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Ingunn Elisabeth Stray

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Associate Professor and post-doctor

EU109 ( Universitetsveien 25, Kristiansand )


“Education is not memorizing that Hitler killed 6 million Jews. Education is understanding how millions of ordinary Germans were convinced that it was required. Education is learning how to spot the signs of history repeating itself” (speech by Holocaust survivor Barbara Schecter Cohen).

I am an associate professor in education at the University of Agder, currently engaged in a post-doctorate project, exploring alternative approaches to standardised quality assurance systems in Early Childhood Education that embrace diversity and depolarise educational discourse.

I have work experience from all levels of the Norwegian education system, from early childhood education, primary-, lower- and upper-secondary school, to university-level education.

My fields of expertise are Early Childhood Education, Research Methods in Education, Adapted Education and Inclusion, History and Philosophy of Education, and Education Policy and Quality Assurance Systems.

Work experience

2022-               Post-doctor,  Faculty of Humanities and  Education/Department of Education, University of Agder, Norway


2018-               Associate Professor,  Faculty of Humanities and  Education/Department of Education, University of Agder, Norway


2017-2018:       Professional developer, Education and Monitoring

Staff of the Educational Director of the Municipality of Kristiansand, Department of Development and Monitoring


2014-2017:       PhD Reasearch Fellow  

Faculty of Faculty of Humanities and Education/Department of Education, University of Agder, Norway


2013-2014:       Assistant professor

Faculty of Faculty of Humanities and Education/Department of Education, University of Agder, Norway


2012-2013:        Teacher Higher Secondary Education. Kristiansand Katedralskole Gimle (KKG), the Municipality of Kristiansand, Norway


2010-2012:       Teacher Lower Secondary Education. Steinerskolen i Kristiansand (Waldorf School), the Municipality of Kristiansand, Norway


2009-2009:       Assistant Professor.

Faculty of Faculty of Humanities and Education/Department of Education, University of Agder, Norway


2007-2009:        Assistant Professor (Hour-contracts)

Faculty of Faculty of Humanities and Education/Department of Education, University of Agder, Norway


2009-2009:        Teacher Primary Education. Åsane Skole, the Municipality of Kristiansand, Norway


2000-2009:        Environmental Therapist (weekend position). Department of Habilitation in the Municipality of Songdalen, Norway.


2002-2002:        Kindergarten co-worker. Sørlandsparken Kindergarten, the Municipality of Kristiansand, Norway


2001-2001        Kindergarten co-worker. Wergelandsveien Kindergarten, the Municipality of Kristiansand, Norway


1999-2000        Teacher Assistant. Rødtvedt Skole og SFO. Norway


2022-2024: “Alternatives to standardised quality assurance systems in Early Childhood Education”

Role: Project manager (post-doctor)

Finance: University of Agder, Faculty of Humanities and Pedagogy, The research group of General Didactics and Education Policy.


Studies included in the post-doctorate project:

2022-2024: “Early Childhood Education pedagogy and 6-year-old pupils; Reform 97 and everyday practice in Waldorf Primary Education”

  • Role: Project manager at the University of Agder
  • Co-researchers: Associate Professor Anne-Mette Stabel (PhD), project manager at Waldorf Teacher Education college
  • Finance: Norense foundation
  • Partners: Waldorf Teacher Education college in Oslo and the University of Agder.
  • Web links:
    •  https://www.steinerhoyskolen.no/nyheter/forskningsprosjekt-om-fem-og-seksaringene-i-steinerskolene
    • https://www.researchgate.net/project/Early-Childhood-Education-pedagogy-and-6-year-old-pupils-Reform-97-and-everyday-practice-in-Waldorf-Primary-Education

2022-2024: “Literacy standards in ECE– intentions and practices”

  • Role: Co-researcher
  • Project manager: PhD research fellow Tina Binfield-Skøie, University of Agder
  • Finance: University of Agder, Faculty of Humanities and Pedagogy.
  • Web links: 
    • https://www.researchgate.net/publication/362932449_The_shadows_and_power_of_literacy_standards_in_early_childhood_education_in_Norway

2022-2024: «Professional co-creation in regional arrangements for competence-development in ECE – A follow-up study”

  • Role: Project manager.
  • Finance: University of Agder, Faculty of Humanities and Pedagogy.

