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Johan Kristian Andreasen

Associate Professor

32 110 ( Universitetsveien 32, Kristiansand )

Academic interests

Guidance and counseling

Teacher education

Organizational theory

Teachers digital competence



- Learning climate and interaction patterns in the relationship between cooperating teachers and student teachers - a student teacher perspective¨

- Teacher educator identity

- Conflicts in teacher education practicum

- Guidance and the emotions - a phenomenological study

- TPACK in teacher education

Scientific publications

  • Andreasen, Johan Kristian (2024). Samarbeid med skoler ga bedre lærerutdanning.
  • Andreasen, Johan Kristian (2023). Her skal de låse inn mobilen: – Vi klarer ikke å følge det opp godt nok.
  • Bergan, Ingvild; Andreasen, Johan Kristian (2023). VR i partnerskap.

Last changed: 11.03.2024 15:03