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Johannes Wandt

Associate Professor

Research interests

Lithium/Sodium-ion cell technology with focus on cell ageing; development of novel characterisation techniques; laboratory cells to large format commercial cells; interplay of cell design, mechanics and material chemistry.

Looking for students interested in research internship or bachelor/master thesis. If you are interested contact me via email!

Courses and teaching

Winter term 2023: ENE245 - Battery Industry Insights

Summer term 2024: Cell ageing - details tbd

Work experience

2023 - now:   Associate Professor (part-time) at UiA

2018 - now:   Battery Specialist Fast Energy, Lifetime, Power
                             BMW group, Munich, Germany

2017- 2018:   Post-Doc Electrochemical Gas Sensing
                               Curtin University, Perth, Australia

2013- 2017:   PhD Student Lithium-Oxygen/Ion Cell Ageing 
                               Prof. Gasteiger research group, TUM Munich

2012:              Visiting Student
                               KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden

2010 - 2013:   M.Sc. Chemistry
                               Master Thesis: Lithium-Oxygen Cell Chemistry

2007 - 2010:   B.Sc. Chemistry
                              Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany

Scientific publications

  • Solchenbach, Sophie; Tacconis, Camilla; Gomez Martin, Aurora; Peters, Verena; Wallisch, Lea; Stanke, Anna; Hofer, Johanna; Renz, Diemo; Lewerich, Burkhard; Bauer, Georg; Wichmann, Moritz; Goldbach, Daniel; Adam, Alexander; Spielbauer, Markus; Lamp, Peter; Wandt, Johannes (2024). Electrolyte motion induced salt inhomogeneity - a novel aging mechanism in large-format lithium-ion cells. Energy & Environmental Science. ISSN: 1754-5692. doi:10.1039/d4ee03211j.
  • Scharf, Janik; von Lüders, Christian; Matysik, Frank-Michael; Misiewicz, Casimir; Wandt, Johannes; Berg, Erik J. (2024). Gas evolution in large-format automotive lithium-ion battery during formation: Effect of cell size and temperature. Journal of Power Sources. ISSN: 0378-7753. 603s 1 - 11. doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2024.234419.

Last changed: 16.08.2023 10:08