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Marianne Gjellestad

Office hours:

Public Health Advisor in Agder County Municipality and PhD fellow at the Department of Nutrition and Public Health, Faculty of Health and Sports Sciences, UiA. Current research on women's health and working life in a public health perspective.

Selected publications

Text contribution to NOU 2023:5 The big difference. On women's health and the importance of gender for health, together with Migle Helmersen: Women's health and working life - What do we know and what do we not know? pp. 70-72. https://www.regjeringen.no/contentassets/7e517da84ba045848eb57d4e3d89acc3/no/pdfs/nou202320230005000dddpdfs.pdf  

Gjellestad M, Haraldstad K, Enehaug H, Helmersen M. Women’s Health and Working Life: A Scoping Review. International journal of environmental research and public health. 2023;20(2):1080. https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/20/2/1080

Gjellestad, M., Enehaug, H., Haraldstad, K., Nilsen, V., & Helmersen, M. (2024). How does women’s health matter? A qualitative study on women’s health issues in relation to work participation. Experiences and perspectives from nurses and managers in a Norwegian hospital. Health Care for Women International, 1–26. https://doi.org/10.1080/07399332.2024.2341002

General outreach

  • Presentation on women's health and working life at HSE basic training for managers, employee representatives, safety representatives and AMU members SSHF 11.04.24, Sørlandet Hospital Kristiansand 
  • Presentation for LO Agder's regional conference: " Women's health and working life". 08.03.24, Tyholmen Hotel, Arendal
  • Guest in the podcast "Det ho sa!", Fedrelandsvennen 31.01.24 https://open.spotify.com/episode/2yALctnNxPOka3v3V2RvXV
  • Presentation for the Working Life Council in Agder: The importance of women's health in working life". 06.12.23, LO Kristiansand
  • Presentation for Kvinnespranget, Listerregionen: "Women's health and working life". 27.11.23, Utsikten Hotel, Kvinesdal 
  • Presentation at breakfast seminar at Norske Kvinners Sanitetsforening: "Why should business care about women's health?" 22.11.23, Legenes hus, Oslo 
  • Editorial column in Fedrelandsvennen 21.11.23: "Women's health must be taken more seriously" https://www.fvn.no/mening/leder/i/8JaOoA/kvinnehelse-maa-tas-paa-mer-alvor
  • Presentation for Kvinnespranget, Setesdalen: "Women's health in working life". 20.11.23, Evje Cultural Center 
  • Report in Fedrelandsvennen: "Sykefraværet øker- Kvinner presses fra flere kanter" 18.11.23 https://www.fvn.no/nyheter/lokalt/i/dwAdvo/sykefravaeret-oeker-kvinner-presses-fra-flere-kanter 
  • Presentation for Kvinnespranget, Østre Agder: "Women's health in working life". 16.11.23, Fagskolen i Agder, Grimstad 
  • Webinar, Center for Public Health and Living Conditions: "Women's health in working life". Digital presentation 15.11.23
  • Presentation for the Labor Party's Women's Network: "Women's health in working life" + participation in panel discussion. 15.11.23, Håndverkeren, Kristiansand 
  • Lecture at Forskerfokus, University Library UiA: "Women's health in working life". 15.11.23, Kristiansand
  • Presentation on women's health and working life at HSE basic training for managers, employee representatives, safety representatives and AMU members SSHF 15.11.23, Sørlandet Hospital Kristiansand 
  • Presentation of ongoing phd project during Jordmordagene November 10, 2023, The Norwegian Association of Midwives, Oslo
  • Commentary on nrk tv, Distriktsnyheter Sørlandet September 5, 2023: "Opening of Kristiansand's first Women's Health Center"
  • Commentary on nrk.no August 31, 2023: "Opening of Kristiansand's first women's health center" Opened Kristiansand's first women's health center - NRK Sørlandet - Local news, TV and radio
  • Comment in VG 26.Juni 2023: "Direktøren går på antidepressiva - så ingen ende på dagen" https://www.vg.no/forbruker/livsstil/i/0QO88o/direktoeren-gaar-paa-antidepressiva-mot-pms-saa-ingen-ende-paa-dagen
  • Participation in a panel discussion at "Lunsjseminar: Den store forskjellen", organized by the Center for Gender Equality and Kvinnegrepet 12.06.23. Ernst hotel, Kristiansand
  • Lecture at theme meeting on women's health in Kristiansand Høyre 23.05.23: Women's health and public health in Agder
  • Presentation on women's health and working life at HSE basic training for managers, employee representatives, safety representatives and AMU members SSHF 14.04.23, Sørlandet Hospital Kristiansand
  • Lecture at Sanitetens kvinnekonferanse Agder March 18, 2023: "Women's health and public health in Agder", Norske kvinners sanitetsforening (NKS)
  • Chronicle in Fedrelandsvennen, March 8, 2023, together with Migle Helmersen: "Svangerskap + arbeidsliv = sant?" https://www.fvn.no/mening/kronikk/i/rl5xq0/svangerskap-arbeidsliv-sant
  • Interview in Fedrelandsvennen, March 8, 2023: "Kvinners sykefravær øker" https://fvn.e-pages.pub/titles/fvn/1788/publications/41082/pages/2 
  • Radio interview NRK Sørlandet March 8, 2023, together with Migle Helmersen: "Women's health and working life". Radio interview NRK Sørlandet March 2, 2023: New NOU on women's health
  • Lecture at the women's conference TA PLASS: January 17, 2023: "Women's health and working life". Østre Agder cooperation
  • Editorial column in Fedrelandsvennen October 22, 2021: "Important mapping of women's health" https://fvn.e-pages.pub/titles/fvn/1788/publications/40662/pages/2
  • Interview in Fedrelandsvennen, October 20, 2021: "More than half of the gender differences in sickness absence is unexplained" https://www.fvn.no/nyheter/lokalt/i/PojpJJ/mer-enn-halvparten-av-kjoennsforskjellene-i-sykefravaeret-kan-ikke-forklares

