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Oddveig Reiersdal Aaberg

Associate Professor

Associate Professor PhD

I2 019 ( Universitetsveien 25, Kristiansand )


  • Philosophia doctor in health and medicine. University of Stavanger (UIS) 2022
  • Master's degree in Clinical Nursing Science - acute and critical ill patients. Oslo University College (HIO) - Oslo Met 2010
  • Advanced nursing education in Intensive Care/Critical Care Nursing. Agder University College (HIA) 2005
  • Administration and Management for Health and Social Care. Agder Distrikt Høgskole (ADH) 1998
  • Exam Philosophicum. Agder Distrikts Høgskole (ADH) 1993
  • Bachelor's degree in Nursing. Kristiansand Nursing University College (KSH) 1993

Research interests

  • Interprofessional teamwork in hospitals
  • Clinical decision making in teams
  • teamwork training - healthcare professionals
  • Quality improvement
  • Continuing Education (CE)
  • Organizational change management - Implementation
  • Patient Safety
  • Human Factors
  • TeamSTEPPS
  • Simulation training
  • Pain assessment - a quality improvement project in hospital

A 3 month study stay during PHD studies at the University of California Los Angeles, at the UCLA Simulation Center, David Geffen School of Medicine / Department of Anesthesiology & Periperative Medicine. Participated in a research project: Developing a Serious Game for Teamwork Skills Training and Assessment.

Work experience

  • 2022-current: Professor PhD UIA
  • 2019-2022: Assistant professor UIA
  • 2015-2019: PhD fellow NTNU
  • 2012-2015: Assistant professor UIA
  • 2007-2012: intensive care nurse in the intensive care unit at Sørlandet Hospital HF Kristiansand
  • 2006-2007: Intensive care nurse in the intensive care unit at Aker University Hospital in Oslo
  • 1996-2004: Nurse manager in a surgical department,
  • 1993-1996: Reg. nurse in emergency room, inpatient ward and in an intensive care unit, Sørlandet Hospital HF Kristiansand


  • Safe and effective post operative pain management - Project Manager
  • Introduction of electronic work schedule system - Project team member
  • Pre-operative outpatient clinic for TUR-P patients Project team member
  • Implementation of NRS pain score Intensive and post operative unit SSK Project Manager
  • Implementation of new nutrition protocol in ICU-  SSK Project Manager
  • Introduction of electronic assessment system clinic's practice in the specialist health service - Project Manager
  • Implementation of TeamSTEPPS in surgical ward - Coach & Project Management

General outreach


Patient Safety

Psychological safety

Scientific publications

  • Aaberg, Oddveig Reiersdal; Hall-Lord, Marie Louise; Husebø, Sissel Iren Eikeland; Ballangrud, Randi (2021). A human factors intervention in a hospital - evaluating the outcome of a TeamSTEPPS program in a surgical ward. BMC Health Services Research. ISSN: 1472-6963. 21doi:10.1186/s12913-021-06071-6.
  • Aaberg, Oddveig Reiersdal; Hall-Lord, Marie Louise; Husebø, Sissel Iren Eikeland; Ballangrud, Randi (2019). A Complex Teamwork Intervention in a Surgical Ward in Norway. BMC Research Notes. ISSN: 1756-0500. 12doi:10.1186/s13104-019-4619-z.
  • Aaberg, Oddveig Reiersdal; Ballangrud, Randi; Husebø, Sissel Iren Eikeland; Hall-Lord, Marie Louise (2019). An Interprofessional Team Training Intervention with an Implementation Phase in a Surgical Ward: A controlled quasi-experimental study. Journal of Interprofessional Care. ISSN: 1356-1820. s 1 - 10. doi:10.1080/13561820.2019.1697216.
  • Aaberg, Oddveig Reiersdal; Hall-Lord, Marie Louise; Husebø, Sissel Iren Eikeland; Ballangrud, Randi (2019). Collaboration and Satisfaction About Care Decisions in Team questionnaire - psychometric testing of the Norwegian version, and hospital healthcare personnel perceptions across hospital units. Nursing Open. ISSN: 2054-1058. 6 (2). s 642 - 650. doi:10.1002/nop2.251.
  • Aaberg, Oddveig Reiersdal; Wiig, Siri (2017). Interprofessional team training in hospital wards: A literature review. Safety & Reliability, Theory and Applications. ISBN: 978-1138629370. CRC Press. Accident and incident modellinng. s 241 - 250.
  • Ballangrud, Randi; Husebø, Sissel Iren Eikeland; Aase, Karina; Aaberg, Oddveig Reiersdal; Vifladt, Anne; Berg, Geir Vegard; Hall-Lord, Marie Louise (2017). “Teamwork in hospitals”: a quasi-experimental study protocol applying a human factors approach. BMC Nursing. ISSN: 1472-6955. 16 (1). doi:10.1186/s12912-017-0229-z.
  • Aaberg, Oddveig Reiersdal (2022). Teamarbeid og pasientsikkerhet i kirurgisk poliklinikk.
  • Aaberg, Oddveig Reiersdal (2022). Interprofessional teamwork in hospital.
  • Aaberg, Oddveig Reiersdal; Hall Lord, Marie Louise; Husebø, Sissel Iren Eikeland; Ballangrud, Randi (2022). Interproffessional teamwork in hospital.
  • Aaberg, Oddveig Reiersdal; Husebø, Sissel Iren Eikeland; Hall-Lord, Marie Louise; Ballangrud, Randi (2021). TeamSTEPPS® and the impact on Patient Safety Culture in a Surgical Ward - a controlled quasi-experimental study.
  • Aaberg, Oddveig Reiersdal; Husebø, Sissel Iren Eikeland; Hall-Lord, Marie Louise; Ballangrud, Randi (2021). TeamSTEPPS® and the Impact on Patient Safety Culture in a Surgical Ward - a Controlled Study. (Virtual poster with oral presntation video)..
  • Ballangrud, Randi; Aaberg, Oddveig Reiersdal; Karlsen, Tore (2020). TeamSTEPPS Train the Trainer - Masterkurs - for helsepersonell i Norge.

Last changed: 14.03.2024 14:03