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A232 ( Jon Lilletuns vei 3, Grimstad )

Knudsen holds a PhD in cultural geography from Lund University and a Master’s degree cultural geography from the University of Oslo. He has been employed with several research institutions including Statistics Norway, Agder Research, Nordregio (Stockholm) and the University of Agder. He has previously served as a political editor of the Norwegian daily newspaper, Fædrelandsvennen. He has also been a self-employed consultant for a longer period.    

Knudsen has published nationally and internationally within the fields of cultural and political geography, cultural sociology, education, innovation and planning. Recent publications (2015-2019) include journals as European Planning Studies, Social Compass, Journal of The knowledge Economy, and Regional Studies, and publishers as Routledge, Springer, Fagbokforlaget and Cappelen Damm.

Knudsen serves as the Chairman of the Faculty Board of Landscape and Society at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU). He is appointed as a member of the Norwegian Committee on Skill Needs (2021-2023). He has also been appointed as a member of the Governmental Expert Committee on the Regional Reform by the Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation (2017-18). He has been nominated by the same Ministry as the Norwegian ESPON contact point (ECP) to the EU for the period 2015-2018. He has previously served as the Dean of the former University of Agder, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences. He also chaired (2017) the evaluation of the BA and MA Planning Programmes at the University of Tromsø.    


Knudsen is presently engaged in the EU Horizon 2020 projects GI-NI and Bridges. He has previously been engaged in several research programmes and projects. These include RegReSIr, Learning Regions (2015), VRI and the agenda setting book Politikk for innovative regioner.Oslo: Cappelen Damm. (2016 with Rune Dahl Fitjar and Arne Isaksen). All of these projects were (co-)financed by the Norwegian Research Council.           

Academic interests

Knudsen conducts research drawing on theories linking culture, politics and economics. He is especially interested in the cultural roots of economic behaviour and thinking as they come to the forefront in regional Europe.

Teaching includes:

Institutional economics (master)

Methods in social science (master)

Innovation and Entrepreneurship (bachelor)

Urban and Regional Planning (bachelor)

Supervision of several master students     


Member of two research groups at the University of Agder:

  • ·      Regional Innovation Strategies (RIST)
  • ·      Urban and Regional Planning 

Part-taking in current research projects:

