthopedic department at St. Olavs hospital (2004-2006) and Hospital of Southern Norway (Norwegian: Sørlandet sykehus helseforetak, shortened SSHF) (2006-2011). Further work on upper secondary education in health and adult education, mainly with Vg3 Health secretary education (2011-2019).

Employed as an Assistant professor at the University of Agder since August 2019, and as a Fellow researcher as of October 2019. Ingrid is currently lecturing areas of Bachelor in nursing in 25% and works with research (PhD) with specialization in health and sport science in 75%.  

Research interests

Currently in the PhD program at the Faculty of Health and Sport Science.

The title of the PhD-project is "Learning in clinical placement studies - addressing the student nurse perspective".

Member of the research school PROFRES which is a national research school for professional research and practice-related research in the field of health, welfare, and education. For more information visit their website: https://www.uis.no/nb/profres

Courses and teaching

Bachelor in nursing

Academic interests

Educational research

Assessment and learning

Clinical studies in nursing education

International health and internationalization


The PhD-project is part of the larger research project named  "Aiming for quality in clinical studies - QUALinCLINstud", which is a collaboration between the University of Agder, the University of Stavanger, and the University of South-East of Norway. 

For more information visit the website: https://www.uis.no/forskning-og-ph-d/forskningssentre/share-senter-for-kvalitet-og-sikkerhet-i-helsetjenesten/prosjekter/qualinclinstud/ 

Selected publications

Dalsmo, Ingrid Espegren; Brodtkorb, Kari; Laugaland, Kristin Alstveit; Slettebø, Åshild; Ekra, Else Mari Ruberg (2022). Learning in nursing home placement: A phenomenological study of student nurses’ lived experience. Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN). ISSN: 0962-1067. doi:10.1111/jocn.16262.

General outreach

Handeland, Jorunn Aas; Dalsmo, Ingrid Espegren (2022). Dukker kan ikke erstatte pasienter. https://sykepleien.no/meninger/2022/03/dukker-kan-ikke-erstatte-pasienter 


Skalleberg, Ann Kristin; Dalsmo, Ingrid Espegren; Frøiland, Christina (2022). Vi må gi sykepleierstudenter digital medvind i praksis. https://sykepleien.no/meninger/2022/03/vi-ma-gi-sykepleierstudenter-digital-medvind-i-praksis 

Scientific publications

  • Dalsmo, Ingrid Espegren; Laugaland, Kristin Alstveit; Fossum, Mariann; Ravik, Monika; Gonzalez, Marianne Thorsen; Ekra, Else Mari Ruberg (2024). Student nurses' experiences with a digital educational resource supporting learning in nursing home placements: A qualitative study. Nurse Education Today. ISSN: 0260-6917. 140s 1 - 7. doi:10.1016/j.nedt.2024.106271.
  • Dalsmo, Ingrid Espegren; Brodtkorb, Kari; Laugaland, Kristin Alstveit; Slettebø, Åshild; Ekra, Else Mari Ruberg (2022). Learning in nursing home placement: A phenomenological study of student nurses’ lived experience. Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN). ISSN: 0962-1067. doi:10.1111/jocn.16262.
  • Dalsmo, Ingrid Espegren; Haraldstad, Kristin; Johannessen, Berit; Hovland, Olav Johannes; Chiduo, Mercy Grace; Fegran, Liv (2021). “Now I Feel That I Can Achieve Something”: Young Tanzanian Women’s Experiences of Empowerment by Participating in Health Promotion Campaigns. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH). ISSN: 1661-7827. 18 (16). doi:10.3390/ijerph18168747.
  • Dalsmo, Ingrid Espegren (2024). Learning in nursing home placements – the student nurse perspective.
  • Dalsmo, Ingrid Espegren (2024). "Learning in nursing home placements – the student nurse perspective".
  • Dalsmo, Ingrid Espegren (2023). Hva kan vi lære av 1. års sykepleierstudenters erfaringer med veilednings- og vurderingssamtaler i praksisstudier på sykehjem?.
  • Dalsmo, Ingrid Espegren (2023). Hvordan kan veilednings- og vurderingssamtaler bidra til å støtte 1. års sykepleierstudenters læring i praksisstudier i sykehjem?.
  • Dalsmo, Ingrid Espegren (2023). Learning in clinical placement in nursing homes – the nursing students’ perspective.
  • Dalsmo, Ingrid Espegren (2023). The learning process in nursing home placement – the nursing students’ perspective.
  • Dalsmo, Ingrid Espegren (2022). Phd-project: Learning in clinical placement in nursing homes – the nursing students’ perspective.
  • Dalsmo, Ingrid Espegren (2022). Learning in Clinical Studies – the student nurse perspective: Status og fremdrift.

Last changed: 21.11.2022 04:11