Scientific publications

  • Gjellestad, Marianne; Enehaug, Heidi; Haraldstad, Kristin; Nilsen, Vegard; Helmersen, Migle (2024). How does women's health matter? A qualitative study on women's health issues in relation to work participation. Experiences and perspectives from nurses and managers in a Norwegian hospital. Health Care for Women International. ISSN: 0739-9332. s 1 - 26. doi:10.1080/07399332.2024.2341002.
  • Gjellestad, Marianne; Enehaug, Heidi; Haraldstad, Kristin; Nilsen, Vegard; Helmersen, Migle (2024). Women’s health at work: a qualitative study on women’s health issues in relation to work participation. Experiences and perspectives from female teachers and managers in Norwegian high schools. BMC Public Health. ISSN: 1471-2458.
  • Gjellestad, Marianne; Enehaug, Heidi; Haraldstad, Kristin; Nilsen, Vegard; Helmersen, Migle (2024). Women’s health at work: a qualitative study on women’s health issues in relation to work participation. Experiences and perspectives from female teachers and managers in Norwegian high schools. BMC Public Health. ISSN: 1471-2458. 24 (1). doi:10.1186/s12889-024-19241-y.
  • Gjellestad, Marianne; Haraldstad, Kristin; Enehaug, Heidi; Helmersen, Migle (2023). Women’s Health and Working Life: A Scoping Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH). ISSN: 1661-7827. 20 (2). doi:10.3390/ijerph20021080.
  • Gjellestad, Marianne (2024). Kvinnehelse i et folkehelseperspektiv.
  • Gjellestad, Marianne (2024). Kvinnehelse og arbeidsliv.
  • Gjellestad, Marianne (2024). Kvinnehelse og arbeidsliv.
  • Gjellestad, Marianne (2024). Kvinnehelse og arbeidsliv.
  • Gjellestad, Marianne (2024). Synliggjøring, ikke sykeliggjøring!.
  • Gjellestad, Marianne (2024). Kvinnehelse i arbeidslivet.
  • Gjellestad, Marianne (2024). Kvinnehelse og arbeidsliv.
  • Gjellestad, Marianne (2024). Kvinnehelse og arbeidsliv.

Last changed: 19.04.2024 12:04