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Merete Elnan

Head of Department

G2012 ( Universitetsveien 25, Kristiansand )

My main-interest and experience is Theatre for Young Audiences (TYA): performing arts for children, by youth, theatre with children, or theater discussing childhood. I have followed the work of Suzanne Osten and the ensemble Unga Klara for decades, and has several publications that analyses Osten’s work. I have been a board member of the Norwegian Assitej since 2011, and has been a part of the ITYARN (the International Theatre for Young Audiences Research Network) since the start in 2007.


R&D group Art and Conflict

Project: Touring schools with the performance Taboo -a theatre project and crime prevention: Causing and dealing with resistance among grown-ups.

Scientific publications

  • Elnan, Merete (2019). Mot, motstand og dilemmaer. Kunst og konflikt: Teater, visuell kunst og musikk i kontekst. ISBN: 9788215032344. Universitetsforlaget. Kapittel 5. s 106 - 128.
  • Elnan, Merete (2012). The Notion of Children: How Can the Idea of childhood, of Children as Spectators and of Understanding Influence Theatre for Young Audiences?. TYA, Culture, Society : International Essays on Theatre for Young Audiences. ISBN: 978-3-631-63688-6. Peter Lang Publishing Group. Kapittel. s 165 - 178.
  • Elnan, Merete (2009). Staging the Impossible for Young Audiences Preliminary Findings in a Research Project. Youth Theatre Journal. ISSN: 0892-9092. 23 (1). s 39 - 47.
  • Elnan, Merete (2018). Fra faglærerutdanning i teater til bachelor i samtidsteater. (praksis i skolen -> prosjekter med og i skolen).
  • Elnan, Merete (2018). Hvordan legge til rette for at flere velger estetiske fag i lærerutdanningene?.
  • Elnan, Merete (2016). Talk: Suzanne Osten. How can a book and a play for children end up as a film for Young adults?.
  • Elnan, Merete (2016). Workshop/forarbeid i forbindelse med "Til Fyret".
  • Elnan, Merete (2016). Presentation of the Artistic Board, and of the choices we have made and the work prior to the SAND Festival 2016..
  • Elnan, Merete; Wergeland-Yates, Marit (2016). Kunstnerisk praksis og nettverksbygging i EU gjennom Platform Shift+.

Last changed: 22.10.2018 20:10