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Iris Nguyen Duy


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Professor at the Department of Law, School of Business and Law, University of Agder.

Holds a joint Master in Advanced Studies in Comparative Law (DEA de droit comparé) from Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and Université Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas, and a PhD. (Dr. juris) in Public Law from Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, France. She wrote a PhD dissertation on “The Sovereignty of the British Parliament” (published in 2011, L’Harmattan, Paris).

Worked as a researcher at the Department of Public and International Law, Law Faculty, University of Oslo in 2008-2009, on a project on “Dispute Settlement between the State and Municipalities in Norway” with professors Eivind Smith and Harald Baldersheim.

Higher Executive Officer at the Norwegian Immigration Appeals Board (UNE) in 2010.

Postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Public and International Law, Law Faculty, University of Oslo (2010-2015), with a research project on the Norwegian parliament.

Nguyen Duy's research has been published in well-regarded journals and publishing houses, including Oxford University Press, Presses Universitaires de France, Scandinavian Studies in Law, Revue francaise de droit constitutionnel, Revue de droit public, AJDA, Fagbokforlaget, Nordic Journal of Human Rights, Annuaire international de justice constitutionnelle.

Research interests

Main area of research: Constitutional Law (Norwegian, French, British) and Comparative Public Law with a focus on parliaments, democracy, constitutional review and human rights.

Open government

Digital disinformation

Local government and local democracy

Courses and teaching

Teaching includes:

  • JUR210-1 The Rule of Law
  • JUR405-1 International Human Rights Law and Institutions
  • JUR207 Legal History and Comparative Law
  • Earlier: 
    • SV-126-1 Business Law
    • JUR-108-1 Rule of Law and Human Rights
  • Guest lectures:
    • JUS232 Legal History and Comparative Law (UiB)
    • JUS134 History of Law and Comparative Law (UiB)
    • Earlier: 
      • JUS5930 Comparative Public Law (UiO),
      • JUTINTRO Introduction to the Norwegian Legal System (Constitutional Law) (UiO); 
      • FRAJUR French for lawyers (UiO);
      • Classes in JUS2111 Constitutional law, International law and Human rights (statsforfatningsrett) (UiO)

Academic interests

Main research interests

  • Constitutional Law
  • Comparative (Public) Law

Special interests include:

  • French Public Law
  • British Constitutional Law
  • Parliaments
  • Parliamentarism
  • Constitutional democracy
  • Judicial Review / constitutional review
  • Administrative Law (Open Government)
  • Local Democracy and Local Autonomy
  • Human Rights


Ongoing research projects:

Scientific publications

  • Bragdø-Ellenes, Sunniva Cristina; Nguyen Duy, Iris (2023). An Introduction to French Legal Culture. Handbook on Legal Cultures. A Selection of the World's Legal Cultures. ISBN: 978-3-031-27744-3. Springer Nature. Chapter. s 577 - 609.
  • Nguyen Duy, Iris (2023). The Development of Digital Mass Surveillance in Norway: The Emergence of a Surveillance State?. FIU Law Review. ISSN: 2643-7759. 17 (2). s 325 - 382. doi:10.25148/lawrev.17.2.8.
  • Nguyen Duy, Iris (2022). Contemporary Threats to Freedom of Expression in Norway in the Context of the 2021 Parliamentary Election and the COVID-19 Pandemic. Brandeis meets Gutenberg Vol. 2 Contemporary Threats to Free Speech. ISBN: 9783631870945. Peter Lang Publishing Group. 9. s 113 - 153.
  • Nguyen Duy, Iris (2022). Le rôle du parlement dans la révision de la constitution. Une comparaison France- Norvège. Jacques Ziller a European scholar. ISBN: 978-92-9466-346-7. European University Institute. 15.
  • Nguyen Duy, Iris (2022). Norvège. Annuaire International de Justice Constitutionnelle. ISSN: 0995-3817.
  • Nguyen Duy, Iris (2021). The Limits to Free Speech on Social Media : On Two Recent Decisions of the Supreme Court of Norway. Nordic Journal of Human Rights. ISSN: 1891-8131. 38 (3). s 237 - 245. doi:10.1080/18918131.2021.1872762.
  • Nguyen Duy, Iris (2020). Brorskap: Fra ideal til konstitusjonelt prinsipp. Uten sammenligning. Festskrift til Eivind Smith 70 år. ISBN: 978-82-450-3300-7. Fagbokforlaget. Kapittel. s 433 - 454.
  • Nguyen Duy, Iris (2019). La rémunération du travail politique en Norvège. Des règles souples pour des rémunérations confortables. La rémunération du travail politique en Europe. ISBN: 978-2-7013-2035-9. Berger-Levrault. Kapittel. s 325 - 339.
  • Nguyen Duy, Iris (2017). To Serve [Public Interest] or to Protect [Privacy]? Norway’s Dilemma in the Open Government Era. Privacy in a Digital Age. Perspectives from Two Continents. ISBN: 9781611639032. Carolina Academic Press. Chapter 4. s 73 - 118.
  • Nguyen Duy, Iris; Pointel, Jean-Baptiste (2016). La Cour suprême et le contrôle de constitutionnalité des lois en Norvège. Les nouveaux cahiers du Conseil constitutionnel. ISSN: 2112-2679. (53). s 63 - 72.
  • Nguyen Duy, Iris (2016). Local Authorities´ Autonomy in Norway - An Exception among European Democracies. Local Autonomy in the 21st Century / L´autonomie locale au XXIe siècle. ISBN: 978-2-37032-075-9. Institut Universitaire Varenne. Kapittel. s 307 - 325.
  • Nguyen Duy, Iris (2016). Stortinget i passasjersetet. Er det noe igjen av parlamentets lovgivende myndighet?. Lov, liv og lære. ISBN: 978-82-15-02446-2. Universitetsforlaget. Kapittel. s 366 - 381.
  • Nguyen Duy, Iris (2016). The Norwegian Experience with Open Government. Parliaments in the Open Government Era. ISBN: 979-10-90809-08-6. IMODEV. 1. s 1 - 32.
  • Nguyen Duy, Iris (2015). France: Excluding Parliament from Government Formation. Parliaments and Government Formation. Unpacking Investiture Rules. ISBN: 978-0-19-874701-7. Oxford University Press. Chapter 17. s 292 - 305.
  • Nguyen Duy, Iris (2015). L'influence du droit de l'Union européenne sur le Parlement norvégien: l'exemple de la Directive sur la conservation des données. Droit et gouvernance des données publiques et privées à l'ère du numérique. ISBN: 979-10-90809-06-2. Les éditions IMODEV. (chapitre 15). s 203 - 221.
  • Nguyen Duy, Iris (2015). New trends in Scandinavian constitutional review :. Scandinavian Studies in Law. ISSN: 0085-5944. 61s 11 - 48.
  • Nguyen Duy, Iris (2015). Open Government in Norway: Legal Framework and Challenges. Transparency in the Open Government Era. ISBN: 979-10-90809-05-5. Les éditions IMODEV. Chapter 5. s 85 - 105.
  • Nguyen Duy, Iris; Rasch, Bjørn Erik (2014). Hvor gammel er grunnloven? Grunnlovsendringer gjennom 200 år. Det norske demokratiet i det 21. århundre. ISBN: 9788245016147. Fagbokforlaget. Kapittel 6. s 95 - 113.
  • Nguyen Duy, Iris (2014). La Constitution britannique : continuité et changement. Quelques réflexions sur la Constitution britannique et son évolution à l’occasion de la publication des Mélanges en l’honneur de Vernon Bogdanor. Revue française de droit constitutionnel. ISSN: 1151-2385. 99s 581 - 606. doi:10.3917/rfdc.099.0581.
  • Nguyen Duy, Iris (2013). Sovereignty and Europe: The British Perspective. L'Europe en formation. ISSN: 0014-2808. 368 (2). s 79 - 96. doi:10.3917/eufor.368.0079.
  • Nguyen Duy, Iris (2012). La résolution des litiges Etat-collectivités locales en Norvège. Revue de l'Institut du Monde et du Développement. ISSN: 2117-2633. (3). s 71 - 83.
  • Nguyen Duy, Iris (2011). Kan tvisteløsningsordninger bidra til å utdype det kommunale selvstyret?. Lokalt demokrati uten kommunalt selvstyre?. ISBN: 978-82-7935-314-0. Abstrakt forlag. Kapittel 8. s 184 - 212.
  • Nguyen Duy, Iris (2008). Les modalités de transmission des actes des collectivités territoriales - CE, 6 juillet 2007, Commune de Saint-Paul-Trois-Châteaux, n° 298744. AJDA L'actualité juridique droit administratif. ISSN: 0001-7728. (7). s 348 - 352.
  • Nguyen Duy, Iris (2008). L’abolition du bicamérisme norvégien. Revue du droit public. ISSN: 0035-2578. (3). s 921 - 936.
  • Nguyen Duy, Iris (2022). A missed opportunity? The Climate Change Litigation in Norway, a Norwegian Paradox. ISBN: 978-3-88246-468-9. University of Regensburg. s 26.
  • Serna de la Garza, José Maria; Krunke, Helle; Nguyen Duy, Iris (2020). Covid-19 and Constitutional Law. Covid-19 et droit constitutionnel. ISBN: 978-607-30-4290-1. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). s 241.
  • Nguyen Duy, Iris; Bragdø-Ellenes, Sunniva Cristina; Backer, Inge Lorange; Eng, Svein; Rasch, Bjørn Erik (2020). Uten sammenligning. Festskrift til Eivind Smith 70 år. ISBN: 978-82-450-3300-7. Fagbokforlaget. s 713.
  • Nguyen Duy, Iris; Gilles, William; Bouhadana, Irène (2016). Parliaments in the Open Government Era. ISBN: 979-10-90809-08-6. IMODEV. s 213.
  • Nguyen Duy, Iris (2011). La souveraineté du Parlement britannique. ISBN: 978-2296542600. L'Harmattan. s 814.
  • Nguyen Duy, Iris (2024). Constitutional Review in Scandinavia.
  • Nguyen Duy, Iris (2023). Gender Equality in France: Constitutional Framework and Challenges.
  • Nguyen Duy, Iris (2023). An inside-out view on the Nordic countries.

Last changed: 4.04.2024 15:04