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Karl Emil Pull

Associate Professor

Associate professor

Office hours:
Kontor: H2029 (Universitetsveien 25, Kristiansand)

Research interests

  • Urban theory and praxis
  • Urban change
  • Displacement
  • Gentrification
  • Housing injustices
  • Smart Cities
  • Blockchain Urbanism


Courses and teaching

City development and planning

Economic geography

Bachelor and Master thesis supervision in planning


Anti-discrimination and best practices on the Swedish housing market - a research circle

Participants: 4 landlords, 2 minority group organisation representatives, the tenant organisation, the regional landlord association

Research leader: Emil Pull

Facilitator: MmD (www.malmomotdiskriminering.se)

Funding: Mucf - Swedish agency for youth and civil society

Selected publications

Pull, E. & Richard, Å. (2021). Domicide: displacement and dispossessions in Uppsala, Sweden. Social & Cultural Geography, 22(4), 545-564

Pull, E. (2020). A landscape of post-gentrification?: A renovation case in Sweden. In: Baeten, Guy., Listerborn, Carina., Persdotter, Maria., Pull, Emil. (Ed.), Housing Displacement: Conceptual and Methodological Issues (pp. 14). London & New York: Routledge

Persdotter, M., Baeten, G., Listerborn, C. & Pull, E. (2020). Conclusion: housing displacement: conceptual and methodological issues. In: Guy Baeten, Carina Listerborn, Maria Persdotter & Emil Pull (Ed.), Housing Displacement: Conceptual and Methodological Issues. Oxon: Routledge

Pull, E. (2020). Displacement: Structural Evictions and Alienation. ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies, 19(1), 364-373

Baeten, G., Listerborn, C., Persdotter, M. & Pull, E. (Eds.). (2020). Housing Displacement: Conceptual and Methodological Issues (1ed.). Oxon: Routledge

Pull, E., Baeten, G., Listerborn, C. & Persdotter, M. (2020). Introduction: housing displacement: conceptual and methodological issues. In: Guy Baeten, Carina Listerborn, Maria Persdotter, Emil Pull (Ed.), Housing Displacement: Conceptual and Methodological Issues. Oxon: Routledge

Pull, E., Lind, J., Tsoni, I. & Baeten, G. (2020). Introduction to the Themed Issue "Narratives of Displacements". ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies, 19(1)

Pull, E. (2020). The Original Sin: On displacement through renoviction in Sweden. (Doctoral dissertation). Malmö: Malmö University & Roskilde University

Baeten, G., Westin, S., Pull, E. & Molina, I. (2017). Pressure and violence: Housing renovation and displacement in Sweden (ed.). Environment and planning A, 49(3), 631-651

CRUSH, C. U., Baeten, G., Blackwell, T., Christophers, B., Grundström, K., Holgersen, S., . . . Bengtsson, B. (2016). 13 myter om bostadsfrågan (ed.). : Dokument Press

Scientific publications

  • Ystanes, Margit; Nordström, Paulina Emilia; Pull, Karl Emil; Scoville-Simonds, Morgan Storm; Huidobro-Goya, Jose Alejandro (2022). Film screening about urban development: struggles for social justice and housing rights.
  • Nordström, Paulina Emilia; Pull, Karl Emil; Scoville-Simonds, Morgan Storm; Huidobro-Goya, Jose Alejandro (2022). Film screening about urban development: struggles for social justice and housing rights: "Dirty Games: Olympic Evictions in Rio de Janeiro".

Last changed: 11.04.2023 13:04