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Jorunn Gjedrem

Associate Professor

Assosiate professor

53B214 ( Universitetsveien 53, Kristiansand )

Gjedrem gained her bachelor in social work in 1984, and her master in social work at NTNU in 2001. She has a broad experience from the welfare system in Norway; social welfare, child protection. She has worked in an institution with youngsters with addiction and criminality problems, has given supervision and taught in child care units, and worked in an acute child protection unit in Kristiansand. From 2002-2011 she was R&D-advisor in the Child Protection Service in Kristiansand, Norway. Most of her publications are from this period, and all of them are written in Norwegian. She has been teaching on a Bachelor Program in Social Work at University of Agder since 2011. She is also a voluntary at morild.org, a webpage for children and youngsters whose parents have problems with mental disorders or addiction. She is also a voluntary leader in groups for next of kin in bereavement. She has been member of the board of FORSA-Norway (The Association for Research on Social Work) from 2006 to 2012, and a member of the editing team for Fontene Forskning (a Norwegian research journal for social work) since its launch in 2008 until 2016.



She teaches social work courses and in writing Bachelor theses. She has also been teaching on different Supervisor courses.

Academic interests


Gjedrem is researching on developing the teaching methods in the Social Work Bachelor Program.

Scientific publications

  • Ask, Torunn Alise; Gjedrem, Jorunn; Gjerstad, Brita; Lundberg, Kjetil Grimastad; Oltedal, Siv (2021). Sosialfagleg arbeid med familieoppfølging i Nav – ein vignettstudie. Fontene forskning. ISSN: 1890-9868. 14 (1). s 58 - 69.
  • Gjedrem, Jorunn; Steig, Marianne Hovet (2021). Å lære å samarbeide på tvers av profesjoner under utdanningen. Ulike profesjoner felles mål : Barn og unge i risiko. ISBN: 9788215032443. Universitetsforlaget. Kapittel 7. s 113 - 126.
  • Gjedrem, Jorunn (2018). Barnets beste. Barnevernets begreper - i bevegelse. ISBN: 9788205503915. Gyldendal Akademisk. Kaoittel 3. s 63 - 80.
  • Gjedrem, Jorunn (2016). Sosialt arbeid med grupper - en litt utradisjonell type gruppearbeid. Sosionomutdanning på Sørlandet : festskrift ved 25-årsjubileet høsten 2016. ISBN: 9788283141030. Portal forlag. kapittel 11. s 173 - 193.
  • Horverak, Sveinung; Gjedrem, Jorunn (2010). Læring og kunnskapsutvikling i kommunal barneverntjeneste. Fontene forskning. ISSN: 1890-9868. (2). s 39 - 49.
  • Halvorsen, Anne; Gjedrem, Jorunn (2006). Bedre praksis i sosialt arbeid. Fagutvikling og evaluering. ISBN: 9788215008578. Universitetsforlaget. s 220.
  • Kvammen, Mette Fløystad; Gjedrem, Jorunn (2019). User Involvement in research and education in the social work education at the University of Agder.
  • Kvammen, Mette Fløystad; Gjedrem, Jorunn (2019). PUNKS in the system.
  • Lundberg, Kjetil; Oltedal, Siv; Ask, Torunn Alise; Gjerstad, Brita; Gjedrem, Jorunn (2019). Sosialfaglig arbeid med familieoppfølging i NAV.
  • Eide, Solveig Botnen; Ask, Torunn Alise; Gjedrem, Jorunn; Nordstoga, Sigrid (2018). Child Welfare Concepts - in Transition and Change.

Last changed: 24.10.2018 10:10