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Otto Andersen


Otto Andersen is Professor at the Department of Management at the School of Business and Law at the University of Agder.

Andersen’s research is primarily focused on business to business marketing, in particular application of transaction cost analysis, and differences between domestic and international business relationships.

Throughout his career, Andersen has published a large number of scientific articles in journals, such as International Journal of Industrial Organization, Management International Review, International Business Review, European Journal of Marketing, Omega: The International Journal of Management Science, Journal of International Marketing and Journal of International Business Studies.

His 1993 article On the internationalization process of firms: A critical analysis (Journal of International Business Studies) has more than 2100 citations and continues to receive between 100 and 150 new citations annually.

Andersen has been a Professor at the University of Agder since 1999. He is a former Reader (Dosent) at Agder University College and also a former Associate Professor at Agder and Nordland College.

Andersen has led a number of research projects, such as The effects of regional policy measures on firms' behaviour and performance, Export behaviour of the firms in Northern Norway, The effects of marketing support to regional firms, Bankruptcy: Causes and firms'  behaviour and An evaluation of regional policy measures directed to women.


Research interests

Business to business relationships, transaction cost analysis, relationship marketing

Courses and teaching

Research methods (bachelor and master level)

Academic interests

Transaction cost analysis

Selected publications

European Journal of Marketing, Journal of International Business Studies, International Business Review, Management International Review, OMEGA.

