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Laura Tolnov Clausen

Associate Professor

H2033 ( Universitetsveien 25, Kristiansand )

Laura Tolnov Clausen holds a Ph.D. from Roskilde University exploring issues of participation and non-participation in environmental planning processes in Denmark. Her research interests centers around nature, society and technology relations in regards to understandings of sustainability, development and democracy, especially considering the role of knowledge and potential of social learning.

She possesses many years of research experience with facilitation and theorizing over public participation in various settings – e.g. nature resource management, wild life management and renewable energy planning. In recent years she has become increasingly interested in the transition to renewables and related topics such as energy democracy, popular movements and community development. She was part of Wind2050.dk (2014-2017) looking at both the processes behind and the results from previous wind turbine projects in Denmark. Current research projects explore public participation in wind power planning in Norway, Scotland and Denmark NFR ENERGIX project WINDPLAN (2018-2022). 


Selected publications

Rudolph, D. & Clausen, L.T. (2021) Rural development based on renewable energies? Emancipatory potentials between radical democratic and neoliberal logic. In special issue on ‘Forgotten Land’ in PROKLA Zeitschrift für kritische Sozialwissenschaft [in German] https://doi.org/10.32387/prokla.v51i204.1959

Rudolph, D. & Clausen, L.T. (2021) Getting used to it? The elusive U-curve and post-construction assumptions. Pp. 63-81, In Batel, S. & Rudolph, D. (eds): A critical approach to social acceptance of renewable energy infrastructures. Going beyond green growth and sustainability. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 978-3-030-73698-9 https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-73699-6  