2022-2024: “Quality assurance practices in Oceanian ECE traditions– exploring culturally sensitive methods of measuring and monitoring quality in ECE”

  • Role: Project manager.
  • Finance: University of Agder, Faculty of Humanities and Pedagogy.


2020-2023: "Loss of meaning - shaping of meaning in the teacher training programs in the Nordic countries"

Role: Co-researcher

Project leader: Jakob Bøye, associate professor at the Southern University of Denmark. 

Partners: Southern University of Denmark (DK), VIA University College (DK), and University Vest (SK).

Programme: Erasmus+

Link to project:  https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/projects/eplus-project-details/#project/2020-1-DK01-KA203-075047


2017-2020: “Elevens blikk på mobbing” (The pupils' view on bullying):

Role: Project manager

Co-researchers: Professor David Lansing Cameron and associate professor Lisbeth L. Skreland, University of Agder.

Finance: The Norwegian Directorate of Education and Training, as part of the national initiative “Modellutprøving på alvor”.

Web links: 

  • https://www.researchgate.net/publication/356559471_Lower_secondary_school_pupils'_written_descriptions_of_their_experiences_with_bullying_and_the_tendency_to_seek_help


2016-2020: Teammodellen: “Veiledning og vurdering av praktisk lærerdyktighet»

Role: Co-researcher

Co-researchers: Associate Professor Andreas Reier Jensen, University of Agder, Professor Kaare Skagen, Oslo Metropolitan University, Professor Gjert Langfeldt, University of Agder

Finance: University of Agder, Faculty of Teacher Education.

Selected publications

Cameron, David Lansing; Stray, Ingunn Elisabeth; Skreland, Lisbeth Ljosdal (2021). Lower secondary school pupils’ written descriptions of their experiences with bullying and the tendency to seek help. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth. ISSN: 0267-3843. 26 (1). s 487 - 500. doi:10.1080/02673843.2021.2001348.

Stray, I. E. (2017). Teachers' ways in times of fluidity; Idiosyncratic cultural responses to global educational reform movements. Doctoral dissertations at University of Agder.

Stray, I. E., & Voreland, H. E. (2017). Refractions of the Global Educational Agenda. In Negotiating Neoliberalism (pp. 87-99). SensePublishers, Rotterdam.

Stray, T., & Stray, I. E. (2014). Alle elever har behov for å bli forstått. I TNM Bunting. Tilpasset opplæring-i forskning og praksis, 56-80.

Scientific publications

  • Binfield-Skøie, Tina; Stray, Ingunn Elisabeth (2022). The shadows and power of literacy discourse-standards in Early Childhood Education.
  • Stray, Ingunn Elisabeth; Binfield-Skøie, Tina (2022). Moral superiority in Norwegian Early Childhood Education discourses of parenthood.
  • Stray, Ingunn Elisabeth; Skreland, Lisbeth Ljosdal (2019). Bullying– from the pupils’ point of view.
  • Stray, Ingunn Elisabeth; Jensen, Andreas Reier (2019). Diffractions of Teacher Education Policies in Pre-Service Teacher Practicum.
  • Skagen, Kaare; Langfeldt, Gjert; Reier Jensen, Andreas; Stray, Ingunn Elisabeth (2019). Veiledning og vurdering i praktisk lærerdyktighet.
  • Stray, Torstein; Stray, Ingunn Elisabeth (2016). Tilpassa opplæring og arbeid med relasjonar https://www.udir.no/laring-og-trivsel/tilpasset-opplaring/relasjoner/.

Last changed: 10.12.2023 17:12