Scientific publications

  • Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward; Buvik, Arnt; Andersen, Otto (2020). Contractual safeguarding of specific assets in cross-border and domestic buyer–supplier relationships. Journal of Strategic Contracting and Negotiation. ISSN: 2055-5636. 4 (3). s 167 - 185. doi:10.1177/2055563620918866.
  • Saeed, Naima; Song, Dong-Wook; Andersen, Otto (2018). Governance mode for port congestion mitigation: A transaction cost perspective. Netnomics. ISSN: 1385-9587. 19 (3). s 159 - 178. doi:10.1007/s11066-018-9123-4.
  • Buvik, Arnt; Andersen, Otto (2016). Adaptation problems in business relationships with substantial asset specificity and environmental uncertainty : the moderating effect of relationship duration. International Journal of procurement management. ISSN: 1753-8432. 9 (2). s 206 - 222. doi:10.1504/IJPM.2016.075265.
  • Buvik, Arnt; Andersen, Otto; Halskau sr, Øyvind (2015). The effect of buyer specific-monitoring procedures on buyer control in dynamic supply chain links. International Journal of procurement management. ISSN: 1753-8432. 8 (3). s 365 - 382. doi:10.1504/IJPM.2015.069158.
  • Buvik, Arnt; Andersen, Otto (2015). The effect of multiple sourcing and bilateral dependency on buyer control in industrial buyer-seller relationships. International Journal of procurement management. ISSN: 1753-8432. 8 (4). s 441 - 456. doi:10.1504/IJPM.2015.070741.
  • Hannås, Gøril; Buvik, Arnt; Andersen, Otto (2015). The effect of relation specific information technology on collaborative coordination in business-to-business relationships. International Journal of procurement management. ISSN: 1753-8432. 8 (4). s 416 - 440. doi:10.1504/IJPM.2015.070742.
  • Buvik, Arnt; Andersen, Otto; Grønhaug, Kjell (2014). Buyer control in domestic and international supplier-buyer relationships. European Journal of Marketing. ISSN: 0309-0566. 48 (3/4). s 722 - 741. doi:10.1108/EJM-03-2011-0181.
  • Hafeez, Ajmal; Andersen, Otto (2014). Factors Influencing Accounting Outsourcing Pratices among SMEs in Pakistan Context: Transaction Cost Economics (TCE) and Resource-Based Views (RBV)Perspectives. International Journal of Business and Management (IJBM). ISSN: 1833-3850. 9 (7). s 19 - 32. doi:10.5539/ijbm.v9n7p19.
  • Chao, Emmanuel James; Andersen, Otto (2013). Contractual Satisfaction: The Polish and Tanzanian Perspectives. Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing. ISSN: 1051-712X. 20 (3). s 155 - 173. doi:10.1080/1051712X.2012.750184.
  • Andersen, Otto (2013). Foreign Entry Mode Choice: The Contribution of Jean-François Hennart an d Erin Anderson. Management for Progress : Festschrift in honor of the manifold academician Professor Harald Knudsen, 70 years. ISBN: 978-82-7099-734-3. Novus Forlag. Del 3. s 256 - 268.
  • Hannås, Gøril; Andersen, Otto (2011). B2B Relationships in Modern Times: Implications of Relation-Specific Information Systems on Governance Forms. International Journal of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management (IJISSCM). ISSN: 1935-5726. 4 (3). doi:10.4018/jisscm.2011070102.
  • Buvik, Arnt; Andersen, Otto (2011). The effects of buyer specific investments and buyer specific monitoring investments on hierarchical governance in business-to-business relationships. Journal of Marketing Development and Competitiveness. ISSN: 2155-2843. 5 (2). s 87 - 97.
  • Hannås, Gøril; Buvik, Arnt; Andersen, Otto (2010). Electronic commerce and governance forms : a transaction cost approach. International Journal of procurement management. ISSN: 1753-8432. 3 (4). s 409 - 427. doi:10.1504/IJPM.2010.035470.
  • Andersen, Otto; Buvik, Arnt (2002). Firms' internationalization and alternative approaches to the international customer/market selection. International Business Review. ISSN: 0969-5931. 11 (3). s 347 - 363. doi:10.1016/S0969-5931(01)00064-6.
  • Buvik, Arnt; Andersen, Otto (2002). The impact of vertical coordination on ex post transaction costs in domestic and international buyer-seller relationships. Journal of International Marketing. ISSN: 1069-031X. 10 (1). s 1 - 24. doi:10.1509/jimk.
  • Buvik, Arnt; Andersen, Otto (2001). Inter-firm co-ordination : international versus domestic buyer-seller relationships. Omega. The International Journal of Management Science. ISSN: 0305-0483. 29 (2). s 207 - 219. doi:10.1016/S0305-0483(00)00043-8.
  • Andersen, Otto; Kheam, Low Suat (1998). Resource-Based Theory and International Growth Strategies: An Exploratory Study. International Business Review. ISSN: 0969-5931. 7 (2). s 163 - 184.
  • Andersen, Otto; Low, Suat Kheam; Elnan, Hans (1997). An exploratory study of international product and promotion adaptations in SMEs. ?. VIIs 144 - 148.
  • Andersen, Otto; Rynning, Marjo-Riitta (1994). Prediction of export intentions - managing with structural characteristics?. Scandinavian Journal of Management. ISSN: 0956-5221. 10 (1). s 17 - 27. doi:10.1016/0956522194900345.
  • Andersen, Otto; Rynning, M.R. (1994). Structural and behavioral predictors of export adoption: A Norwegian Study. Journal of International Marketing. ISSN: 1069-031X. 2 (1). s 73 - 90.
  • Rynning, Marjo-Riitta; Andersen, Otto (1994). Structural and behavioral predictors of export adoption: a Norwegian study. Journal of International Marketing. ISSN: 1069-031X. 2 (1). s 73 - 89.
  • Andersen, Otto (1993). On the Internationalization Process of Firms: A Critical Analysis. Journal of International Business Studies. ISSN: 0047-2506. 24 (2). s 209 - 232.
  • Rynning, Marjo-Riitta; Andersen, Otto (1992). The capabilities, co-operation and diversification connection. Marketing for Europe - marketing for future: Proceedings of the 21st annual conference of the European Marketing Academy. ISBN: 8789695070. EMAC. artikkel.
  • Andersen, Otto; Rynning, Marjo-Riitta (1991). An Empirical Illustration of an Alternative Approach to Measuring the Market Power and High Profits Hypothesis. International Journal of Industrial Organization. ISSN: 0167-7187. 9s 239 - 249.
  • Andersen, Otto; Rynning, Marjo-Riitta (1991). An empirical illustration of an alternative approach to measuring the market power and high-profit hypothesis. International Journal of Industrial Organization. ISSN: 0167-7187. 9 (2). s 239 - 249. doi:10.1016/0167718705800050.
  • Andersen, Otto (1991). Internasjonalisering i mindre bedrifter: Hva betyr bedriftenes beliggenhet?. ?. 5 (1). s 39 - 52.
  • Andersen, Otto; Hwang Flater, Dag (1987). Internasjonaliseringsstrategier og barrierer. ?. (1). s 23 - 36.
  • Lehtisalo, Marjo-Riitta; Andersen, Otto (1987). The effects of government financial support to marketing activities on marketing strategy and performance of recipient firms: a case study of developing areas in Norway. Proceedings of the Third Bi-Annual International Conference of the Academy of Marketing Science. ISBN: 9780939783007. Academy of Marketing Science. artikkel. s 50 - 55.
  • Andersen, Otto (1986). Bør det offentlige veiledningsapparatet omstilles eller innstilles?. Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning. ISSN: 0040-716X. 27s 29 - 52.
  • Andersen, Otto (1986). Hva betyr DU-virkemidlene for valg av vekststrategi?. Plan og Arbeid. ISSN: 0032-0609. (5). s 18 - 22.
  • Andersen, Otto (1985). Ny melding - ny distriktspolitikk?. Sosialøkonomen. ISSN: 0038-1624. (4). s 3 - 7.
  • Andersen, Otto (1983). Omfanget av støtte til distriktsbedriftene. Plan og Arbeid. ISSN: 0032-0609. (9). s 287 - 291.
  • Andersen, Otto; Elnan, Hans (1982). Virker - virker ikke? Analyse av distriktspolitiske effekter. Plan og Arbeid. ISSN: 0032-0609. (6). s 401 - 403.
  • Andersen, Otto; Buvik, Arnt (2023). Behavioral uncertainty and performance ambiguity: Different concepts, different impacts? A theoretical discussion.
  • Chao, Emmanuel James; Andersen, Otto (2017). Assessing Drivers of Firm Pro-Active Safeguard Mechanisms.
  • Andersen, Otto (2017). International Business Management in Emerging Markets: Do we need new theories?.
  • Saeed, Naima; Song, Dong-Wook; Andersen, Otto (2016). Governance Mode for Port Congestion Mitigation: A Transaction Cost Perspective.
  • Saeed, Naima; Song, Dong-Wook; Andersen, Otto (2016). Understanding port congestion as a governance issue: a transaction cost perspective.


Last changed: 16.10.2018 13:10