Scientific publications

  • Vasstrøm, Mikaela Lise Modalen; Rudolph, David Phillip; Lysgård, Hans Kjetil; Clausen, Laura Tolnov (2024). Rescaling wind energy governance–the dynamic interplay between efficiency and justice in energy policy constructions. Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift. ISSN: 0029-1951. doi:10.1080/00291951.2024.2396936.
  • Tolnov Clausen, Laura; Cruickshank, Jørn (2023). Allmenningen i forandring. Norsk vannkraft mellom lokale hensyn og globale utfordringer. Allmenningsressurser i nord - fellesskap og grunnrente. ISBN: 978-82-8104-547-7. Orkana Forlag. 11. s 265 - 294.
  • Aaen, B., Sara; Lyhne, Ivar; Rudolph, David; Nielsen, N., Helle; Tolnov Clausen, Laura; Kirkegaard, K., Julia (2022). Do demand-based obstruction lights on wind turbines increase community acceptance? Evidence from a Danish case.. Renewable Energy. ISSN: 0960-1481. 192s 164 - 173. doi:10.1016/j.renene.2022.04.127.
  • Tolnov Clausen, Laura; Rudolph, David (2022). Sustainable rural development and rural energy communities in a post-Brexit UK. Rural Governance in the UK Towards a Sustainable and Equitable Society. ISBN: 9781003200208. Routledge. 8. s 140 - 161.
  • Clausen, Laura Tolnov; Rudolph, David (2021). Getting Used to It, But …? Rethinking the Elusive U-Curve of Acceptance and Post-Construction Assumptions. A critical approach to the social acceptance of renewable energy infrastructures. ISBN: 978-3-030-73699-6. Springer. 4. s 63 - 81.
  • Clausen, Laura Tolnov; Rudolph, David (2021). Ländliche Entwicklung auf der Basis erneuerbarer Energien? Emanzipatorische Potenziale zwischen radikaldemokratischer und neoliberaler Logik. Prokla. ISSN: 0342-8176. 51 (3). s 497 - 516. doi:10.32387/prokla.v51i204.1959.
  • Clausen, Laura Tolnov; Rudolph, David; Nyborg, Sophie (2021). The good process or the great illusion? A spatial perspective on public participation in Danish municipal wind turbine planning. Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning. ISSN: 1523-908X. 23 (6). s 732 - 751. doi:10.1080/1523908X.2021.1910017.
  • Clausen, Laura Tolnov; Rudolph, David (2020). Renewable energy for sustainable rural development: synergies and mismatches. Energy Policy. ISSN: 0301-4215. 138doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2020.111289.
  • Clausen, Laura Tolnov; Rudolph, David (2019). (Dis)embedding the wind – on people-climate reconciliation in Danish wind power planning. Journal of Transdisciplinary Environmental Studies. ISSN: 1602-2297. 17 (1). s 1 - 21.
  • Clausen, Laura Tolnov; Bloch, Paul; Smidt, Carina; Toft, Ulla; Reinbach, Helene (2018). Children as visionary change agents in Danish school health promotion. Health Promotion International. ISSN: 0957-4824. 34 (5). s 1 - 10. doi:10.1093/heapro/day04.
  • Tolnov Clausen, Laura; Hansen, Hans Peter; Nielsen, Helle Nedergaard (2018). Forandring i et aktionsforskningsperspektiv. (Change from an action research perspective). Den ufærdige fremtid - Aktionsforskningens potentialer og udfordringer. ISBN: 978-87-7112-693-8. Aalborg Universitetsforlag. Kapitel 5. s 100 - 129.
  • Tolnov Clausen, Laura; Smidth, Carina (2017). Fremtidsværksteder og visuelle metoder som afsæt for interviews med børn (Future creating workshops and visual methods – an approach to interviews with children). Børneinterviews – en antologi om forskellige interviewteknikker. ISBN: 978-87-412-6327-4. Hans Reitzels Forlag. Kapitel.
  • Clausen, Laura Tolnov (2017). No Personal Motivation? Democracy, Sustainability and the Art of Non-participation’.. Landscape Research. ISSN: 0142-6397. 42 (4). doi:10.1080/01426397.2016.1206870.
  • Clausen, Laura Tolnov; Borch, Kristian; Nyborg, Sophie; Jørgensen, Michael Søgaard (2017). Wind2050 – a transdisciplinary research partnership about wind energy. Handbuch Energiewende und Partizipation. ISBN: 978-3-658-09415-7. Springer-Verlag New York. Kapitel. s 873 - 894.
  • Tolnov Clausen, Laura (2016). Re-inventing the Commons. How Action Research can support the renewal of sustainable Commons.. Commons, Sustainability, Democratization Action Research and the Basic Renewal of Society. ISBN: 9781138124776. Routledge. Kapitel 1.
  • Clausen, Laura Tolnov; Bloch, Paul; Toft, Ulla; Reinbach, Helene; E. Mikkelsen, Bent; Poulsen, Kjeld; Bruun Jensen, Bjarne (2014). Revitalizing the setting approach. Super-settings for sustainable impact in health promotion. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. ISSN: 1479-5868. 11 (118). s 1 - 24. doi:10.1186/s12966-014-0118-8.
  • Tolnov Clausen, Laura (2012). Unges bud på Nationalparker i Danmark (Young People’s Ideas of National Parks in Denmark). Kritiske perspektiver på national- og naturparker. ISBN: 978-8-7711-8067-1. Frydenlund Academic. Kapitel. s 114 - 141.
  • Tolnov Clausen, Laura; Hansen, Hans Peter; Tind, Esben (2010). Democracy and Sustainability: A Lesson learned From Modern Nature Conservation. A New Agenda for Sustainability. ISBN: 978-0-7546-7976-9. Ashgate. Kapitel. s 229 - 248.
  • Tolnov Clausen, Laura; Hansen, Hans Peter (2007). Deltagerbaseret forskning. Teknikker i samfundsvidenskaberne. ISBN: 9788778673428. Roskilde Universitetsforlag. Kapitel. s 135 - 155.
  • Tolnov Clausen, Laura (2007). Kampen om å-dalen (The River Valley Conflict). Skjern Å (Skjern River). ISBN: 9788779341753. Aarhus Universitetsforlag. Kapitel. s 67 - 91.
  • Tolnov Clausen, Laura; Ingeborg, Svennevig (2003). Naturen mellem viden og videnskab. (Nature between tacit and scientific knowledge). Naturens værdi – befolkningens holdninger til naturen. (Natures’ Value – Peoples attitudes to Nature). ISBN: 87-12-03969-1. Gads Forlag. Kapitel. s 111 - 124.
  • Tolnov Clausen, Laura (2002). ’Grønne argumenter og lokal identitet’ (Green arguments and local identity).. Folk og kultur, årbog for dansk etnologi og folkemindevidenskab. ISSN: 2596-5417.
  • Tolnov Clausen, Laura (1998). ’Vestjylland på egne præmisser’ (Western Jutland in it’s own Terms).. Nord nytt - Nordisk tidsskrift for folkelivsforskning. ISSN: 0008-1345. 69s 19 - 46.
  • Tolnov Clausen, Laura (1997). ’Sommergæster i Nymindegab’. (Summer Residents in Nymindegab). Mark & Montre. ISSN: 0105-0826. 34s 39 - 55.
  • Tolnov Clausen, Laura (1995). Etnologisk objektivitet? ((Ethnological Objectivity?). Nord nytt - Nordisk tidsskrift for folkelivsforskning. ISSN: 0008-1345. 57
  • Vasstrøm, Mikaela; Tolnov Clausen, Laura (2024). Hva er en ambisiøs havvindpolitikk? Hvordan sikre effektiv og rettferdig utbygging og samfunnsaksept.
  • Vasstrøm, Mikaela; Tolnov Clausen, Laura (2024). «Vil ha «nasjonalt kompetanseråd for vindkraft».
  • Tolnov Clausen, Laura (2024). Offshore Wind and regional futures: challenges and opportunities for energy justice in regional transitions.
  • Vasstrøm, Mikaela Lise Modalen; Clausen, Laura Tolnov (2024). Hva er en ambisiøs havvindpolitikk? Hvordan sikre effektiv og rettferdig utbygging og samfunnsaksept.
  • Tolnov Clausen, Laura (2024). WINDREG: Offshore wind and regional futures: challenges and opportunities for energy justice in regional transitions.
  • Rudolph, David; Tolnov Clausen, Laura; Hansen, Ulrich E. (2024). Beyond socioecological fixes? Linking renewable energy with social and economic development.
  • Tolnov Clausen, Laura (2024). WINDREG: Havvind og regionale fremtider: Utfordringer og muligheter for rettferdig regional omstilling.
  • Tolnov Clausen, Laura (2024). Hvordan sikre en bred verdiskaping i fremtidens havvind?.


Last changed: 3.11.2021 09:11