  • EU Horizon 2020: GI-NI
  • EU Horizon 2020: Bridges 

Scientific publications

  • Knudsen, Jon Paschen (2023). Creative Continuation: An Alternative Perspective on Innovation and Society. Debating Innovation: Perspectives and Paradoxes of an Idealized Concept. ISBN: 978-3-031-16665-5. Palgrave Macmillan. Chapter 4. s 57 - 75.
  • Knudsen, Jon Paschen (2023). Responsibility in academia: a cautionary note. Practicing responsibility in business schools : Implications for teaching, research, and innovation. ISBN: 9781035313167. Edward Elgar Publishing. Chapter 2. s 45 - 55.
  • Knudsen, Jon Paschen (2021). Contained Regionalism: Towards a Nordic Model. Organizing and Governing Governmental Institutions. ISBN: 978-82-450-3532-2. Fagbokforlaget. Chapter 15. s 337 - 358.
  • Johnsen, Hans Christian Garman; Hildebrandt, Clare Roberta Louise; Aslaksen, Hildegunn Mellesmo; Ennals, Richard; Knudsen, Jon Paschen (2021). The Dialogical Approach to Workplace Innovation. The Palgrave Handbook of Workplace Innovation. ISBN: 978-3-030-59915-7. Palgrave Macmillan. Chapter 9. s 155 - 177.
  • Knudsen, Jon Paschen (2020). Dealing with rural-urban economic welfare challenges in the Nordic countries – a theory-based overview. Nordisk välfärdsforskning | Nordic Welfare Research. ISSN: 2464-4161. 5 (1). s 58 - 69. doi:10.18261/issn.2464-4161-2020-01-06.
  • Knudsen, Jon Paschen (2020). Regional representasjon i storting og regjering. Hvor viktig er det?. Grenseløst Agder. Det som skilte og det som bandt. ISBN: 9788202696825. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. Kap. 1. s 12 - 29.
  • Normann, Roger; Strickert, Sissel; Knudsen, Jon Paschen (2020). The Agder region: an innovation policy case study. Regions and innovation policies in Europe : Learning from the margins. ISBN: 9781789904154. Edward Elgar Publishing. Kapittel 12. s 252 - 270.
  • Knudsen, Jon Paschen (2020). The learning region tradition: a cultural reappraisal. Learning Organization. ISSN: 0969-6474. 27 (3). s 223 - 234. doi:10.1108/TLO-01-2020-0017.
  • Knudsen, Jon Paschen; Lauvdal, Torunn (2019). Innledning. Geografi, kunnskap, vitenskap: Den regionale UH-sektorens framvekst og betydning. ISBN: 9788202632571. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. Innledning. s 7 - 24.
  • Knudsen, Jon Paschen (2019). Reorganisering av UH-sektoren - Nasjonsbygging med regionsmak. Geografi, kunnskap, vitenskap: Den regionale UH-sektorens framvekst og betydning. ISBN: 9788202632571. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. Kap. 10. s 241 - 264.
  • Knudsen, Jon Paschen; Schulze-Krogh, Ann Camilla; Normann, Roger (2019). Smart specialisation—Norwegian adoptions. Journal of the Knowledge Economy. ISSN: 1868-7865. 11 (4). s 1382 - 1402. doi:10.1007/s13132-019-00610-7.
  • Knudsen, Jon Paschen; Johnsen, Hans Christian Garman (2018). Coping with politics: From post-nationalism to re-nationalism. Coping with the Future: Rethinking Assumptions for Society, Business and Work. ISBN: 978-1-138-55932-5. Routledge. Chapter 1. s 17 - 33.
  • Knudsen, Jon Paschen; Johnsen, Hans Christian Garman; Kaloudis, Aris (2018). Coping with structural change: Understanding framework conditions. Coping with the Future: Rethinking Assumptions for Society, Business and Work. ISBN: 978-1-138-55932-5. Routledge. Chapter 2. s 34 - 50.
  • Knudsen, Jon Paschen (2018). The Sociocultural Basis for Innovation. New Avenues for Regional Innovation Systems - Theoretical Advances, Empirical Cases and Policy Lessons. ISBN: 9783319716602. Springer Nature. Chapter 4. s 61 - 83.
  • Knudsen, Jon Paschen (2018). Towards a new spatial perspective - Norwegian politics at the crossroads. Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift. ISSN: 0029-1951. 72 (2). s 67 - 81. doi:10.1080/00291951.2018.1445125.
  • Normann, Roger Henning; Johnsen, Hans Christian Garmann; Knudsen, Jon Paschen; Vasstrøm, Mikaela; Johnsen, Ingrid Garmann (2016). Emergence of regional leadership - a Field approach. Regional studies. ISSN: 0034-3404. 51 (2). s 273 - 284. doi:10.1080/00343404.2016.1182146.
  • Knudsen, Jon Paschen (2017). Vicarious habitation – reinterpreting the role of peripheral living in a Nordic context. European Planning Studies. ISSN: 0965-4313. 26 (2). s 279 - 296. doi:10.1080/09654313.2017.1361589.
  • Knudsen, Jon Paschen (2016). Innovasjon og utdanning. Politikk for innovative regioner. ISBN: 9788202537159. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. Kapittel. s 138 - 164.
  • Knudsen, Jon Paschen (2016). Innovasjonens sosiokulturelle grunnlag. Politikk for innovative regioner. ISBN: 9788202537159. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. Kapittel. s 103 - 137.
  • Fitjar, Rune Dahl; Isaksen, Arne; Knudsen, Jon Paschen (2016). Konklusjon. Politikk for innovative regioner. ISBN: 9788202537159. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. Kapittel 10. s 245 - 264.
  • Fitjar, Rune Dahl; Isaksen, Arne; Knudsen, Jon Paschen (2016). Ti kapitler til en fremtidsrettet innovasjonspolitikk. Politikk for innovative regioner. ISBN: 9788202537159. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. Kapittel 1. s 11 - 29.
  • Knudsen, Jon Paschen (2015). Un cas d’ecclesiolae in ecclesia en Norvège à la lumière de la théorie culturelle d’Emmanuel Todd. Social Compass. ISSN: 0037-7686. 63 (1). s 57 - 75. doi:10.1177/0037768615606827.
  • Fitjar, Rune Dahl; Isaksen, Arne; Knudsen, Jon Paschen (2016). Virker innovasjonspolitikken? Lærdom fra evalueringer av offentlige virkemidler for innovasjon. Politikk for innovative regioner. ISBN: 9788202537159. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. Kapittel 3. s 53 - 79.
  • Knudsen, Jon Paschen (2015). Education and Social Structure. Higher Education in a Sustainable Society. ISBN: 978-3-319-15918-8. Springer. Kapittel 3. s 29 - 50.
  • Knudsen, Jon Paschen; Horrigmo, Aase Marthe Johansen; Wright, Erle Holstad; Hansen, Tor Borgar (2014). Piloting Regional Innovation or Much Ado about Nothing?—Evaluating the R&D Policy Initiative of Nordland, Norway. European Planning Studies. ISSN: 0965-4313. 23 (7). s 1282 - 1301. doi:10.1080/09654313.2014.928673.
  • Knudsen, Jon Paschen (2015). Skolen som regionalt prosjekt. Skolens kvalitet skapes lokalt: Presentasjon av funn fra forskningsprosjektet "Lærende regioner". ISBN: 978-82-450-1861-5. Fagbokforlaget. Kapittel 2. s 31 - 65.
  • Johnsen, Hans Christian Garmann; Knudsen, Jon Paschen; Normann, Roger Henning (2014). Action research strategies at the “third place”. International Journal of Action Research. ISSN: 1861-1303. 10 (2). s 235 - 256. doi:10.1688/IJAR-2014-02-Johnsen.
  • Amundsen, Ivar; Kalsaas, Bo Terje; Knudsen, Jon Paschen; Olsen, Torunn Skåltveit (2014). Lean og den norske modellen - møte eller konflikt?. Forskning møter praksis. ISBN: 978-82-8314-015-6. Portal forlag. Kapittel 1. s 27 - 43.
  • Knudsen, Jon Paschen; Normann, Roger Henning; Johnsen, Hans Christian Garmann (2014). Ledelse av regionale nettverksprosesser: meningsdannelse og kritikk. Forskning møter praksis. ISBN: 978-82-8314-015-6. Portal forlag. Kapittel 3. s 61 - 76.
  • Knudsen, Jon Paschen (2011). Innovation, culture and politics - An outline for investigating criss-crossing Nordic cleavages. Hva er innovasjon? Perspektiver i norsk innovasjonsforskning. Bind 1: system og institusjon. ISBN: 9788276349511. Cappelen Damm Høyskoleforlaget. Kapittel 12. s 314 - 342.
  • Knudsen, Jon Paschen (2011). Kultur og regional utvikling - teoretisk trekantdrama med politiske kon sekvenser. Kunstens form og kulturens bruk. ISBN: 978-82-92712-51-1. Portal forlag. kapittel. s 247 - 261.
  • Cruickshank, Jørn; Knudsen, Jon Paschen (2010). Planlegging ved pendelens yttergrense. Plan: Tidsskrift for samfunnsplanlegging, byplan og regional utvikling. ISSN: 0805-083X. 3-4s 40 - 47.
  • Knudsen, Jon P (2010). På sporet av de nye byene. Økonomi og tid : 18 essays i Pufendorf-tradisjon : festskrift til professor Arild Sæther på 70-årsdagen, 8. august 2010. ISBN: 978-82-450-1024-4. Fagbokforlaget. kapittel. s 231 - 241.
  • Knudsen, Jon P. (2005). Et bredt partipolitisk forlik er nødvendig og mulig. Jon P. Knudsen (red.): Sterke regioner - forskning og reform. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget 2005. Fagbokforlaget. s 239 - 257.
  • Knudsen, Jon Paschen (2019). Fylkeskommunen: Bindeledd mellom bark og ved. ISBN: 9788202632571. Vest-Agder fylkeskommune. s 7.
  • Knudsen, Jon Paschen; Lauvdal, Torunn (2019). Geografi, kunnskap, vitenskap: Den regionale UH-sektorens framvekst og betydning. ISBN: 9788202632571. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. s 269.
  • Fitjar, Rune Dahl; Isaksen, Arne; Knudsen, Jon Paschen (2016). Politikk for innovative regioner. ISBN: 9788202537159. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. s 288.
  • Knudsen, Jon Paschen; Sødal, Sigbjørn Reidar (2010). Økonomi og tid : 18 essays i Pufendorf-tradisjon : festskrift til professor Arild Sæther på 70-årsdagen, 8. august 2010. ISBN: 978-82-450-1024-4. Fagbokforlaget. s 314.
  • Knudsen, Jon P; Sødal, Sigbjørn (2010). Økonomi og tid 18 essays i Pufendorf-tradisjon. Fagbokforlaget. s 314.
  • Bråstad, Kjell; Grindheim, Jan Erik; Hundstad, Dag; Isaksen, Arne; Karlsen, James; Knudsen, Jon P.; Masdalen, Kjell-Olav; niemi, einar; Seland, Bjørg (2009). Regionen. Historiske perspektiver, aktuelle utfordringer. ISBN: 9788276348361. Cappelen Damm Høyskoleforlaget. s 163.
  • Knudsen, Jon P. (2005). Sterke regioner - forskning og reform. ISBN: 8245003123. Fagbokforlaget. s 257.
  • Knudsen, Jon Paschen (2024). Sentrum og periferi i norsk politikk - et skråblikk på skillelinjer i norske valg.
  • Knudsen, Jon Paschen (2024). Sosialliberalisme i dag: Muligheter for et umulig prosjekt.
  • Knudsen, Jon Paschen (2024). Reflections from Working with the Norwegian Commission on Skill Needs.
  • Knudsen, Jon Paschen (2023). Fra Heimstadlære til regionforståelse.
  • Knudsen, Jon Paschen; Bjørgo, Frode (2023). Oppspill til strategidiskusjon for kompetansefondene i Agder.
  • Knudsen, Jon Paschen (2023). Behovet for å forstå egen region.

Last changed: 24.03.2023 10:03